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http://i.minus.com/iU4Brcc6Meuao.jpg this is apparently guilty crown.jpg

I didn't actually watch it but I'm curious as to what happens in episodes 16 and 17 that's so badass, and then what happens right afterward that makes it even worse than before

That must be the best anime ever.

I will never watch it, for I am not worthy...

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Rosario Vampire

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A Bridge to the Starry Skies


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Vampire Hunter D (movie)

I know it's a long list isn't it?

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I've watched:

1. Samurai Champloo (Japanese)

2. Gurren Lagann (Japanese)

3. Cowboy Bebop (English)

5. Death Note (English)

4(?). Mobile Suit Gundam (English)

Zeta Gundam (English

4(?). 08th MS Team (Japanese)

Stardust Memory (English)

4(?). 0080 War in the Pocket (English)

Gundam Wing (Japanese)

Gundam 00 (English)

Numbers show my top five. Samurai Champloo and Gurren Lagann are actually on par. Love Samurai Champloo's art style, animation, music, characters, and story. Same with Gurren Lagann. Thing is, they both have a completely different feel to them, so it's hard to compare.

As you can probably tell, I love Gundam. I'm planning to watch all of them. I watched most of them in English because I watch them while I eat. And it's easier to understand since it's kinda heavy dialogue.

Right now I'm watching Code Geass and ZZ Gundam. I was watching Trigun, but then I got bored of it, so I stopped.

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  • 3 months later...

(Is this a place for suggestions?) I was just re-reading Fruits Baskets recently and remembered how awesome it was. Are there any other amazing shoujo manga with drama, romance, deep characters? That are complete? And not too long (under 30 volumes I guess)?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

That must be the best anime ever.

I will never watch it, for I am not worthy...

Really really late info, but:

That's the main character getting his arm lopped off by a guy that had died already. It was basically the entry point for where the series stops making any sense whatsoever. The anime never gave satisfactory answers for why and how he returned to life, or really any of his motives, since the ones he states can't possibly be true.

This moment was pretty awesome, since the main character had become a ruthless despot in an effort to save everyone, and this created drama. But otherwise it didn't make the show really cool.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It should have been deleted upon creation. Meh.

Anyway I heard Toaru Kagaku no Railgun series 2 is out, or will be out soon. I haven't watched any anime for a very long time. This might be next on my list.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you ^^

As for Railgun 2, since I see it was being mentioned, it's supposed to come out in April as part of the Spring line-up.


Now if only Neregate would get the Spring anime charts out so I could see what else will air

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I've only read the fire emblem 4 manga, but I did watch some anime's

Mostly the populair ones like

Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood


One Piece


Recently i've started watching a new series called magi: labyrinth of magic. Its pretty awesome so far, but I hardly hear anyone about it online.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you ^^

As for Railgun 2, since I see it was being mentioned, it's supposed to come out in April as part of the Spring line-up.


Now if only Neregate would get the Spring anime charts out so I could see what else will air

Wait... is the Imouto Arc confirmed to be in the second season?

Because that would make me EXTREMELY HAPPY!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I ... am not sure if I'll be able to list ALL the animes I watched, but I'll list what I can remember. AKA the most recent ones.

Oreshura -- ongoing

Kuroshitsuji -- manga only, ongoing

Sword Art Online

Persona 4 The Animation

Blue Exorcist

Digimon Adventure 01 & 02

Kamisama no Memo-chou


To Aru Majutsu no Index

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun


Umineko no Naku Koro ni (never finished visual novel and then my laptop's HD went kaboom.)

anddddd... yeah, that's all I can really remember right now. I didn't bother mentioning those that I never finished though.

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I watched Wolf Children (directed by Hosoda Mamoru of Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars fame) followed by Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below (by Shinkai Makoto, known for Voices of a Distant Star, The Place Promised in Our Early Days and 5 Centimeters per Second) with my friends recently. We seem to have a habit of watching Shinkai Makoto movies paired with Hosoda Mamoru ones because I remember last year, we marathoned 5 cm followed by Toki wo xD

[spoiler=Wolf Children]I was really looking forward to this because I love Hosoda's other movies, with Toki wo being one of my favorite animated films. As much as I want to say that I liked Wolf Children in its entirety, the last 1/3s of the movie ended up frustrating me quite a bit... And I wasn't expecting that at all, because the first 2/3s of it was really enjoyable to watch. Seeing Hana struggle with raising her kids, then having them move to the countryside where they were all free to experience life as a family was super heart-warming, and I really enjoyed watching it; even with how bratty Yuki acted at the start haha.

I suppose majority of my displeasure comes from how Ame acted so cold to his family near the end, with the movie culminating with him leaving his mother without a hint of remorse or guilt. It was such a downer, especially because Ame was such an adorable kid growing up.

I understand that this was to show that Hana was keeping her husband*'s goal alive, by giving her children the freedom of choice to do whatever it was that they wanted, but still. I feel like the ending could have been handled differently? I was expecting a scene where the siblings could reconcile their differences to help their mother out of trouble, but instead, Yuki settles her own problems independently from Ame and Hana's and so the closure feels lacking? ;;;

As pleased as I was that Yuki was able to fix her insecurities, I wish that the climax of the movie included the entire family, instead of each of them being shown separately. To me, Ame's choices ended up coming off as selfish and irresponsible, rather than him being duty-bound to the safety of the mountain.

I can't stress enough though that I highly enjoyed watching the first 2/3s of the movie, with the scene where all three of them play in the snow possibly being my favorite scene of all. It's just... the feel-goodness of it all is so easily shattered by how Ame starts acting near the end that the disappointment sticks and overshadows it all D':

*Ookami-san who was given no name, and was mainly only shown through his driver's license...? It was hilarious though that Hana described him via his loose collared shirt at the very beginning, and you suddenly see Ame with the exact same get-up later on as if it was genetic xD

[spoiler=Children Who Chase Lost Voices]A movie that's almost as long as its title haha. Children is, in usual Shinkai Makoto fashion, visually-stunning. After having watched Voices and 5cm, I'm almost... wary of his movies. They usually leave me with a bitter aftertaste that you have to cleanse by watching something feel-good (This being the main reason why we followed 5cm with Toki wo)

I suppose I was expecting Children to have a completely different feel from his usual movies, given how adventure-fantasy-Laputa it felt, but in the end it still was as BITTERsweet as a Shinkai Makoto movie ;;

I find it rather hard to empathize with the protagonists in his films though, to be perfectly honest; Asuna was no different for me. Her main reason for delving into Agartha was that she was lonely and yet despite this, Asuna actually had one friend that she constantly brushed off at the start. Her goal of reviving Shun felt a bit weak as well... The little amount of time they spent together didn't feel too concrete of a reason for her to leave her life to journey to Agartha. The climax of the movie also disappointed me a bit. I was expecting the conflict to have been Asuna realizing that she could bring her father back, instead of Shun, thus making her mother happier. Yet the conflict ended up focusing on Asuna's teacher instead of her.

The decision of her teacher to stay behind also... got me down... I was rooting for her teacher to meet Asuna's mother because really, they both look like each other's important person ;;

Edit: Got rid of those weird bold tags that I inserted for some reason xD;

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started reading the Pandora Hearts manga. Finished 82 chapters in less than a week. Now I'm eagerly waiting for the next issue. WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT FOR AN ENTIRE MONTH FOR EACH ISSUE???

My thoughts on everything in PH so far: Really amazing, though I can't really see how they can pull off a satisfying ending. Then again, given its unpredictability so far, there may still be possibilities I haven't considered yet. Everything so far has been awesome though. And the plot twist at Ch 70 was just too much for me.

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Just caught up on everything released in English so far of Shingeki no Kyojin, AKA Attack on Titan

Mngh... I'm mulling over whether or not I should give the anime a watch. The manga's more than heavy enough for me; I'm not sure if I can take watching it (The gif sets I've seen of it feature the first attack. It looks really good but I'm super wary;; )

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Yyyyyeahhh, my assumption is that most of the reason the manga itself isn't a total gorefest is that for the most part, the artist only draws enough to clearly communicate "okay yeah that person's gone," as opposed to KNASH TEAR ORGANS CHEW WITH MOUTH OPEN SCREEEEEEEEEEEE the comic. Which I've been tending towards liking about it, myself. Interesting to imagine how they'll adapt the, uh, good stuff for the screen, haunting death throes and all.

Also, a reminder to myself about a show hyped by a dude somewhere else whose taste I've generally found appreciable, an anime adaptation apparently called Aku no Hana:

yo that aku no hana show looks LEGIT

a japan cartoon that deals with mature subject matter, but has an art style that actually matches its tone instead of trying to shoehorn in boilerplate anime-cute-pretty style? a show about shame and manipulation and sexual repression, that plays it for genuine discomfort and fear instead of sexual gratification? i am down so hard you got no idea


listen to that ED. the whole thing. this track is blowing my mind. i'm freakin out here

naturally a bunch of people are angry because the main characters look like actual highschoolers instead of big-eyed plastic bodypillowcases, but fuck them. anime is reality. i hope this show is good.

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