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Why Is Corrin Leading the Army? (Spoilers)


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Another stupid meta answer: Robin's Super Smash Bros. amiibo.

Corrin: "Oh great plastic amiibo figure, what shall we do to reach Hoshido safely?"

Robin amiibo: "......"

Corrin: "... Great idea!" =D

Context: Sponge Emblem version of the Magic Conch Shell.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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I agree with the meta answer

also I wouldn't say Ryoma didn't leave a word to his siblings--he did, she just got caught. Kagero's job was to tell his sibs where the hell he is, and when they rescued her, that's exactly what she did and where they went for in BR11-13.

True, but that's after he had already left, and it seemed like it was on a whim, rather than a strategically executed plan. If he had something like that in mind, he should have told them back at the capital. Even if his plan went as intended, the new king disappearing right after the queen was assassinated is a good way to send your country into a panic.

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True, but that's after he had already left, and it seemed like it was on a whim, rather than a strategically executed plan. If he had something like that in mind, he should have told them back at the capital. Even if his plan went as intended, the new king disappearing right after the queen was assassinated is a good way to send your country into a panic.

From the information Kagero told them, the information of a rebellion brewing in Chevalier came while he was out there in the front lines, so it was a super-recent information. I'd imagine going into nohrian territory with a team attracts far more attention than going solo, and having a prince gathering allies instead of a lone ninja holds far more weight.

While he didn't reveal himself until the rest of his army showed up, I can't imagine a solo ninja being a part of the chev rebellion would have as much of an impact as "hi, I'm the high prince you guys trust me already let's team up for reals"

I do think it's yolo as fuck, but it's not a black and white good plan bad plan thing.

Honestly it's just corn has to hog everything cool ever. The chosen one sword? check. Being a dragon? check. Taking command from far more qualified older siblings (bar Revelation, where it actually makes sense)? also check. Especially considering anyone can seize in fates, it would've been cool to have a main character that isn't necessarily the leader of the army, but the main viewpoint and can still be a contributor to plans, but nooope

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Honestly it's just corn has to hog everything cool ever. The chosen one sword? check. Being a dragon? check. Taking command from far more qualified older siblings (bar Revelation, where it actually makes sense)? also check.

Being a dragon might have been a passable reason for Corrin taking command, but it's literally never mentioned again after Chapter 5. Even Corrin's younger brothers are more qualified. I think even Elise has more battle experience than Corrin at the beginning of the game, and she's 12 technically an adult.

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Being a dragon might have been a passable reason for Corrin taking command, but it's literally never mentioned again after Chapter 5. Even Corrin's younger brothers are more qualified. I think even Elise has more battle experience than Corrin at the beginning of the game, and she's 12 technically an adult.

Yeah it's pretty dumb. You'd think being a dragon would warrant more weight in the plot but nope

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Corrin really shouldn't be leading the army. A thing that they could have done was have Corrin leading till a sibling with more experience arrives and then they offer to teach Corrin what it means to be a leader. That way they could probably still get Corrin to make decisions based on the premise that they're learning what to do. (Sorry if that didn't make sense, I had to write it super quick).

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Corrin really shouldn't be leading the army. A thing that they could have done was have Corrin leading till a sibling with more experience arrives and then they offer to teach Corrin what it means to be a leader. That way they could probably still get Corrin to make decisions based on the premise that they're learning what to do. (Sorry if that didn't make sense, I had to write it super quick).

I think I get what you mean, sort of how like Ike was technically in charge in early PoR, but Titania was right there as a mentor.

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Corrin being a dragon would make him more of a MVP in the army than a leader. Granted, dragons are somewhat revered in Fates world, so if more was done with that aspect, you would have a plausible reason as to why it would make him leader material.

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Corrin being a dragon would make him more of a MVP in the army than a leader. Granted, dragons are somewhat revered in Fates world, so if more was done with that aspect, you would have a plausible reason as to why it would make him leader material.

It's not a great reason, but better than no reason. Having a giant dragon on your side, would be a great morale boost for your side.

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Ive been wondering this too. But then i starting thinking about the other protagonists of the older FE games. Like Marth, Ike, Sigurd, Elwood. Were tactical geniuses like Robin? Or were they in the same boat as Corrin?

But if you ask me, Corrin is just the guy who has the final say. Since the very start, hes always getting help forming stategies with the other members. Gunter, Leo, Subaki (i would guess) come to mind. They do have a lil something called a war council that anyone can join in.

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I just assumed Corrin was merely a figurehead of sorts and there was some randy tactician/strategist feeding him battle plans, honestly.

Well, there's many supports that explain how all the characters (who can be considered to each lead their own troops) get together to discuss tactics and strategies.

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Ive been wondering this too. But then i starting thinking about the other protagonists of the older FE games. Like Marth, Ike, Sigurd, Elwood. Were tactical geniuses like Robin? Or were they in the same boat as Corrin?

The protagonists of the older FE games at the very least had a tactician genius by their side who WAS acknowledged as a tactical genius (Marth has Jeigan, Sigurd has Oifaye, the FE7 lords technically have Mark, and Ike has Soren), and they were either the highest ranked person in command of the army at that time, or were given command BY a higher ranked person (Ike, Micaiah).

It's not the same thing as Corrin, who is not a tactical genius and doesn't receive advice from someone else who is a tactical genius (they don't have a dedicated tactician), nor are they the highest ranked royal throughout the entire game.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Ive been wondering this too. But then i starting thinking about the other protagonists of the older FE games. Like Marth, Ike, Sigurd, Elwood. Were tactical geniuses like Robin? Or were they in the same boat as Corrin?

Well, Corrin is different in that he has siblings who are far more experienced than him. Marth's elder sister was captured, leaving him the only one to free his people with his dad dead, Sigurd's family was off fighting in a war when he went to rescue a princess who was his childhood friend, and Eliwood went off to find his missing father and was the only child of his family. Basically, at the beginning of their game, their family was dead or incapacitated, leaving them the position of leader. Not the case for Corrin.

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It's not the same thing as Corrin, who is not a tactical genius and doesn't receive advice from someone else who is a tactical genius (they don't have a dedicated tactician), nor are they the highest ranked royal throughout the entire game.

Corrin's got Robin, but that requires forking over ~13+ USD and sales tax (and shipping and handling) and having some degree of imagination (and having an NFC adapter or playing Fates on a New 3DS).

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Well, Corrin is different in that he has siblings who are far more experienced than him. Marth's elder sister was captured, leaving him the only one to free his people with his dad dead, Sigurd's family was off fighting in a war when he went to rescue a princess who was his childhood friend, and Eliwood went off to find his missing father and was the only child of his family. Basically, at the beginning of their game, their family was dead or incapacitated, leaving them the position of leader. Not the case for Corrin.

Corrin's also the most sheltered protagonist yet. It would be as if Elincia has taken the field at the beginning of PoR and lead the units personally. But if PoR was like Fates, Ashnard would have retreated back to Daein immediately after assassinating the king of Crimea, leaving Elincia to march straight into Daein and topple the king with minimal resistance.

Corrin's got Robin, but that requires forking over ~13+ USD and sales tax (and shipping and handling) and having some degree of imagination.

Heck, in Conquest, he's got Leo. With a little extra writing, they could have shown Leo mentoring Corrin as a tactician, rather than just having it in the support convos.

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Corrin's got Robin, but that requires forking over ~13+ USD and sales tax (and shipping and handling) and having some degree of imagination (and having an NFC adapter or playing Fates on a New 3DS).

I wouldn't consider the amiibos canon.

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The real reason is that Xander and Ryoma are in fact incredibly lazy. That's why Xander keeps pretending his obviously evil and insane dad is perfectly fine and why Ryoma let his stepmom run his country even though that succession makes no sense whatsoever.

They just want to chill with their legendary swords and kick tons of ass without having to make decisions. They practically say as much in ch21 of Revelation when Corrin did something dumb: "Yeah well go ahead and keep making dumb decisions and if they backfire we'll kill everyone with sword lightning/lasers." I'm not sure they have solutions to problems that don't involve shooting things with their swords.

The real question is why Hinoka and Leo put up with this shit.

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They just want to chill with their legendary swords and kick tons of ass without having to make decisions. They practically say as much in ch21 of Revelation when Corrin did something dumb: "Yeah well go ahead and keep making dumb decisions and if they backfire we'll kill everyone with sword lightning/lasers." I'm not sure they have solutions to problems that don't involve shooting things with their swords.

Could you provide the exact quote please?

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I wondered this myself as well. I think Fates actually had a really poorly written story. Other than being the heir to the Vallite Throne, I have not seen anything from Corrin that would make him a leader that anyone would follow. His family notes that his trust in others is what makes him a leader. But how many times do you have to be betrayed before others start to question your ability to trust trustworthy people? They need bring back Lords like Eliwood, Hector, and Ike.

I really think that after Radiant Dawn, the story of Fire Emblem games has been on a decline. Awakening wasn't too bad, but the story was pretty bland at times.

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I wondered this myself as well. I think Fates actually had a really poorly written story. Other than being the heir to the Vallite Throne, I have not seen anything from Corrin that would make him a leader that anyone would follow. His family notes that his trust in others is what makes him a leader. But how many times do you have to be betrayed before others start to question your ability to trust trustworthy people? They need bring back Lords like Eliwood, Hector, and Ike.

I really think that after Radiant Dawn, the story of Fire Emblem games has been on a decline. Awakening wasn't too bad, but the story was pretty bland at times.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on the writers.

I kind of understand what they were trying to go with with Corrin, but I don't think it was executed well. There's trying to see the good in everybody and giving them a chance, then there's being hopelessly naive to the detriment of yourself and those who follow you. If they focused more on Corrin's bringing people together, rather than just automatically trusting everybody, it would have gone over better.

Could you provide the exact quote please?

I know the one he's talking about. It's at the end of the dreaded Anthony arc of Revelations. Unfortunately, I don't see the game script available.

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Revelations is the only route where it sort of makes sense. The other two routes are complete nonsense in this regard.

1. Kamui spent the majority of his life under house arrest and is the naivest member of his siblings.

2. Kamui has 2 older siblings on either side and Takumi and Leo probably have more battlefield experience as well.

3. In Nohr, the leadership is out to get him and in Hoshido he's practically a foreigner. Neither faction should be putting him in a position of authority.

Every excuse I've heard for the above just opens even more jarring plot holes.

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Another stupid meta answer: Robin's Super Smash Bros. amiibo.

Corrin: "Oh great plastic amiibo figure, what shall we do to reach Hoshido safely?"

Robin amiibo: "......"

Corrin: "... Great idea!" =D

Context: Sponge Emblem version of the Magic Conch Shell.

I am adopting this into my headcanon now.

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