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Would you like to see Fog of War return?


Fog of War opinions  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you like to see Fog of War return in future titles?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Only if it affects the enemy as well

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Yes. Except Fog of War maps typically throw units everywhere with no formation just for the sake of tricking you. That is a worse ambiance than an organized legion of units.

No one said we wanted IS to do it badly, but besides that a fog filled battlefield is very different from an open one. You don't achieve the same things by using one or the other, they aren't comparable.

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I wouldn't mind it returning if some more tactical elements were added. For example, lighting a torch will increase your sight range, but will also make you visible to enemies on the map. Or, as others mentioned, having certain classes have better vision in FoW.

The think enemies should be affected by in in some way. Some enemies could be stationary until they see another enemy and others can actively seek you out.

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I wouldn't mind it returning if some more tactical elements were added. For example, lighting a torch will increase your sight range, but will also make you visible to enemies on the map. Or, as others mentioned, having certain classes have better vision in FoW.

The think enemies should be affected by in in some way. Some enemies could be stationary until they see another enemy and others can actively seek you out.

In Radiant Dawn Part 3 Chapter 1, there was a night raid, with lit stationary torches, you and the enemies could put them out or light them back up, line of sight was effected by this.

In the GBA FE's also they had the Thief class (and its promotions) be able to see further into the Fog, FE7 makes this a habit to tell you that Matthew can see in the fog really well, once in Lyn's story chapter 9, and again on Eliwood's chapter 18 (Hector's 19th meanwhile). Through dialog, also FE8's easy mode tutorial introduces the player to the concept via chapter 6.

So the foundations are already there, the only thing stopping them from using it probably is that they don't see it as a feature that's accessible to newbies.

Edited by Jedi
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I don't hate FoWs, but I don't really like them either. Especially when they're huge. I understand promoting more caution, but not knowing what you're dealing with makes planning units hard. You can try and have high defense units, but the map may have mages. You can try having Pegasus Knights, but the map may have archers. You can try Mounted units, but they may be enemies with Horseslayers/Zabatos/Halbards. The fact that thieves were the ones that had better vision was veeeery risky, because what thief do you know has good defense?

I hate dessert maps more than FoWs, but FoWs I wouldn't mind not coming back again. If they are handled a little better I'll welcome them back, but for now, I'm voting no.

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i always hated the idea since its introduction in FE5, which is where it was at its high time worst.

maybe if it did affect the enemy too (IS has done this before with advance wars dual strike) but i'd rather not, it'd just make your movements slower and the enemy less threatening if it did play by your rules.

the only real winning move was to never have it in the series again.

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