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What would you change in a FE title?


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FE3: Add back in cut chapters and characters for Book 1/ bring back Axe Wielders in Book 2

FE4: Haven't played

FE5: Also haven't played

FE6: Fix Weapons to FE7 stats/give Nomads Beast effectiveness

FE7: Fix calcs to FE6 standard (effectiveness x3)

FE8: +5% growths to enemies

FE9: Add Maniac mode while keeping Easy

FE10: Haven't played, but probably add Dark Mage

FE11: remove gaiden requirements

FE12: Fix Wyvern movement

FE13: Tome Triangle (Fire>Thunder>Wind)

FE14: Not sure, still playing Conquest

Radiant Dawn does have Dark Mages. Though barely. Like two enemy dark mages show up if you take far longer than you should to complete one mid game chapter, a later game boss uses Dark Magic and two recruitable characters can use dark magic. Both of which are only available in a second play and become playable very late in the game.

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I like my villains having some human emotions and relatable behaviour rather than being evil for the sake of evil's sake. Not saying all or even most villains have to redeem but I think unleashing something like Grima on the world would give a lot of people pause to consider the sensibility of their actions. Especially if it's someone like Gangrel who claims to fight for the sake of his country only to end unleashing something that would wreck his nation just as soon as any other (and all himanity to boot).

Oh, I agree with you there. But that doesn't mean the villain should be redeemed. Maybe have Gangrel in this case accept his punishment for his actions after the war and then, crucially, have him actually be punished.

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Radiant Dawn does have Dark Mages. Though barely. Like two enemy dark mages show up if you take far longer than you should to complete one mid game chapter, a later game boss uses Dark Magic and two recruitable characters can use dark magic. Both of which are only available in a second play and become playable very late in the game.

Tier 1 Dark Mages and add one near the beginning on the first playthrough to warn you. Dark Sages come too late to be much threat, and the Dawn Brigade can get allergic to magic rather quickly if they don't proc Res.
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Just posting some more since my first post:

FE 3-Re-add the cut maps (But not the characters, most of them were pretty useless anyways). Have some axe users in Book 2. I know they are pretty much useless since they can't promote and axes are pretty bad, but really, even just one (Preferably Barts) would be fine.

FE 4-Split up the maps into multiple maps and have indoor maps and dismounting.

FE 5-Make FoW like modern day FoW and have it so some things are not completely cheap (Like if you escape with Leif first, all you remaining units are captured and you can't get them back till 21x)

FE 6-Give Roy a Heaven Seal by the route split. Make Idoun more powerful so she is not a pushover, and same with Zephiel.

FE 7-Make Eliwood lance-based and give him Maltet rather then Durandal so Lyn can get that (Or give Lyn the Murgleis)

FE 8-Longer and a bit more difficult.

FE 9-Allow you to get the S rank weapons you could not get originally.

FE 10-Change some plot points (Like the Blood Pact) and make Miccy more central to the plot (Like maybe give her Creiddylad as a PW after defeating Sephiran and allow her to kill Ashera too). Supports, remove third tier or allow the DB more time to grow, allow every character to be recruited on your 1st run.

FE 11-Add dismounting like intended originally, make the gaiden requirements turn based and not 'kill off all your units' based, supports, remove reclassing. Prologue in modes other then just Hard. Allow you to get Norne and your prologue sacrifice during the normal story via gaidens. Attach Book 2 so we didn't need another game.

FE 12-Remove the avatar, the Assassin's subplot and Michalis as a playable character. Also, dismounting! Just make it into a Gaiden remake.

FE 13-Remove the spot pass chapters and just rework it so Priam is a character during the plot or like Anna in that he is recruited during a paralogue. Make a better story in general.

FE 14-There is so much I am not gonna even bother.

Edited by Azz
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FE 11-Add dismounting like intended originally, make the gaiden requirements turn based and not 'kill off all your units' based, supports, remove reclassing. Prologue in modes other then just Hard. Allow you to get Norne and your prologue sacrifice during the normal story via gaidens. Attach Book 2 so we didn't need another game.

You know, I would actually love it if they're were like five (or what ever number of potential sacrifices there are) different Gaiden chapters for getting the sacrifice character back, one for each character. I imagine a lot of people would complain about having to play the game five or so times to complete it but I think it could be a great way of approaching the same idea from different angles (like why each of them didn't manage to get to Marth at Talys sooner) and providing some character to each of those units by giving them their own unique subplot. Overall I wish the Gaidens were used to develop the existing cast more instead of adding more to it. Archania already has a massive cast of characters. I've probably mentioned it already on this very thread but Hardain definitely needed a Gaidn to give him some character. He's massively important in the sequel but in the original game he's literally that one guy with a turban you get early in the game and never does anything else.

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FE4 - Remove that forest chokepoint in Chapter 1 and make it so you can warp to Nodion in Chapter 2.

FE5 - Add better/more clear explanations for how things like fatigue and the escape maps work. Change Fatigue to count down rather than up, as IMO that would help to clear some ambiguity. Add a Restore staff before chapter 12 so you aren't totally helpless against Salem's sleep staff.

FE6 - Reduce Gate/Throne evasion slightly. Make Roy promote at Chapter 16/16x. Remove the per chapter support point cap.

FE6/7/8 - change the way supports built to be closer to FE4's love growth.(i.e. having two characters deployed in the same chapter will cause their support points to grow no matter what, and placing them next to each other just speeds it up) Increase support growth rates in general. Make it so the route split choice is clear like in FE5 rather than based on levels like they are currently.

FE7 - Make Hector Mode 19xx not require grinding Ninils to level 7.

FE11 - Make the gaidens not require killing off unit.s Oh wait, I already did that. :smug:

FE12 - Remove Chris. Reduce character growths overall and change the Star Shards to be growth boosters like in FE3.

Edit: Oh, and in FE11/12, make it so you can buy infinite statboosters from the endgame secret shops again.

Edited by shinpichu
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