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Are Corrin and Robin self insert characters or are they established characters like the rest of their cast?


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When I think of self inserts I usually think of games like Skyrim or Mass Effect. The characters appearance, choices, and personally are all up to you. With Corrin and Robin, these two already have predetermined roles no matter what you do.

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IMO, they are already established characters that you can design to fit your image and may occasionally need your input to make decisions so it feels like they are your self insert even though they clearly aren't since they have a predetermined personality that half the time is nothing like you at all.

Edited by Azz
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I'd say a mixed bag. They're pre determined characters, since their actions are determined beforehand bar like 4 exceptions, but they're still self inserts as they have the player's name and face. Unless your like me who just flat out makes a character up when making an avatar

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they're self inserts who have their own personality, pretty much

Pretty much this. Like even if the Skyrim dude and Shepherd are more like self-inserts if that's what the OP counts as a self-inserts even those two has some pre-set personality traits. Shepherd is pretty serious almost all the time and reacts to things in ways we probably never would. I believe for every self-insert there is some characterization they have that would never be us. I think that's the difference between self-inserts in Japan and the West in my head. Japan is more generic nice guy while the West is more generic serious althought they can be interchangeable in some cases but that's usually the pattern I see.

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They have personality, but at least in Robin's case a very very simple one, but the fact they are treated as a self insert mechanically causes a lot of problems with it. I'd probably have far less issues with Robin if they were more of a set character (no customization) and not worshipped by other characters due to being the "player".

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They are both, and that's generally the issue with them to be honest. Robin manages to be a so-so self-insert at first, but making him/her have all of that additional backstory makes Robin feel less like an avatar and more like an established character. Especially when Robin has opinions on how (s)he feels about him/her father doing things around him/her. If Robin could actually:

Ultimately decide to betray the trust of everyone and then willingly become Grima for instance, this would have done a far better job, but the farther you get in Awakening, the less Robin feels like (s)he's your character.

Choices like that go a long way for establishing a connection between player and avatar.

Corrin on the other hand, is definitely an established character. Their background is too developed and personalized to even allow much else. Even more than Robin, as all of the characters around you feel a certain way, and Corrin tells the player how they should feel rather than letting the player actually decide what they want.

Additionally, the character creation needs to be a bit better if they want this done, as well as supports. Sort of like how they added boon and bane to be flaws and assets, it'd be better if the game did something like this:

Boon added certain people that your avatar would like to talk to.

Bane removes certain people that your avatar would like to talk to.

Class then finalizes the list of people your character is willing to talk to.

Things like that would make your character feel more unique and established as your own. It'd also add another layer of depth to the children system for the avatar if they kept it.

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Unless your like me who just flat out makes a character up when making an avatar

This is me. I do this.

Well, my Awakening Avatar was actually based on me (which is actually pretty weird since I felt like Robin was projecting my thoughts into Awakening for me).

But it's actually a great idea if you write fanfiction or something just to help get that mental image or something.

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They aren't traditional self-inserts like the Hero of Kvatch (Oblivion) or The Fledgeling (VTMB) but more akin to characters such as the Sole Survivor (Fallout: 4) or Hawke (Dragon Age 2): Characters with set backstories and detailed histories, who just so happen to be customized by the player.

You might also notice that most characters that fall under the previous category tend to be in games with bad or sub-par stories

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They do have a backstory and their actions are dictated more by the plot than player choice (although one could argue that Kamui choosing to marry a sibling drastically alters the the nature of their relationship) but they are intended to be self-inserts. These characters typically have non-offending personality traits like: friendliness, desire for peace, trust in friends, determination, etc. There isn't that much to set them apart from any other Fire Emblem hero. Even Kamui, who spent almost his entire life under house arrest, can be Mr. Charisma who has a understanding of logistics and tactics.

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To me, Robin feels more like a true self-insert than Corrin is, especially with the whole amnesia trope to create a sort of blank slate for which the player fills in and has the easiest time going for the whole "wish-fullfillment" sort of thing. Also helping his/her case is his/her overpowered potential for growth and massive classpool that mainly requires Second Seals to access.

Corrin has too much of an established background and personality to even qualify, even though Corrin tries to play the whole self-insert Mary Sue trope by being the main lord protagonist that can transform into a dragon and can bang his/her own adoptive or stepsiblings and actually blood related cousin.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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When I think of self inserts I usually think of games like Skyrim or Mass Effect. The characters appearance, choices, and personally are all up to you. With Corrin and Robin, these two already have predetermined roles no matter what you do.

Robin fit more-less as a Self-inserted with some defined traits (but most of them are unknow in the early and mid-game).

Corrin is actually his/her own character with a explained background... It's just... customizable... and has Mary Sue powers :v

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