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A and S rank weapons


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Hello, I have a question

I really want to get into Fire emblem Fates battles online, but there is one problem. During the main game of revelations itself, I missed some Good A rank weapons like the Dragon Spirit, and the Aurgelmir Axe. I know you get the Aurgelmir Axe and the Chakram Shuriken on Birthright and conquest, but I missed them on Revelations, if you can even get them. Do any of you have any idea how to get those weapons when you missed them in the Main story?

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A ranks are recoverable in the connectivity reward/Museam Melee and S ranks are gone for good as those are only one of it's kind. -.-

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Oh That's a bummer. I guess S rank weapons aren't as important I guess because not many classes can use them

Edited by Michelaar
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Tbh most classes can't even reach the A rank weapons. And in Conquest you have pretty much no chance (barring a few units like Avatar if you keep him/her in one class) of reaching these ranks regardless unless you Arms Scroll. In my casual playthrough, the only person who reached A in weapon ranks was Nyx.

Edited by ruadath
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Dragon Spirit is buyable in the Dawn Armory at level 3. As for as the S rank weapons are concerned, the Waterwheel (S rank naginata) might have some use, but most of the others, not so much, especially Aurgelmir.

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The only good S ranks are Chakram, Pursuer, maybe Excalibur, and Bifröst (though maybe only on ironman runs, but there it's OBSCENELY useful). The others have drawbacks so staggering that it boggles the mind why anyone would consider them a good idea.

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