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NES Classic Edition Releasing


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Info pulled from Zelda Informer:

Nintendo is releasing a new console this November, and it's not the NX. It's not exactly new either. The company is launching the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition on November 11th for $59.99 USD that will plug right into an HDMI port. The system will include over 30 games, two of which are The Legend of Zelda, and Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. If you would like to play in two-player mode for some of the games listed below, don't worry, as you can purchase an "NES Classic Controller" for $9.99 USD.The NES Classic Controller can also be connected to a Wii Remote to enjoy Virtual Console NES games on the Wii U or Wii, if you would like to make the retro experience mean a bit more.

“We wanted to give fans of all ages the opportunity to revisit Nintendo’s original system and rediscover why they fell in love with Nintendo in the first place. The Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition is ideal for anyone who remembers playing the NES, or who wants to pass on those nostalgic memories to the next generation of gamers.” — Reggie Fils-Aimé, Nintendo of America President

Nintendo also knows how hard some of the games on the list can be. In today's fast-paced world, you might not be able to sit down and finish a game in one sitting. If you need to take a break from playing NINJA GAIDEN for a while, you can make use of something called "suspend points" to start where you left off at a later date. No passwords are needed here. Or, you could totally go old-school, and just let the TV overheat while you go to your job.

Here is the complete list of games that will be playable:

  • Balloon Fight
  • Castlevania
  • Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest
  • Donkey Kong
  • Donkey Kong Jr.
  • Dr. Mario
  • Excitebike
  • Galaga
  • Ice Climber
  • Kid Icarus
  • Kirby’s Adventure
  • Mario Bros.
  • MEGA MAN® 2
  • Metroid
  • Punch-Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
  • StarTropics
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Super Mario Bros. 2
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

So this is pretty much the coolest thing done for the system since it's discontinuation in 2003. While I have multiple different ways to play the NES games, including an NES itself, I'll probably be picking this up soon after it launches on November 11th (10th for those of you in Australia. Lucky :P)

While this is a great collection of games, many of which I can't buy or find myself, it's a shame that we can't play our old carts on here OR use any of the peripherals. The front doesn't appear to open (it's just a decorative design), and the controller sockets are built like the end port on the Wii Remote. Which means you can plug in Wii Classic Controller to the NES, or the packaged NES controller to your Wii Remote.

Kind of a step backwards on Nintendo's part if you compare this to other "retro" systems, like the Genesis re-release. But still, this is pretty cool!

I wonder if the Japanese equivalent will have Fire Emblem installed...

EDIT: None of the Dragon Quest games are on here... :(:

Edited by Power Master
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Looks pretty cool. Would be even better if they made a game cube one with path of radiance so tons of people could finally play the game officially.

If I had to guess, I'd say they might release the other cart-based consoles in the same way at a later date. Probably going to avoid the disk-based ones atm, since the Wii is still pretty popular and you can play GC games on that.

But if the NX turns out to be cartridge-based...Hm...

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$60 seems a bit stiff for a collection of 8-bit games. If they were SNES games I'd be all over this. At least it has Super Mario Bros. 3; can't go wrong with that one.

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Now that I think about it, this is really underwhelming considering Sega released a similar product last year that 80 built-in Genesis games, two controllers, and cartridge compatibility for the same price. Or even less depending on where you bought it. You can do better, Nintendo.

Edited by Mr. Poopybutthole
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pretty unimpressive tbh

selection of games isn't particularly unique, not too many of them are all that great and most of them are probably already on the 3ds or wii u virtual console and i'm pretty sure every single one of these are on the wii virtual console

doesn't play cartridge games either, so it's definitely not worth $60 to me when you can just buy whatever games interest you on the eshop, especially in a day and age when many people (including myself) aren't even really willing to pay for games like these anymore

Now that I think about it, this is really underwhelming considering Sega released a similar product last year that 80 built-in Genesis games, two controllers, and cartridge compatibility for the same price. Or even less depending on where you bought it. You can do better, Nintendo.

now i would agree with this since i do think this looks pretty underwhelming and bad but

i got that sega thing a while back and it is complete garbage

the controllers suck, the sound is nothing like the original genesis, 40 of those games aren't even real genesis games they're like the kind of things you'd find pre-installed on a computer, and it doesn't even save

it's still pretty dumb that this new NES thing doesn't work with cartridges but at least it sounds like it'll be functional

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Fairly good selection, seeing as I've played all of them in the past.

I'd recommend a good chunk of them too, so while its not the best line up, its far from the worst, although its odd they'd use Super C over the original Contra, a lack of Blaster Master is kind of odd.

Missing quite a few of my favorites, but I still own my NES, and a majority of these games along with it, so while I'll be passing on this, I can recommend it for people who haven't experienced the games here, espcially the likes of Ninja Gaiden, Mario 3, Kirby's Adventure, Super C, Kid Icarus, Castlevania, etc.

Those of you wanting those old Genesis games, the collection Sega has on steam is really good.

Edited by Jedi
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I kind of feel that this is only a so-so collection. I mean nothing against the defining games of the NES, but I kind of wish there was more in the way of games that people wouldn't have already played. Give Willow and Crystalis a chance to compete with Zelda 1 as a top down RPG,

give Uforia, blaster master, garygole's quest 2 , little Samson, little nemo, and rygar a piece of that metriod / Zelda 2 love.

Bring in some Sunsoft and Natsume games

But what hurts me the most is the lack of the big puzzle games, yes, most of them were cross platform or ports, but an NES compilation just isn't right without Lolo 2 and Solomon's key. There can never be enough versions of lemmings and pipeworks anyway.

In the shump department Crisis Force, Life Force, and Over Horizon surpass Gradius (and Gradius 2 for that matter), but I guess the smaller game is more appropriate since nes was hardly a Shump lover's console anyway.

I get that Nintendo no longer has a hack n slash platformer audience but putting early releases like castlevania 1, ghost' goblins and ninja gaiden 1 over the later games like batman, ninja gaiden 2, shatterhand and castlevania 3 is a little disappointing.

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There's also those pesky Legal Rights and whatever. Sometimes, companies just don't want to collaborate on these things.

But that's what putting in a cartridge slot is for! C'mon Nintendo!

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It doesn't play cartridges because it's MINI! Such an adorable NES.

I think it's only worth getting if you plan to utilize its portability and bring it to the houses of many friends.

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While I agree that they could have done more with this, I still think it's super cool and will likely be picking one up. My parents were very anti-gaming as a kid, and my first memories of playing video games was sneaking into my uncle's room to play Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt. It would be nice to play these games on a console again.

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If anyone would like to see what Super C is like, I did post a playthrough of it on my channel

Edited by Jedi
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