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What artstyle would you like to see the next FE?


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magus is nothing like piccolo, wtf are you talking about

chrono is nothing like goku. goku has always been a straight up martial artist that loves a good fight, chrono barely has a personality.

android 18 and that chick from blue dragon look the same regardless of direction. this is a legitimate issue. benny and kellam look different.

I'm talking about their personalities which are identical. And you literally just said that they look the same. And no 18 and that Pirate don't look the same but the artstyle is the same because its drawn by the same person. How else can you choose an artstyle you like? Of course there will be a familiar art used here but with a different character design here but the style is the same thing.

And I'll repeat this again, Benny and Kellam look different because of the direction and not because of the style which is the same damn artstyle being used because its drawn by the very same person!

Oh and if you still don't get it, look it up here:


Hopefully, That solves this argument here.

Seeing as how everyone here claims that the faces are the same, why not criticize the art direction instead of the artist here since that's where the character art is finally decided?

Edited by Harvey
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you said their face looked the same

They may have similar face structures but they still feel very different to each other because of their overall looks despite the style being used.

The issue with Toriyama has nothing to do with direction - not only is their artstyle suitable for Shounen (which is what I hated about Fates/Awakening don't get me wrong, aside from certain designs like Kellam) but those two people have a very similar if not the same face but with a different color.

This is the core of the issue. Toriyama can change his art style, but Toriyama's face structures tend to be very much the same across different works. This will become an issue when you have to draw at least 40 different characters for a game, because Toriyama has never done anything like that before. If they can't distinguish them across multiple works then they probably can't distinguish a game like FE which needs multiple distinct looking characters.

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you said their face looked the same

The issue with Toriyama has nothing to do with direction - not only is their artstyle suitable for Shounen (which is what I hated about Fates/Awakening don't get me wrong, aside from certain designs like Kellam) but those two people have a very similar if not the same face but with a different color.

This is the core of the issue. Toriyama can change his art style, but Toriyama's face structures tend to be very much the same across different works. This will become an issue when you have to draw at least 40 different characters for a game, because Toriyama has never done anything like that before. If they can't distinguish them across multiple works then they probably can't distinguish a game like FE which needs multiple distinct looking characters.

If it has nothing to do with direction, then why did Square Enix hired him to draw the art for Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger then? Obviously by now the staff at Square Enix should've known by now that his works are too similar to his previous works....unless they directed him to make them look the same?

And please get one thing straight, artists are not paid just for art but also for their artstyle. For every Manga artist out there, there is an art that is bound to grab attention and his art certainly grabs that attention without a doubt.

I said face structures may be similar but not the overall face design because there's a difference between them. I think what we have here is a subjective argument instead. Some like this and claim its different where as others don't.

So what if the next FE game only had lesser characters this time around? I mean, it is possible and I'm not saying that it isn't.

The reason why I want this artstyle is because I like the simplistic feel to it and that there's not that much of fanservice to be had in this artstyle which I don't mind it too much.

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The face structure and overall face design is the same... if Toriyama's being told to draw stuff more like FE than Toriyama then it's not really Toriyama's art anymore is it?

There's not much of a difference. This is not even subjective.

Obviously by now the staff at Square Enix should've known by now that his works are too similar to his previous works....unless they directed him to make them look the same?

That's not how this works. If Toriyama had to draw some 70 face portraits like he would for a typical FE game, he would collapse because many of them would look too samey. Edited by Lord Raven
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Hirohiko Araki

I have to agree that having Toriyama as the artist would turn looking at the cast into a big game of "What DBZ character do they resemble?" because let's be honest Toriyama reuses character designs a LOT.

I'd recommend Takashi Takeuchi from TYPE-MOON (official artist for Fate/Stay Night, Tsukihime, and Kara no Kyoukai) but... he kinda has the same problem. I don't know how many more Saber clones I can handle.

Arco Wada has improved quite a bit from her days of noseless moe blobs, so she might be good.

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Radiant Dawn's.

I know I'm going to catch some shit for this, but I really don't like RD's art style. Something about the mugs in that game just look wrong to me, maybe it's me being too used to POR's?

Just finished the first map of Berwick Saga, and I have to say, GIVE US that artstyle for FE. That art was so damn good

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I did really like Senri Kita's art for Fire Emblem I think it was the perfect blend of anime and somewhat realistic looks/design. I do think Akira Toriyama would be able to do good art for Fire Emblem sure he hasn't had to design 40+ characters for a game but that's assuming that he either has to design 40 unique characters or that he isn't capable of doing so. Who knows maybe IS will decide to shrink the FE cast I mean that was one of the biggest complaints about Revelations. He could certainly do monsters and other creatures well with alot of variety. The vibrant colors and effects he uses might even be a refreshing addition to the franchise.

But what I really want is for this to become a reality.


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I would want the current artist on these games to play around with different locations from around the world. One of my favourite things about Birthright was the Japaneses inspired look about Hoshido, it really separates itself from the other games. Personally I would love to see a game with a Egyptian look to it or a 18th century Europe look.

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Just fire whoever's been doing the outfit designs and make sure they stay gone and I'm good with anyone, really. Hell, I'd even totally be down for more Kozaki, just as long as the outfit designs went back to stuff along the lines of Radiant Dawn and earlier.

On a tangentially-related note, I'd really love for blinking and lip flap animations for portraits to come back, but I'm not holding my breath.

Edited by Topaz Light
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^I disagree, cute is not what Fire Emblem is. It's more of a realistic series. Which is why all these battle panties and crap are just NO. Fire the art director, please...

As for who should draw the art next, I was never too fond of the DBZ/Chrono Trigger art style, so that's a no for me. Didn't that guy just pass away too?

I like the art Radiant Hero is suggesting tho!

Edited by Anacybele
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^I disagree, cute is not what Fire Emblem is. It's more of a realistic series. Which is why all these battle panties and crap are just NO. Fire the art director, please...

As for who should draw the art next, I was never too fond of the DBZ/Chrono Trigger art style, so that's a no for me. Didn't that guy just pass away too?

I like the art Radiant Hero is suggesting tho!

Eh, it's more just my own preference for cute character design over more realistic ones.

Though I will say that despite the cute art, Madoka Magica isn't a particularly sunshine and rainbows series plotwise, since it is

an anime about middle-school girls turning into horrific monsters

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Something cute. A Wind Waker-like artstyle would actually be pretty neat, though the impossible preference of mine would be something like Madoka Magica.

I'd LOVE to see WW's artstyle in FE. Seeing as the series takes place in a fantasy world, make the art and world LOOK fantasy. #Fuckrealism

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I remember seeing a drawing of Charlotte by SF user Thor Odinson and it reminded me a lot of Castlevania: Harmony of Despair's and Valkyrie Profile's styles. I think I'd like to see something like them in future games. The drawing was really cool, a shame that I missed the link.

I think the Luminous Arc art would be good on FE, if it deviates a bit from the cutesy side. Also, for animes/mangas, Akame ga Kill's style.

Edited by Rapier
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You know....I get that people don't like cartoonish look for FE. But for some reason, I feel it can work right and I agree that Wind Waker's art can do wonders if done right.

And looking at this


I think Yoshihiro Togashi can fit right here in FE too.

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