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No Effort Mafia - Day 5


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Votals 1.3
(9) kirsche: Juliette, Knight of Argentum, Zexy, Dragonflare, Balcerzak Belisarius, Xinnidy, Kaoz, Blitz
(6) PKLucas: Drumbeats, Shinori, Vhaltz, Elieson, Paperblade, Refa
(4) Shinori: PKLucas, kirsche, Faerie Knight, Summer
(4) Lil Bean: Junko, The Red, Psych, Eury
(4) Psych: Boron, Cam, eclipse, Marth,
(3) Kaoz: JB, Einto, Errant
(3) SB: Rein, Manix, Lil Bean
(2) Junko: BBM, Clarinets
(2) Belisarius: SB, Minkee
(2) Elieson: Mitsuki, Gaius
(2) Refa: Ciraxis, Daiya
With 41 alive, it takes 21 to lynch.
Balcerzak: Belisarius to kirsche
BBM: Clarinets to Junko
Boron: eclipse to Psych
Cam: Marth to Psych
Ciraxis: Daiya to Refa
Drumbeats: Elieson to PKLucas
Faerie Knight: Einto to Kaoz
JB: Errant to Kaoz
Juliette: Xinnidy to kirsche
Junko: Psych to Lil Bean
kirsche: Faerie Knight to Shinori
Knight of Argentum: Kaoz to kirsche
Mitsuki: Gaius to Elieson
PKLucas: Summer to Shinori
Rein: Lil Bean to SB
SB: Minkee to Belisarius
Shinori: Paperblade to PKLucas
The Red: Eury to Lil Bean
Vhaltz: Refa to PKLucas
Zexy: Blitz to kirsche
Edited by SB.
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Votals 1.4
(7) PKLucas: Drumbeats, Shinori, Vhaltz, Paperblade, Refa, Knight of Argentum, kirsche
(6) kirsche: Zexy, Belisarius, Xinnidy, Blitz, Psych. Clarinets
(6) Kaoz: JB, Einto, Errant, Elieson, Balcerzak, Juliette
(5) Psych: Cam, Marth, eclipse, Lil Bean, Kaoz
(4) Lil Bean: Junko, The Red, Eury, BBM
(3) Shinori: PKLucas, Faerie Knight, Boron
(3) Elieson: Mitsuki, Gaius, Summer
(3) Refa: Ciraxis, Daiya, Minkee
(3) SB: Rein, Manix, Dragonflare
(1) Belisarius: SB
With 41 alive, it takes 21 to lynch.
Cam: Lil Bean to Psych
Ciraxis: Minkee to Refa
Drumbeats: Knight of Argentum to PKLucas
Einto: Elieson to Kaoz
Errant: Balcerzak to Kaoz
Eury: BBM to Lil Bean
Gaius: Summer to Elieson
JB: Juliette to Kaoz
Manix: Dragonflare to SB
Marth: Kaoz to Psych
Paperblade: kirsche to PKLucas
PKLucas: Boron to Shinori
Xinnidy: Clarinets to kirsche
Zexy: Psych to kirsche

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Players who pass persuasion check:

Faerie Knight
Lil Bean(!!!)
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Votals 1.5

(8) Kaoz: Einto, Errant, Elieson, Balcerzak, Belisarius, Zexy, Dragonflare, Eury

(8) Psych: Cam, Marth, eclipse, Lil Bean, Refa, Rein, Drumbeats, Shinori

(6) Refa: Ciraxis, Daiya, Minkee, Vhaltz, BBM, Summer

(4) kirsche: Xinnidy, Psych, Kaoz, PKLucas

(4) Shinori: Faerie Knight, Boron, kirsche, The Red

(4) Elieson: Mitsuki, Gaius, Knight of Argentum, Blitz

(2) PKLucas: Paperblade, Juliette,

(2) SB: Manix, Clarinets,

(2) Belisarius: SB, JB

(1) Lil Bean: Junko

With 41 alive, it takes 21 to lynch.


Balcerzak: Belisarius to Kaoz

Boron: kirsche to Shinori

Cam: Refa to Psych

Ciraxis: Vhaltz to Refa

Daiya: BBM to Refa

eclipse: Rein to Psych

Einto: Zexy to Kaoz

Elieson: Dragonflare to Kaoz

Errant: Eurykins to Kaoz

Faerie Knight: The Red to Shinori

Gaius: Knight of Argentum to Elieson

Lil Bean: Drumbeats to Psych

Manix: Clarinets to SB

Marth: Shinori to Psych

Minkee: Summer to Refa

Mitsuki: Blitz to Elieson

Paperblade: Juliette to PKLucas

Psych: Kaoz to kirsche

SB: JB to Belisarius

Xinnidy: PKLucas to kirsche

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Players who pass persuasion check:

Faerie Knight
The Red
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Votals 1.6

(10) Psych: Cam, eclipse, Lil Bean, Refa, Rein, Drumbeats, Shinori, Boron, Minkee, Zexy

(6) Elieson: Mitsuki, Gaius, Blitz, Summer, Daiya, Ciraxis,

(6) kirsche: Xinnidy, Psych, Kaoz, PKLucas, Manix, Marth

(5) Kaoz: Einto, Eury, Balcerzak, Juliette, Vhaltz

(5) Shinori: Faerie Knight, kirsche, The Red, Belisarius, Elieson

(2) Refa: BBM, Knight of Argentum

(2) PKLucas: Paperblade, SB

(2) SB: Clarinets, Dragonflare

(2) Belisarius: JB, Errant

(1) Lil Bean: Junko

With 41 alive, it takes 21 to lynch.


Balcerzak: Juliette to Kaoz

BBM: Knight of Argentum to Refa

Blitz: Summer to Elieson

Clarinets: Dragonflare to SB

Drumbeats: Boron to Psych

eclipse: Minkee to Psych

Eury: Vhaltz to Kaoz

Faerie Knight: Belisarius to Shinori

Gaius: Daiya to Elieson

JB: Errant to Belisarius

Kaoz: Balcerzak to kirsche

Mitsuki: Ciraxis to Elieson

Paperblade: SB to PKLucas

PKLucas: Manix to kirsche

Rein: Zexy to Psych

The Red: Elieson to Shinori

Xinnidy: Marth to kirsche

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Votals 1.7
(14) Psych: Cam, eclipse, Lil Bean, Refa, Rein, Drumbeats, Shinori, Boron, Zexy, Kaoz, Marth, Einto, Summer, Junko
(8) Elieson: Mitsuki, Gaius, Blitz, Ciraxis, Xinnidy, Summer, Eury, Juliette
(6) Shinori: Faerie Knight, kirsche, The Red, Belisarius, Elieson, Vhaltz
(4) Belisarius: JB, Errant, Manix, SB
(3) kirsche: Psych, PKLucas, Belisarius
(3) Refa: BBM, Knight of Argentum, Daiya
(2) Kaoz: Balcerzak, Minkee
(2) SB: Clarinets, Dragonflare
(1) PKLucas: Paperblade
With 41 alive, it takes 21 to lynch.
Balcerzak: Minkee to Kaoz
BBM: Daiya to Refa
Blitz: Xinnidy to Elieson
Ciraxis: Eury to Elieson
eclipse: Kaoz to Psych
Errant: Manix to Belisarius
Gaius: Juliette to Elieson
JB: SB to Belisarius
Psych: Belisarius to kirsche
Refa: Marth to Psych
Rein: Einto to Psych
Shinori: Summer to Psych
The Red: Vhaltz to Shinori
Zexy: Junko to Psych

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