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Let's end this once and for all. Who is best girl?

Let's end this once and for all. Who is best girl?  

206 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose wisely.

    • Anna
    • Cherche
    • Cordelia
    • Cynthia
    • Flavia
    • Kjelle
    • Lissa
    • Lucina
    • Maribelle
    • Miriel
    • Nah
    • Noire
    • Nowi
    • Olivia
    • Panne
    • Say'ri
    • Severa
    • Sully
    • Sumia
    • Tharja
    • Tiki
    • Emmeryn
    • Aversa
    • F! MU / Avatar
    • Maiden

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I had no idea Cynthia was this popular, honestly. I thought Lucina would be stomping on everyone.

I did too. I guess I'm not surprised, Serenes strikes me as more... diverse? If this were on Reddit or GameFaqs I'd suspect Lucina would easily win.

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I had no idea Cynthia was this popular, honestly. I thought Lucina would be stomping on everyone.

as a daughter, yeah.

Serious uestion, now: Why Lucina?

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I had no idea Cynthia was this popular, honestly. I thought Lucina would be stomping on everyone.

She's got a lot of funny and cute lines, even if she's not the most complex character. She's also got a great role in Future Past 1.

Also, let's not forget about the pigtails and zettai ryouiki (which, admittedly, most female characters have in Awakening), which are both very popular design-wise.

Not a lot of Maribelle love. Rip her

I only had one vote, man!

Also, Nah's got zero votes. Damn, I rather like her.

as a daughter, yeah.

Serious uestion, now: Why Lucina?

Why not?

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Hmm, this is a hard choice...

But I picked Sumia! I just love her character design (in fact, her design is one of my favorites in the game next to Emmeryn and Say'ri) and I really like her supports, and well, I just think she is a sweetheart.

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Why not?

Would you believe me if I told you it's an actual question? I literally don't get it. Never supported her, either. Her physical appearance is also nothing to brag about, considering all the other girls (they're all fucking pretty, I just never saw Lucina standing out specifically).

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Would you believe me if I told you it's an actual question? I literally don't get it. Never supported her, either. Her physical appearance is also nothing to brag about, considering all the other girls (they're all fucking pretty, I just never saw Lucina standing out specifically).

Maybe it was Lucina's "plainness" that got her popular in the first place? I have heard many people say that they like her design the most out of everyone, because it is the least fanservice-y.

I'm not sure, either, to be honest with you.

Anyway, I would vote Nowi, based on her personality and strength as a unit alone. But since I don't want to be called a pedo or lolicon or whatever, I won't.

That's why I'll vote my second favourite female: The badass samurai princess Say'ri.

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Hmm... I wonder who...

Initially it was Tharja, but in later playthroughs it became evident that the best girl was the snob with a heart of gold. I feel like personality-wise Maribelle gets a bad rap, based on first impressions alone. At least, online, she does. They see her introduction as a character and figure she'll fall neatly into the generic snobby rich girl trope, so probably don't support with her much, which is a shame, as she has a lot more character than that. As for gameplay reasons, I guess I've never really noticed her poor gameplay performance, since I like her character enough to use her, regardless.

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Maybe it was Lucina's "plainness" that got her popular in the first place? I have heard many people say that they like her design the most out of everyone, because it is the least fanservice-y.

I'm not sure, either, to be honest with you.

Is Lucina that plain? I always found her very charming; I'm a sucker for certain tropes as long as they're not not written in the most cliché manner possible, and the whole being serious and awesome at fighting and nothing else shtick is something I find adorable, and they find ways to make it very funny to read. Hell, I like Lon'qu quite a bit for the same reason. Couple that with a good design and a major role in the story and violà.

Hmm... I wonder who...

Initially it was Tharja, but in later playthroughs it became evident that the best girl was the snob with a heart of gold. I feel like personality-wise Maribelle gets a bad rap, based on first impressions alone. At least, online, she does. They see her introduction as a character and figure she'll fall neatly into the generic snobby rich girl trope, so probably don't support with her much, which is a shame, as she has a lot more character than that. As for gameplay reasons, I guess I've never really noticed her poor gameplay performance, since I like her character enough to use her, regardless.

It's the same for Virion. It's a shame, I really like both of them because of their supports, even if they're not the best units. Maribelle has some really funny lines.

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Lucina for her part is a main character which always gives a boost in any popularity poll as they are always the characters first shown and the ones who get most lines in a story. It takes no effort to show off who they are since they'll be a constant presence in the story which is also why most late-game or side characters don't score too highly in most polls. Heck, imagine if Priam, Henry or Gangrel actually contributed some more story then their short excerpts says? Most people who like them are from appearance and personality in supports but in most cases since they come in so late most people probably wouldn't have bothered getting through their supports while someone like say Sumia, Frederick or Lissa would have no issue.

I will say however that I do see some bias when it comes to gender playing certain roles. The brooding serious type works better on dudes then on girls in general but I'm digressing too much, this isn't a topic for a character analysis of gender archetypes. Best girl for me is still Emmeryn but the Village maiden is slowly gaining my heart as we speak.

I'm jelly that only Chrom can marry her, why can't I do it? ;-;

Edited by Raguna
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Is Lucina that plain? I always found her very charming; I'm a sucker for certain tropes as long as they're not not written in the most cliché manner possible, and the whole being serious and awesome at fighting and nothing else shtick is something I find adorable, and they find ways to make it very funny to read. Hell, I like Lon'qu quite a bit for the same reason. Couple that with a good design and a major role in the story and violà.

What I meant by that is that she isn't as 'over the top' as some others. I personally like Lucina for the same reasons you do, I just tried to explain to Soul what I think the reason for Lucina's popularity was. She may not be my favourite by a long shot, but I still like her.

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Honestly the more and more I think about it, the more it becomes apparent to me that I'm not really into any of the Awakening girls as a waifu.

...Maybe Emmeryn? I like her reserved yet mature nature.

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It seems I am no longer the only one who picked Severa.

I debated on Tiki or Anna for a bit, but in the end I had to go with the pigtails. I was glad she returned in Fates, and S ranked her in my 1st playthrough... After I was beaten to a pulp by Nohr's chapter 10.

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This is an Awakening topic, and the women listed here are able to support with Robin or is F!Robin essentially. Lilina doesn't exist in Awakening like the listed ones do.

They know. They shitpost stuff like this a lot.

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Where is the Morgan Option? Why aren't we talking about the most precious woman in the army when we are supposed to be M!Avatar?

My baby for best girl, no matters who the mom is!

Oh, well, voting for Maribelle because she's equally awesome.

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They know. They shitpost stuff like this a lot.

How sad. And here I thought that there weren't people like that here.

Where is the Morgan Option? Why aren't we talking about the most precious woman in the army when we are supposed to be M!Avatar?

My baby for best girl, no matters who the mom is!

Oh, well, voting for Maribelle because she's equally awesome.

Of course Morgan is awesome! Although she is a little sadistic for my tastes I think she's still pretty cute :D:

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How sad. And here I thought that there weren't people like that here.

I don't think you should be saying condescending things when you don't get social cues in this forum.

It's safe to say you haven't been around the forum long enough to make remarks like those.

Especially since you have a reputation yourself among the forum regulars, being the fastest to feel attacked (Even breaking Ana's record) and call people elitists. That qualifies as shitposting.

Moving on...

So I'm not sure if this thread is serious or if it's just a shitposting thread in general.

I mean, that's what the first page started out as. But the OP actually added Maiden and Female Rufure.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Moving on...

So I'm not sure if this thread is serious or if it's just a shitposting thread in general.

I mean, that's what the first page started out as. But the OP actually added Maiden and Female Rufure.

Guess TC was interested in the debate lasting longer. And now that you mention the JP avatar name, it reminds me why I once thought Nintendo default named a girl Rufus. Edited by Raguna
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Moving on...

So I'm not sure if this thread is serious or if it's just a shitposting thread in general.

I mean, that's what the first page started out as. But the OP actually added Maiden and Female Rufure.

I thought it was serious.

Hey man, Robin/Rufure is best guy anyway. I ain't gonna judge others for liking the girl one.

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