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So my friend Jojo got into a Kar accident.


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So me and my pal were walking down the street when out of nowhere, this drunk asshole appeared. He was playing some ACDC at full blast. My friend turned to the right and WAMUU, he got hit. For some reason he missed the dog who was also walking. He tmade a ripple in my friend's chest.

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I'll let my avatar do the speaking for me.

Joseph's glorious English in Japanese can never be replicated in the English dub.

I am sad for the lack of memes.

Also, OP, isn't it Esidisi?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Joseph's glorious English in Japanese can never be replicated in the English dub.

I am sad for the lack of memes.

Also, OP, isn't it Esidisi?

the original names were just Wham Cars and ACDC but they ended up changing it to Wamuu Kars and Esidisi for the english manga and anime

so really it can be either

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That's what I meant. The English official media changed the original interpretations. So for the purpose of the OP joke mocking, it should be Esidisi.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Joseph's glorious English in Japanese can never be replicated in the English dub.

I am sad for the lack of memes.

Also, OP, isn't it Esidisi?

jjba is one of those few rare things where i cannot stomach the eng dub

i cry every time i realize i wont be able to hear the memes

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jjba is one of those few rare things where i cannot stomach the eng dub

i cry every time i realize i wont be able to hear the memes

from what little anime i've seen i usually don't like dubs but

i like the jojo part 2 dub a lot

to the point that i honestly prefer the english voice for some characters more than the japanese ones

some voices like caesar's aren't great and some are just kinda bad like stroheim but some like joseph's are PERFECT

maybe it's because i read the manga first or because joseph canonically is english but i honestly feel like the english voice is even more fitting for joseph than the japanese one

like the japanese one was good and all but i feel like the english one fits better in giving him the type of attitude he has

he sounds like a total dick but the kind of guy who would beat up a random dude who pissed off his grandma

i just really like it

the part 1 dub isn't nearly as good as the japanese version both due to jonathan's voice being quite bad and not having dio's muda hinjaku etc. (although dio's voice is great) and regardless of quality the part 3 dub will not be as good due to english joseph not being as funny and no ZA WARUDO etc. but part 2 doesn't have that many japanese moments to lose so i think it's pretty...


i can't believe i wrote this much serious talk about a thing i love in a bad thread like this

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some voices like caesar's aren't great and some are just kinda bad like stroheim but some like joseph's are PERFECT

maybe it's because i read the manga first or because joseph canonically is english but i honestly feel like the english voice is even more fitting for joseph than the japanese one

like the japanese one was good and all but i feel like the english one fits better in giving him the type of attitude he has

Part of me wishes they'd actually got an English actor for him. All I can hear is that bald kid from Kids Next Door.

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That's what I meant. The English official media changed the original interpretations. So for the purpose of the OP joke mocking, it should be Esidisi.

They had to because of Red Copyright tape and copyright infringement suits etc. Hence why we will probably, most likely never get a straight English Translation of all the names that came from bands/music groups in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I'm looking at you, Hendrix estate. Edited by Ace Tactician
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They had to because of Red Copyright tape and copyright infringement suits etc. Hence why we will probably, most likely never get a straight English Translation of all the names that came from bands/music groups in Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I'm looking at you, Hendrix estate.

well i mean

not officially....

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Part of me wishes they'd actually got an English actor for him. All I can hear is that bald kid from Kids Next Door.

yeah i kinda thought the same thing, it's slightly noticable with some lines, but i felt it was believable enough. i also did not watch kids next door much so unlike most people i did not immediately think of that when i heard joseph's voice. still, i feel like it's a huge improvement after part 1 where jonathan had that terrible and obviously fake english accent. hopefully at least for part 3 (if there ever is a dub) they don't fuck up polnareff's french accent
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yeah i kinda thought the same thing, it's slightly noticable with some lines, but i felt it was believable enough. i also did not watch kids next door much so unlike most people i did not immediately think of that when i heard joseph's voice. still, i feel like it's a huge improvement after part 1 where jonathan had that terrible and obviously fake english accent. hopefully at least for part 3 (if there ever is a dub) they don't fuck up polnareff's french accent

I believe there is a video on YouTube that has a preview of Polnareff's English voice (abeit a very short preview.) And the line was said by Troy Barker (if memory serves me correctly)

I keep hoping that a Part 3 dub is stuck in translation because I really, really, really wanna hear Kyle Hebert as Kakyoin again and Rero rero rero in English ^__^

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I believe there is a video on YouTube that has a preview of Polnareff's English voice (abeit a very short preview.) And the line was said by Troy Barker (if memory serves me correctly)

I keep hoping that a Part 3 dub is stuck in translation because I really, really, really wanna hear Kyle Hebert as Kakyoin again and Rero rero rero in English ^__^

is it from the old dub? because they're definitely changing things up from that one considering the part 2 ending had joseph with the accent

although i kinda hope they keep rero rero the same since like. rero rero.

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