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Weekly Mug Shot Contest


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Also, we're judging how good it is. Do not use any type of bias such as "OMG! She has pink hair! I love pink hair! That's auto-win right thar!"

Lol. That takes out Bianchi for a judge. XD

I'd like to see someone try to mix Gheb, Seth, and Ephiran. That would be interesting.

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Damn, got here too late to be a judge... ah well, I'll just watch then.

EDIT: Also, Doom's right. It should be judged at a professional standpoint, voting for the BEST mug, not which you like best. I mean, it's not fair if one person makes a fucking h4x mug, but everyone prefers the overall design of another, so the one who did a better job loses. =/

Edited by xX_Wasure_Xx
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Damn, got here too late to be a judge... ah well, I'll just watch then.

Hm...Well, you have experience, so either I kick someone out, or we decide to have 7 judges.

What do you guys say?

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Odd numbers are best, no way to tie that way. I also edited my post, btw.

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I'd say two, because again, odd numbers don't allow ties.

EDIT: Fox, it sounds good in your opinion in that case. But to actually judge something as 'good', you have to look at the technical aspects of the piece to see how well it was done and whatnot, and you can actually tell if it's good.

Edited by xX_Wasure_Xx
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Thunder Lord gave me this thought from the Short Story topic.

Should we PM our results to you (Fireman) the results we've come up with so that judges don't end up judging because they know person who made it? I think that may be a bit of a problem.

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We're going with 7 judges, but I think we should have at least 1 more "mugger" as a judge.

Thunder Lord gave me this thought from the Short Story topic.

Should we PM our results to you (Fireman) the results we've come up with so that judges don't end up judging because they know person who made it? I think that may be a bit of a problem.

I was just about to suggest that.

Okay, when you believe you are finished with the mug, please PM it to me, and I, in turn will post them all here when I have collected them all for everyone to judge.

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Should we PM our results to you (Fireman) the results we've come up with so that judges don't end up judging because they know person who made it? I think that may be a bit of a problem.

You mean entries? If you do, if a judge signs up and votes with bias, they shouldn't be a judge.

One last thing; I think the judges who are spriters should post what they think of every piece publicly so the entrants can improve. The other judges wouldn't exactly have very constructive criticism, considering they don't know the style or terms for spriting that well, so they wouldn't have to post publicly, but yeah. Spriting judges should give public C&C IMO.

Edited by xX_Wasure_Xx
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Okay, I'm getting off for now, because my dad sometimes return home early and at this time... Since I shouldn't be on, I will get off until 11 when I will be sure he won't get back early.

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can we edit it after we enter cause i'm...well..done :D

Sure. Edit it to your heart's content, just as long as you send me the final version before this coming Sunday(Pacific Time). ^^

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yay!!!! i know it has a little to much raven but meh, he is bigger than the other 2 and really if you use some of him you have to use all of him, and i am terrible at custom so editing it the slightest bit can ruin it. Couldn't really find anything from colm so i added the earring, color and ponytail. It ain't the greatest but better than some of my other ones...

good we can edit cause i found a mistake right when i posted it :D

edit:fixed a lot of the mistakes, make the border darker, moved the ponytail and did some work on the collar

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Added these to the first post:


1. Your color choice is not restricted in any way. You may use any color you wish when coloring/recoloring your mug.

2. Your mug must fit inside this greenish box. Ask me in a PM if you are unsure.

3. You must use at least 1 part from each of the mugs given.

4. You may create some customized pieces onto your final mug.

5. Have fun. ^^

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Oh, really? Have you ever been in a marching band? The stupidest judge in the world can hear a wrong note being played if they actually listen. The same concept can probably be applied here.

That's one note. People can spot if something is a little off here and there, but only someone with a lot of technical skill can point out all the faults, or almost all the faults. Say like, my ex girlfriend were a judge in this topic. She'd think all of theme were pretty good probably, and she'd maybe notice a flaw here or there (a proportional flaw, most likely). On the other hand, I'll notice shading errors, proportional issues, shaping problems, colour errors, placement faults, and more. That's why it's best to take someone who knows the style and other spriting techniques as a judge, the'll be more accurate.

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That's one note. People can spot if something is a little off here and there, but only someone with a lot of technical skill can point out all the faults, or almost all the faults. Say like, my ex girlfriend were a judge in this topic. She'd think all of theme were pretty good probably, and she'd maybe notice a flaw here or there (a proportional flaw, most likely). On the other hand, I'll notice shading errors, proportional issues, shaping problems, colour errors, placement faults, and more. That's why it's best to take someone who knows the style and other spriting techniques as a judge, the'll be more accurate.

You think someone who doesn't know the craft can't notice faults? I can imagine I'd likely be able to notice all of those things, even if I can't tell exactly what it is at first. When it comes down to it, it's better than or worse than something else, and anyone on this forum can probably be the judge of that. Who cares if 1 pixel isn't shaded right if the mug looks badass? Who cares if proportions are completely correct if the thing just looks stupid?

What I'm saying is, extremely minor issues are the main things we won't notice, but so what? Nowhere does it say that this is a test of true skill. It's not the Olympics. If something is totally wrong, we'll see it. If something is a little out of place, we'll realize that something doesn't look quite right. If something so small is out of place that it's barely noticeable, so what?

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Most people actually won;t notice those things. And if they do, they're clueless as to how it can be fixed. If you know the ins and outs of this stuff, you can be constructive and give tips.

And if this isn't based on skill, this'll end up being a popularity contest or filled with bias. People will see purple armour and be like, "OMG PURPLE ARMOUR". Or pink hair and be all, "OMG PINK HAIR." The point of this contest is to have someone make their works as good as they can, and have the better works come out on top each round. You aren't the best because people like your stuff better, you're the best if you've mastered the style's limits and whatnot.

A guy can make a bad ass design for a character, but the sprite is poorly done, whereas someone cna make a hideous design, but make a PERFECT sprite. The person with the less appeal in the design SHOULD win, because the sprite's quality is better.

If these were based off of opinion, then no one would be good or bad. Sorry hon, but there are good spriters and bad spriters. Ignoring that and voting off of opinion and bias doesn't work if you want to see who's better, it only shows who or what PREFERRED. Preferred =/= Skilled.

EDIT: Look at these:



Now, the first sprite has a boring, design. I can't say the design is attractive. However, it's got AMAZING quality. The second sprite has a cooler design (unoriginal, but coolor and more attractive). BUT, the quality is terrible.

If you vote for the better design, then the better spriter loses because of a vote that was formed off of irrelevence.

Edited by xX_Wasure_Xx
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