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Let's Play: Conquest!Hard PMU


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Yeah well, speaking of that... who's supposed to be Dwyer's mother? Because there's a case of doubling up with Peri (she was already picked to marry Keaton, which someone else apparently failed to notice, because he assigned Maid Peri through an S rank with Jakob).

I never will go through a PMU drafting process without messing it up, will I...

Fixed by the way.

I'm checking whether F!MU passes down her chosen class to her daughters. Either way, it doesn't matter who Dwyer's mother is unless he gets drafted as well, so I'd just pick the earliest available pairing for Jakob.

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Okay. Then have Hero!Beruka and General!Beruka!Ignatius if they're not taken.

Ok. Benny was drafted as well as a Dread Fighter, so we got the whole family! Thank you!

FeMU will pass down Nohr Princess to all kids IIRC

I assume you mean besides Kana, where they share a main class.

Looking back at how inheritance works, you're right, she probably won't have access to the Spear Fighter tree.

Maid!Soleil it is!

Also 2 left!

At this point, I'm just going to randomize the MU. Besides being female and having red hair as requested.

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How about Great Lord!Azura?

That works. I heard at some point Aqucina is really good, but I had yet to use it.

Thank you!

Anyways, since I don't want to double post, I'll just start it here.

Chapter 1-6

All of them were pretty easy, of course. Gave as much experience to Emi as possible.

Chapter 7

After reclassing, Emi looks very promising. Very good Strength, Speed and Defense. Unfortunately, I didn't get Dragon Fang in time.

I decided I will use the Visit and Battle items, since I needed a Lance. That's my only reasoning to be honest.

One try on this Chapter. Unfortunately, Silas got the kill on the boss, but in the end it'll be fine.

Everyone after the Chapter (Forgot to do it during the Chapter):


Very reliable, but not so broken that she can clear maps.



Not too good yet, but I may give him an Energy Drop to boost him Strength, which might be very helpful for Chapter 8 and 9.



Since Elise isn't changing class, just promoting, she's going to be pretty normal and reliable later on.


That's all I wanted to do today.

Alright Eclipse, time to move me.

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Paralogue 1: Tragic Start

I decided that I had to get Arthur's weapon rank and level up, so I used this map to train him up.

Arthur, Jakob, Silas and Effie went down to save Mozu, while Emi and Elise went to the side to fight off the Faceless coming from that side.

... And Arthur's first level up is!

1 Skill.

That does not bode well for his future.

Arthur's second level up is!


Arthur, please don't do this to me.

I already know your growths, don't do this.

Alright, 3rd time's the charm, commoooon Arthur!


It just wasn't meant to be, was it.

Well, I proceed to finish the Chapter. I had no reason to do this besides training Arthur, as Mozu isn't going to be used as a mother or anything.

I think this mission was a failure.

I guess it was a TRAGIC START.


Chapter 8

Before this, I had to do Hidden Truths 1 in order to get Odin's Fell Brand.

I hadn't done in in a few months, so it took me about 4 tries, but I managed to keep everyone alive.

I even managed to beat my own turn record! By one, but still.


Put one DVP on the no usage board!

Pre-battle, I gave Emi a few C rank Lances, as she was a pixel or two away from it.

Same goes for Arthur, but D rank. His damage output should be better now, thanks to an Energy Drop as well.

Effie got turned into Arthur's pair-up partner in this Chapter, as he needed exp much more than she did.

Silas got to give Odin his Fell Brand, Raider Katana, and HORSE. Spirit.

Upon Odin using the Brand...


This is probably the best Odin I've ever had.

Robin!Odin, as I will refer to him as, has a 50% growth in Strength and a 45% growth in Magic, so he should be pretty well rounded, but could get RNG screwed.

Arthur and Odin, even when paired up with Silas and Effie, couldn't really hold their own on the left side of the map, so I had to get a bit creative.

I decided the best idea was to stop the threat from even beginning from the right side of the map, so I needed to Freeze or Kill the Soldier who was going to bring in reinforcements. Using Arthur's 8 movement, Elise would rescue him and set him down on the village. Emi and co. would go around west and head for the other villages while Odin and Arthur had the few Mages and Fighters to deal with.

I was a bit focused and forgot to save some screenshots, but I managed to get through and getting all but one village.

Taking out the boss was simple, but since I wanted someone other than Emi to get the exp... it took a bit longer.

mz2h1Iy.jpg Several minutes later...qXKH5Hb.jpg

So, overall this chapter went pretty well.

Odin got some amazing level ups, Arthur got extremely abysmal level ups, and Emi got her C rank. Oh ad Arthur got his D rank

Odin's stats look very promising. While he doesn't have Nosferatu access anymore, he should be fine for Chapter 10 with a Vulnerary... or two.


That's all for today. I have other things to do. Between now and tomorrow, I'll do Before Awakening, since I need the Exalt's Brand for Aqucina.

I'll also need to do Ghostly Gold and buying Heart Seals for Selena and Beruka, so Chapter 10 will probably be put off until the 5th.

Other than that, have a great day!

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Well, time to double post update!

Chapter 9

Like I said, I did Before Awakening pre-chapter.

Took 3 tries. Emi basically lured everyone away with her massive Defense, then equipped the Guard Naginata and killed everyone.


Got my Exalt's Brand.

Make that 2 DVPs that I can't use.

So, my objectives for this chapter were clear;

-Get to Azura early to give her the Exalt's Brand.

-Avoid the middle space as much as possible, as that causes reinforcements to spawn.


-Defeat Boss and seize.

I started by taking out the enemies at the opening. I normally either skip them or hit them from behind, but Emi's overwhelming defense when paired up with Effie allowed me to easily lure them down. In fact, her defense was so good they didn't even attack, they just moved down. From then it was just a matter of killing them and splitting up the exp.


After taking care of the Samurai as well, I have Odin, Silas and Niles go up top to get the chest and take down the Archer, while Emi fought the Archers in the boss room with her Bolt Naginata. Thanks to Jakob's personal skill and Gentilhomme, Emi took very little damage from them, and took them out.


While Odin was taking out the Archer up top, Emi and co. worked their way down to the choke point at the bottom. As Arthur's defense was still pretty bad, Emi had to tank the enemies with the Guard Naginata. Azura, who had been avoiding the Samurai, uses the Dragon Vein, which allowed Emi to switch between the Bolt and Guard Naginatas to effectively take out the enemies that would pose a threat to Odin and Arthur. Odin's team then broke the wall in the upper portion, drawing in some enemies for Odin to kill.



Oh, and of course, we reached Azura. She got her Exalt's Seal, and her stat gains were pretty good.


I had triggered the reinforcements on accident, but they were easily taken care of. As the second to last enemy fell, I went to Miiverse to save a screenshot, as that's how I take them.


Uh... why isn't it going past this screen.




My 3DS crashes while going to Miiverse.

Meaning I have to do the ENTIRE Chapter over again.

Thankfully, it only took 2 tries. Plus, Odin got this sweet level-up.


(He also got Strength and HP, it just isn't there.)

Finally, I finish the Chapter.

Chapter 10

Since I got a Heart Seal from the Boss of Chapter 9, I only needed to buy one from another Castle.

Now, this is where I'd go over my strategy for this Chapter... but I didn't have one. I pretty much just improvised the entire thing. Niles and Azura took care of the Archers on the left, Odin pretty much handled the Oni Savages on the right, and everyone else stayed in the middle. Effie, even untrained for the most part, could still hold her own against at the enemies being thrown at her. She had a little help from Jakob, coming in the form of Gentilhomme, but that was all she needed. Everything else was just reactions with no real plan. And, guess what. I got it FIRST TRY. I got all the houses, none of my units died, and no enemies reached the capture tiles. It was a bit messy, but everyone survived to fight another day.

No pictures because I was EXTREMELY focused, and I didn't want another crash.

However, I will review our new units.


Azura's growths look very promising, but her base stats make her a bit hard to train up. She would've gotten 2 shotted by the Archers in Chapter 10, and she didn't even double them. Hopefully she'll get better as time goes on.


Selena's growths remind me of her Mothers, but not in the bad way Tsubaki's do. Like Azura, she's a bit tough to train up, but she should be fine.


I have to say, Beruka in the Fighter outfit is a bit... disturbing. Thankfully, she'll go to Hero, which has one of the best outfits in the game. Her stats are nothing to sneeze at though. While she can't double yet, a few levels should change that thanks to Fighter's class growths.

Next time will be Sophie's Paralogue and maybe Chapter 11.

Oh, also I totally forgot to get Nyx. Thank goodness it doesn't matter.

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Dear God, my dirty side now needs to reclass Beruka lol

Just make everyone a Fighter. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also nothing today because family and also the Blue Angels are flying pretty much directly next to us this weekend.

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