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Awkward Fire Emblem Experiences


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Anyone have any uncomfortable experiences in Fire Emblem?

I personally have gotten the "Blow" Bond in Fates several times in public while on the subway to work.

Luckily, I eventually figured out the game still reads it if you rub your DS.

Still sucked the first few times though.

The other time was running into someone from work while playing Fire Emlem on the subway

Edited by quasimopho13
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I was once playing East Chemblem (basically Fire Emblem 11 with Touhous and its own maps) over a skype call, and promptly freaked out upon discovering Lunasa was made into a bulked up Fighter in her art, does that count?

She looks normal in her sprite though, which I find somewhat odd.

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I remember testing an FE4 Powerpoint presentation for school. It worked fine at home, but then I changed a theme and the projector showed white text... on a white background. The results were me adlibbing through the text, looking like a nervous wreck, and then afterwards, we had to fill out some form. My response went along the lines of "What did I learn? Check your presentations before you present them." No-one really noticed any of the questionable content as I labelled the incest "Crazy Enemy Plan".

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I did an entire presentation on the series two years ago in a computers class. The teacher gave us free rein of the topic and it was the only thing I could think of. It was probably my best presentation to date but it was awkward as hell. I did get my teacher to possibly try some of the games, though, that might be good?

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I was once playing East Chemblem (basically Fire Emblem 11 with Touhous and its own maps) over a skype call, and promptly freaked out upon discovering Lunasa was made into a bulked up Fighter in her art, does that count?

She looks normal in her sprite though, which I find somewhat odd.

...I need to play this game, where the heck is it

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In 4 I was having a situation where a nun dumped her boyfriend who was both an adult and a prince in favor of a little boy.

Of course I tried to pair Adean in Jamuja, sticking the two together like glue and sending them to the fortune teller for confirmation they would end up together. Then suddenly Adean cheated on Jamuka with Dew who's 14 at the oldest.

Its an example of how I find the pairing system in 4 at least in part based on the games whims which I would like changed in a potential remake.

As for something public? Maybe someone watching me look up FE artwork on my phone.

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My mom was watching me play TMS#FE and commented that she wouldn't have pegged it as something I was interested in. Cue me trying to explain it and getting the "It's okay that you like it" line in response.

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So I remember that one of my friends, who was kind of a dick, was joking about shooting up the school on our group chat. Now, at the same time I was playing Conquest for the first time, and I was at Chapter 25. Basically my frustration was building as me and my friends tried to convince him that the joke was in very poor taste, and he of course was accusing us of being PC. Kagero, meanwhile, chose this precise moment to crit on Leo at a 2% chance and force me to restart the entire damn chapter. So I lose my shit and type this into the chat: "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST (name) I DONT HAVE TIME FOR YOUR BULLSHIT BECAUSE FUCKING KAGERO JUST FUCKING CRITTED LEO ON A 2% HIT CHANCE AND NOW I HAVE TO DO THE CHAPTER AGAIN. This, naturally, was met with some confusion by my friends, especially one of them who was a history buff, and thought that by Kagero I meant the Kagero class Destroyer, a line of ships in the IJN during WWII. Needless to say I came off as not entirely sane.

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