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Angelcynn: The Myrcian Conflict - Act 3 (Cass' Party)


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That was worth exploring. "Nearly a hundred?" Cass mirrored Decima's doubtful glance, but didn't share her worry. "Magonsaetians enter Wykian territory all the time, pushing into our borders, killing our people. I find it hard to believe Esclabor went on a rampage to kill more than a hundred of you just to secure the border. And no, no matter what you believe, we are here for him, not to murder all of you." Cass stood firm, tightening her grip on her staff. "If you have proof, then share it. If I was unwilling to listen, we'd be attacking you already." Cass hoped that he was willing to explain what his claim was all about. Esclabor, for all she knew, had been sent to secure their border, not drive into the territory and start murdering everyone. Her oddly new concern for these bandits lives was confusing, but perhaps it had sprung from her newly learned mortality.

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[spoiler=retro: a prologue to the tale of Sidney Montana]If there was anything worth salvaging in the fort, it would have already been laid claim by the rats, so it seemed. They took them all, those monsters. They took them all!

Scuttle emerged from yet another of the dusty rooms empty-handed. At the very least, the barbarians weren't very clever with their traps. She had seen tighter security in her orphanage cupboards, but also more victuals in them at least.

"Alright, Scuttle. This is a fort that had been recently used for a prolonged encampment. Army camps need food and weapons. If I were a barbarian, I would be mentally challenged, but I would at least have enough faculties to store some in this vastly-spaced and safe compound. So . . . " she spun round to scan the empty corridors frantically, mind awash with quiet frustration, "Where is it?!"

Maybe this was a bit out of her league. She was a common cutpurse who stole from chicken coops.

Wasn't there a thief in the midst earlier? The one with the lockpick and the attitude. Well there was no harm asking her, at least.

Plus, it would be nice to have some company to explore these dreaded hallways. She made her way back to the vestibule, hoping she could catch a glimpse of her.

Sidney was rather irate later in the night, strutting around near the entrance to the fort. The battle had been exhausting, the whole situation of being bossed around by a mysterious magician didn't sit well with her, and Owen hadn't quite been as open as she was hoping for either. Scuttles parading around talking to herself really wasn't helping her mood in the slightest either, drawing a glare from Sidney.

There were a lot of things she could've opted to speak up and say, some friendly, some not, but ultimately Sidney found herself not choosing any of them. Being petty almost certainly wouldn't lead to a conversation that had a good chance of making her feel better, but she didn't really feel like being welcoming at the time, either. Something about Scuttle threw her off a bit, but it was impossible to quite put her mind on what.

The lady's sass was really impressive! Not so much when directed at her. Maybe approaching her had been a bad idea.

Scuttle was doing her outmost best to get into everyone's good graces. She'd been doing pretty well so far. Just what was this woman's deal?

"So," she began, absently peeling away at the leather on her gauntlet, "You're a thief. A thief."

"Not a very nice way to greet someone." Sidney crossed her arms, walking towards the young bard. She was quite a bit shorter than Sidney, something she leveraged a bit in her confident stance. "I have a name- I'm Sidney Montana, and I'd much prefer it to 'a thief'. You're Scuttle, aren't you? Not 'a bard', though that is a bit more flattering than thief anyway... perhaps that's not the best example."

What Sidney thought would be a decent comparison instead sidetracked her into thought for a better one for a moment before speaking up again. "Anyway, what do you want?" She flicked a strand of hair out of her eyes.

Well, okay now, the position of ordinary girl weaselling her way up to nobility had already been taken by Scuttle. No way she was going to some upstart usurp her!

How dare this lowlife stoop to look down on her! She was a pretty big deal! She was on first-name basis with the Princess. They shared secrets. The Baron of Bears complimented her. And she was pretty sure she could be a Mrs Molenli given enough time for her to pry him away from Larissa. And Emily. And she was pretty sure one of the lumberjack brothers had something for Serge too.

Okay so maybe marrying up wasn't an option yet. But still: she was a pretty big deal.

Scuttle wasn't about to let herself get stared down.

She was pretty sure that in the hierarchy of things, Scuttle was at least a rung or two above common thief and pet bear.

"Well, Sidney Montana, I have needs of your skills. I find scavenging so . . . oh, beneath me," she said with a snooty lilt. Her eyebrows raised expectantly, the look on her face that of a woman daring someone to refuse her. "I need you to help search the fort for me so I can report back to, oh you know, the Prince of all Wyke. I'm essentially of noble upper class by now, you see. Very close to it, yes." She inspected the back of her fingernails lazily.

She stared back at Sidney. 'Look at what I can do,' they said, 'I have friends in high places.'

Gosh dolly, pulling your weight around was fun!

As soon as Scuttle spoke again, Sidney suddenly understood what this was all about. Her glare instantly turned to a smirk- obviously Scuttle didn't quite know what she was getting into. "Oh, I see. It's a matter of class now. Practically a noblewoman, you say? Then perhaps I'd better clarify some things to you if you're to, ah, converse with a peer and try demanding things you think you're better than. I am no ordinary thief plucked from the streets. My name is LadyCharlotte Sidney Montana, daughter of Marquess Anthony Montana on the council of Raewald. And Owen, Prince of Wyke, is a very good kisser."

Her own nails looked rather intriguing, giving Scuttle a moment to absorb what she said. Hopefully she'd given a strong enough impression. "Are we a bit more clear now, my practically a noblewoman friend?"

Scuttle blinked owlishly for a second or two before throwing her head back in an uproarious guffaw.

"Daughter of a marquis! Kissing the prince! Oh, oh, that's comedy gold!" she breathed out amidst tears, "Engel, my sides!"

She couldn't take it!

Scuttle calmed down eventually as the laughter died down into smaller tremors, still wiping out the tears from her eyes, "Maybe you hadn't heard, lady dearest, but Lady Charlotte Montana disappeared many years ago and hasn't been heard of since. None of the bounty hunters the Marquess hired had found even a trace of her. She's probably dead."

She saw right through this woman's lies. Oh please. Time to rub it in even more.

"Aw, poor Sidney is jealous I've gotten so close to nobility," she lilted with just enough calculated sweetness for it to ring deliberately false, and patted the common thief on the head, "There, there. I can put in a good word for you. Maybe have a farmhouse named after you."

"Get your hands off me!" Sidney swiped at Scuttle's hand on her head, glaring once again and grabbing at the collar of her shirt, leaning in aggressively. "You prance along for a few days, talk to Cass once or twice, and think you get to go along pretending you're practically nobilityand get to disrespect me! Oh, no no no, that's not how this works, sweetheart."

She let go of Scuttle with a huff, pacing around and gesturing. "It's been years since I've been in society's spotlight. Of course my escape was noticed, but I'm more clever than to get caught right away. But what would you really know about me or my family, anyway? Clearly, you're not all that read up on me- you brushed my middle name off too quickly to really know the details. And you'd probably think twice about it if you knew about my family's distinct auburn hair. Do you know who Emmanuel Rivera is? Common Montana knowledge, really, if you know much of Raewald instead of just a few little stories."

"But regardless of if you want to hear what I have to say, why don't you talk to Cass or Owen about it if you're so friendly with them?" she proposed. "Either of them will tell you about me and how I'm practically bending over to help him recently." And maybe for other reasons, but...She dismissed the thought before it could come to words. "You're supposed to be a pretty good bard, aren't you, Scuttle? Keep all of this in mind, then, because the tale of Sidney Montana is only beginning! So you'd better be quick about it, because sooner or later, I'll be Charlotte Gaffney, and I will certainly be someone you want to have stories about. The Tytilan Tigress, or some other title- I'm sure you can think of something. You're pretty creative- after all, you managed to trick yourself into thinking talking with the princess means much of anything around here."

"What's all this shouting about?" A distant voice could be heard, steps resounding from nearby until the prince's frame could be seen entering the hall. He gave the two women a puzzled look. "Sidney? What's the matter here?" He immediately recognized the thief, but as for the other woman...

"Right, aren't you the one that voiced up to search through this fort?" His memory, thankfully, wasn't so poor as to forget a thing that recent. "My apologies, I've never caught your name." Etiquette came first, though the prince still seemed wary of the situation, trading glances between both ladies. "Get any louder and the whole fort is bound to hear you two. What seems to be the problem?"

"Ha! Ha! Your Imperial Majesty!" Scuttle bowed flamboyantly, a toothy grin plastered across her face, "The battle fatigue must have addled you slightly, for you to have forgotten me so! I am Scuttle Thames, bard extraordinaire! Ha! We are very close! An excellent jest, your Majesty! Ha! Ha!"

"Well, I was dutifully carrying out my entrusted job, as had been personally requested by Your Majesty (eh, your majesty), to search the fort for supplies, and had attempted to recruit . . . this woman here," she deigned not to use her name, gesturing towards Sidney with a grimace, "To help me, to which she refused! Would you imagine, refusing a direct request fromus?" " Refused! Scuttle gasped as if she thought such independence in a lower-class person the greatest travesty under heaven. "And oh, do not get me started on the scandalous things she was insinuating! Being in a relationship with you! Imagine that, a thief!"

"Your timing is impeccable, Prince Owen. Please, set the record straight. We can't have them all behaving like this, can we? However shall we deal with her?" She glared at Sidney triumphantly then stuck her nose high up in the air, preening herself, "Why, the day Prince Owen Gaffney loses his mind and voluntarily kisses you is the day I kneel down and kiss your boots, Lady Charlotte Montana. If that is your real name."

Sidney smiled when Owen entered the room, crossing her arms to listen to Scuttle's manic ravings. It was quite the performance, to be fair, and she waited out everything that was to be said before looking to the bard again. "You done there, sweetheart?" She ruffled Scuttle's hair quickly, licking her lips before starting her own report of the situation. "If you're not starting to see the big picture here, well..."

"Let's start off with some facts here. Maybe you've talked to the princess, but Prince Owen clearly doesn't have a clue who you are. So maybe before you prance around pretending you're practically nobility, which is an audacious claim when just about everyone here has spoken with Cass plenty often, you should think your plans through a bit better!" By now Sidney was pacing around, gesturing with her hands often. "And maybe you could be a bit more polite in your request than trying to leverage your imaginary position to make demands next time. If you'd just asked me nicely to search the fort with you, which incidentally I also have some doubts about whether Owen actually requested, I'd have said yes. I'm not unreasonable, but you're certainly in no place to order me around."

"So! Let us indeed set the record straight here." Sidney pointed to the other woman. "I, Lady Charlotte Sidney Montana, am not going to be ordered around by you, Scuttle Thames, 'bard extraordinaire' or not. That's not even a real title, but Owen can confirm to you that Charlotte is certainly my real name! Come here, my prince." She glanced to the prince again, motioning for him to approach and pursing her lips.

"Scuttle... Thames?" Owen furrowed his brow, making no spare effort to hide his confusion. The so-called Scuttle Thames amidst an act of grandstanding, and Sidney asking for a kiss at such a time to boot. "Uh..." The girl's act was certainly... eccentric, but it only cemented further in the prince's mind that if he knew such a character he certainly would make a point to not forget how to address her. It took some rethinking the back-and-forth bout over the 'bard extraordinaire' that a metaphorical light sparked to give Owen's mind some clarity.

"Oh!" Owen interrupted the argument timely, a snap of his fingers as he quickly pieced the situation. "You're the lady that volunteered to search, and... I-I most certainly didn't meet you before then. My apologies." He shook his head apprehensively, taking a couple steps closer to the arguing ladies to make sure things wouldn't escalate further after that. "My sincere apologies if you've been conned by an impersonator." He bowed politely, "For the sake of any future encounters, always look to the small finger." He made a point to present his left hand, raising his pinky to bring to attention a golden ring worn, adorned with a single, emerald gem.

"The many who dare to claim my status never come through with the finer details." He gave the bard a wink.

"What Sidney said is true, though." He tilted his head in acknowledgement, "She *is* Charlotte Montana, in the flesh. Going through a false name ever since she's escaped Raewald in... less than advisable manners. But I digress, she is returning to Raewald, and has much to catch with her parents." Owen doubted he'd be able to explain Sidney's history better than her own person, ending his explanation there would suffice. "Now, before I forget..."

The prince moved close to Sidney, embracing her in one fluid motion, following her waiting request with a loving kiss. One that took a better half of a moment, rather than a swift kiss. "Unlike my impostors, never say I don't come through for you." The prince let Sidney go, only taking hold of her hand now.

In the back of her mind, Sidney nearly suspected that Owen wouldn't kiss her at all. The two hadn't been very intimate in public at all, and she sort of doubted he would indulge in her in what had sort of moved past establishing herself as honest and into bragging. So it came as a complete surprise when he showed passion in embracing her for a deep kiss. She raised a hand to stroke his cheek, biting at his bottom lip briefly before he let her go.

Sidney gave a needlessly lusty moan afterwards, giving Scuttle a smirk with half-lidded eyes as she took the prince's hand. "Thank you, dearest... now then, I believe someone has some apologizing to do. You didn't meet any impostors, you were lying to save face when you're not really all that high up the ladder here. If Owen wanted me to look throughout the fort, he would ask me himself. Are we clear now, sweetheart?"

It was amazing how quickly the colour drained from Scuttle's face. Her expression underwent a series of comic evolutions from quiet shock to abject terror as she replayed in her head everything she had just said in front of both Lady Montana and her lover for the past five minutes.

Did she just tell a noblewoman to scavenge for scraps? Then patted her on the head and accused her of lying? The noblewoman who was with the Prince of all Wyke?!

"FORGIVE ME!" Scuttle instantly dropped to her knees in a fit of sobs, grovelling at Sidney's feet, "Forgive me, Lady Montana! A thousand apologies! I am not worthy! Not worthy! I am a mere worm in your presence! Wriggle wriggle!"

She planted as many kisses onto her better's shoes as she could. "Your shoes! Gossamer! Oh how elegant! Has anyone ever told Lady Montana that you have excellent, excellent taste! Thank you for letting me kiss them, m'ilady! This is truly an honour!"

"Hey, hey, ow! No need for that." Scuttle was a lot more literal and almost violent about the kissing boots statement than Sidney thought. She stepped back, merely poking the bard on her head. "You can stand up. I don't want you to degrade yourself, I just want you to respect me. For that matter, just don't try pulling rank on people unless there's a good reason to, because in the group here it mostly doesn't matter." She extended a hand to the bard. "You sure know how to give a show, and I don't really dislike you or anything, so let's start fresh. I am Lady Sidney Montana, and you are Scuttle Thames, bard extraordinaire. You are looking for extra supplies and that sort of thing around here, right? I haven't seen much of anything yet in any of the rooms I've been in, but maybe we could get some more done together. How does that sound?"

"Well..." If he were to be perfectly honest, Prince Owen was still piecing the whole situation himself. That Scuttle Thames was... certainly a character. Where'd they find her, anyways? "I-I'm pretty certain we've sorted this out as a misunderstanding, indeed..." Owen was mostly echoing Sidney's sentiments after seeing the poor bard dive for her shoes like it was a matter of life and death. "Worry not. As part of the group --my group--, what's important is that you're helping the mission... however you are." 'Bard extraordinaire' didn't explain quite nearly enough, "There are bigger issues to face from here to Raewald, quite frankly."

Perhaps it was a bit rude to trivialize something that made the girl white as a sheet so readily, but it was the thought that counted, right? "Well, if that's sorted out, then I'll be on my way. Do speak to me if you two find something noteworthy."

A hundred... that sounds ridiculous, Sidney mentally agreed with the other two. She decided not to speak- Cass was seemingly doing her best, and the thief didn't think she had anything that would actually be useful to chip in with to say. Still, she readied her bow just in case, for it wouldn't do to be caught unawares.

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Lanval didn't appear impressed, to him, it only seemed as if Cass were trying to lord over him. "Do you want to see the mass graves, the wounded men?" he barked, his voice full of fury. "How about our broken homes, our trampled crops! Maybe then you'll grant us the blessing of lying down whilst you rescue the man who took everything we own from us. Your country might not like ours, but you're the real savages. What gives you the right to decide who may live or die!"

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"The real savages? The savages are the ones who result to ballista fire before a word has been spoken, before a flag had been set; when a single boat wanders through your territory and has not met land. Do not act as if you have not killed our people as well, and that does not make our retaliation right, but neither of us are suddenly better than the other!" Cass was beginning to get sucked into his anger, but she didn't have it in her to raise it along with him.

"Do what you will with him," she muttered to everyone else, sure that there was no time for pleasantries with any of them, anymore. "I am trying to give you the courtesy of being treated as a human being, and not an animal, but I see you are too blinded by your own rage to be civil. I suppose we're always going to be seen as pawns of the crown to you all, aren't we..."

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Sidney just about had enough of this swordmaster's attempts at standing on a moral highground. Regardless of if he had some points about this Escablor's rampage, Magonsaens were far from innocent that he seemed to be proclaiming. Still, his terrain was too annoying to shoot at. Instead, there were other foes nearby approaching from the flank- much easier targets.

Nelon moves to (7, 4), Iron Lance on Myrm B

Sid to (8, 4), Iron Bows Myrm B

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"I shall hold the rear with all my might!"

Nelon moves to 7,4!

Nelon attacks Myrm B with his Iron Lance!
17 Atk, 81% Hit, 6% Crit, 12% Adept
(33 32)
Nelon deals 17 damage! (10/27 HP remaining)
Myrm B counters with her Iron Blade!
4 Atk, 52% Hit, 4% Crit
(81 54)
Nelon dodges!

Nelon gains 10 XP!
Nelon gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Sidney moves to 8,4!

Sidney attacks Myrm B with her Iron Bow!
15 Atk, 93% Hit, 8% Crit
(85 87)

Sidney gains 30 XP!
Sidney gains 2 Bow WEXP!

Sidney grows to level 11!
(47 85 27 88 31 83 31 37)
HP up!
Speed up!

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With super happy ballista funtime still in mind, Claire didn't pay much mind to Lanval's blathering. He would have to wait until later though, as there were enemies behind them approaching fast.

Claire to (8,5), attack Myrm D with Wind

Edited by SB.
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Lanval wasn't going to budge, there was no chance that he'd surrender to the likes of Cass. "I ain't gonna say anything about the the tribe that attacked you, that was their own fault and if they died they deserved it. Your fella still butchered a hundred men, and I'm not about to let the man who did it walk away freely." he spat, determined to fend off Cass' group.

Claire moves to 8,5!

Claire attacks Myrm D with Wind!
14 Atk, 90% Hit, 0% Crit
(58 93)
Claire deals 14 damage! (13/27 HP remaining)

Claire gains 10 XP!
Claire gains 1 Tome WEXP!

Claire grows to level 10!
(98 74 16 2 5 53 53 0)
Magic up!
Skill up!
Speed up!
Luck up!
Resistance up!

Freya moves to 7,5!

Freya attacks Myrm D with her Steel Lance!
17 Atk, 74% Hit, 7% Crit
(91 16)
Freya misses!
Myrm D counters her lucky stars and counters!
4 Atk, 56% Hit. 3% Crit
(74 35)
(10 86)
Freya takes 4 damage! (32/36 HP remaining)

Freya gains 5 XP!
Freya gains 2 Lance WEXP!

Edited by Shin
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"Don't think I'll like you for weakening him first."

Morta moves to 7,6!

Morta attacks Myrm D with her Javelin!
15 Atk, 82% Hit, 2% Crit, 10% Luna
(81 27 71)
Morta finishes!
Morta gains 43 XP!
Morta gains 2 Lance WEXP!
Morta grows to level 6!
(52 5 44 77 90 34 31 87)
HP up!
Strength up!

Morta cantos to 10,6!

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Cass didn't have much left in her to try and convince Lanval, but she knew better than to start cursing him for not listening. She swallowed her anger and moved on, ignoring his further comments. If he wished to prove himself the better, he could sit on his hill for all she cared.

Decima move to (11,5)
Cass to (9,4)
Nona to (9,5)

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Cass moves to 9,4!

Decima moves to 11,5!

Nona moves to 9,5!


"They're just going to kill the other squad... I have to do something..."

Lanval moves to 10,7!

Lanval attacks Morta with his Steel Sword!
9 Atk, 60% Hit, 12% Crit, 16% Sol
(30 9)
Morta eats a critical hit! (1/29 HP remaining)
Morta counters!
16 Atk, 49% Hit, 3% Crit, 10% Luna
(0 93 88)
Morta deals 16 damage! (17/33 HP remaining)

Morta gains 15 XP!
Morta gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Myrm A moves to 7,3!

Myrm A attacks Nelon with her Iron Blade!
3 Atk, 54% Hit, 4% Crit
(30 17)
Nelon takes 3 damage! (33/36 HP remaining)
Nelon counters!
17 Atk, 76% Hit, 0% Crit, 12% Adept
(80 12)
Nelon misses!

Nelon gains 5 XP!
Nelon gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Myrm C moves to 6,4!

Nelon doesn't look comfortable at all!

Myrm C attacks Nelon with her Steel Blade
5 Atk, 45% Hit, 4% Crit
(37 45)
Nelon takes 5 damage! (28/36 HP remaining)
Nelon counters!
17 Atk, 77% Hit, 0% Crit, 12% Adept
(78 10)
Nelon misses!

Nelon gains 5 XP!
Nelon gains 1 Lance WEXP!

Myrm E looks at Freya!

Myrm E stays put!

Chapter 6B - Turn 3


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"Right! What matters now is saving Esclabor!"

Decima moves to 11,6!
Decima attacks Lanval with Unreliable Flame!
13 Atk, 56% Hit, 5% Crit, 12% Adept
(76 31)
Decima misses!
Decima gains 5 XP!
Decima gains 1 Tomes WEXP!
"I'm so sorry, Princess! I tried my best... wait, I think I have a plan!"
Decima changes the plan!
Decima moves to 10,8!
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That was that, Cass told herself with a hefty sigh. That swordsman was moving to fight them, no matter what, and-- "M-Morta!" Not today! Not again! I'm not watching more people die because of some idiot that refused to stop fighting!

Cass had been that idiot at some point, but she didn't want to see this sort of thing anymore... Alas, if he was going to go around murdering people she still had to speak with, she wasn't going to put up with it.

"It's fine, Decima, just make sure your sister doesn't die!" I'll do my part, as well!

Cass to (10,5) heal Morta
Morta to (11,6), attack Lanval with javelin, canto to (11,7)

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"I nearly had him..."

Cass moves to 10,5!

Cass heals Morta with Jeeves' Staff for 19 HP!

Cass gains 25 XP!

Cass gains 3 Staff WEXP!

Morta moves to 11,6!
"You're dead, asshole."
Morta attacks Lanval with her Javelin!
16 Atk, 49% Hit, 3% Crit, 10% Luna
(48 96 61)
Lanval takes 16 damage! (1/33 HP remaining)
Morta gains 15 XP!
Morta gains 1 Lance WEXP!
Morta cantos to 11,7!
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Nona moves to 9,7!

"Decima, Morta! Just like we practiced!

Nona initiates a Triangle Attack!
Lanval contemplates his life...
Probably wasn't worth it!
Lanval is destroyed!

"Make that one hundred and one..."

Nona gains 87 XP!
Decima gains 10 XP!
Morta gains 10 XP!

Nona grows to level 12!
(83 61 62 63 37 69 20 27)
Defense up!
Resistance up!

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Nelon attacks Myrm E with his Iron Lance!
17 Atk, 80% Hit, 0% Crit, 12% Adept
(91 66)
Nelon misses!
Myrm E counters!
3 Atk, 52% Hit, 4% Crit
(84 31)

Nelon gains 5 XP!
Nelon gains 1 Lance WEXP!

"My apologies... my performance is inadequate..."

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Sidney attacks Myrm A with her Iron Bow!
14 Atk, 93% Hit, 8% Crit
(25 16)
(13 69)
Such dead.
Sidney gains 27 XP!
Sidney gains 3 Bow WEXP!
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Claire moves to 7,3!

Claire attacks Myrm C with Wind!
14 Atk, 96% Hit, 0% Crit
(89 82)
Claire deals 14 damage! (14/28 HP remaining)

Claire gains 10 XP!
Claire gains 1 Tome WEXP!
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