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totally play moba's kids part dos


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Ike - Yesterday at 8:30 PM

god that was


in an aram as taric, our slavic god

we've got them down to their nexas and both towers, it's me, gangplank, and donger up against sivir and some other fucker

my r comes up and i'm like


what the hell

so i ping R - Ready

ping their tower

ping R- Ready

ping their tower

and then start moving forward

and gangplank fucking charges straight through the tower

end result was a quadra for gangplank, me taking both towers while being shot by them, and then we took the nexas

it was amazing

roymfrog - Yesterday at 8:32 PM


Ike - Yesterday at 8:33 PM

and the postscript

+1 Teamwork commendation

wonder who gave me that

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