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Dragonstone Shenanigans


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However much I love Fates, I acknowledge that there are gaping plot holes everywhere (that's part of why I've tried to write my own stories over my various PMU runs). The first one that really stands out to me is how Corrin obtains their dragonstone. Azura just up and gives it to them, like she had one in her pocket this whole time just in case. Honestly, I find this scenario extremely unlikely because of the distinct lack of other dragons, but in saying that it's given me an idea for a story run in which the main plot is finding Corrin a dragonstone because otherwise they risk going completely feral permanently.

Soo... I kinda need more ideas than just this basic framework for how I would do a run like this, and if I should try to write a story to go with it (like my kinda dead 'What REALLY Happened' stories).

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Not entirely connected, but sort of related, I actually had an idea where Garon would turn out to be a Manakete like Corrin, and would want Corrin dead in order to seize their Dragonstone and use it for himself in order to capture the territory necessary to sustain Nohr.

No matter what, Corrin's being a dragon should absolutely have been more relevant to the main plot.

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That really depends on. . .well, everything. If you're able to massage things enough, you can make all sorts of justifications over whatever you do. Check my sig for some examples of narrative-twisting for one's convenience.

I'll definitely read it, though!

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Simple and accurate explanation: The gameplay devs wanted Corrin to be able to go mixed easily in her base class but didn't want to just give the avatar free tomes access or easy 1-2 range, so they made her an fe12-style manakete that runs off Mag. Meanwhile the writers were buying alcohol instead of doing their job instead of putting the stone/dragon reveal/kana's dragonstone??? in a reasonable and explained location.

Lazy fanfiction explanation: Azura collects weird shit from Valla, like crystal balls that make people's faces look funny, and just happened to have one available.

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No matter what, Corrin's being a dragon should absolutely have been more relevant to the main plot.

Agreed, that's why I want to write this story with the focus on the dragonstone. I mostly just need ideas for the run itself now, like if I can let Corrin use their dragon form or not, and if I should use a PMU format.

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Okay, I have no idea where I read this, but maybe it's helpful:

Apparently Anankos passed a piece of his dragonstone on through the royal family of Valla, in an attempt to subdue his future self (like with Azuras song). So what if this dragonstone actually is the blue gem in Azuras pendant?

While trying to calm the Avatar Azura could give him/her the pendant allowing them to retransform, but obviously they can't keep it for themselves. Following this they set out to find a way of (maybe?) splitting up that thing and on their way they encounter the Rainbow Sage who tells them stuff about dragons and you know... actually help them. Meanwhile the Avatar has to struggle with dragon problems... sanity slippage and whatever it means being a dragon.

This could play into the theme of fate, with the Avatar using the dragonstone of their


, while at the same time exploring parts of Anankos backstory....

Yeah ... I'm no writer so really sorry if this is just nonsense, but I hope I could help nontheless!

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Heirs of Fate 2 indicates that Azura crystallizes the dragonstone out of nothing; or rather, the dragon's desire to transform:

Azura: I regret to tell you that it would be dangerous for you to transform now. Without more control over your dragon form, you could go berserk again.

Kana: R-really? Aww...

Azura: But I have a solution. I'll crystallize your impulse to transform in a stone. That way, you won't give in to it and become a dragon against your will.

How exactly she has this ability is never explained, but it probably has something to do with her being from Valla.

Edited by Lightchao42
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Doesn't Azura actually crystallize something for Corrin? Corrin's dragon powers maybe? iirc, the game already has some explanation beyond 'hey, look there's this rock in my pocket,' so you could probably run with that if you wanted. Expand it some.

If that's not your flavor though, you could always use Arete, but that's more a justification for Azura having a rock in her pocket, so as I'm typing this, I'm beginning to suspect it's not gonna help you.

Honestly, the game gives you a lot of flexibility to do what you want in fanfiction. If you have some idea already, it's probably safe to run with it.

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On a separate note about Dragonstones, in chapter 5 Azura tells Corrin that if they don't have their Dragonstone they would return to their Primal form again. So after playing Chapter 5 for the first time I wanted part of the story to have Corrin lose their Dragonstone or someone steals it, them Corrin loses control and the rest of the army battles and attempts to retrieve the Dragonstone. Corrin could be running around wild(like Kana was in his/her Paralogue). Maybe with a "Beat the map in less than X turns" goal before Corrin loses his humanity completely.

Then after beating all three paths, I was a little disappointed that nothing like this happened, or anything else relating to the Dragonstone(besides the mention before Conquest chp 7).

Any thoughts on this idea?

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On a separate note about Dragonstones, in chapter 5 Azura tells Corrin that if they don't have their Dragonstone they would return to their Primal form again. So after playing Chapter 5 for the first time I wanted part of the story to have Corrin lose their Dragonstone or someone steals it, them Corrin loses control and the rest of the army battles and attempts to retrieve the Dragonstone. Corrin could be running around wild(like Kana was in his/her Paralogue). Maybe with a "Beat the map in less than X turns" goal before Corrin loses his humanity completely.

Then after beating all three paths, I was a little disappointed that nothing like this happened, or anything else relating to the Dragonstone(besides the mention before Conquest chp 7).

Any thoughts on this idea?

You can take it up a notch by having Azura, Ryoma, or Xander (player's choice or could be determined by story route: Ryoma for BR/RV; Xander for CQ/RV; or Azura for RV only) be temporary leader of your forces to take down Corrin (who would have predetermined stats rather than his current stats) when he goes berserk as a dragon in one mission. Perhaps the team leader choice determines the map layout, enemy composition, and rewards with Ryoma being the easy map while Xander and Azura would have the more difficult maps (possibly having turn limits before failure); Azura's may be the most difficult perhaps by doubling enemy density for more rewards similar to how in Awakening, you can choose to take on both mercenary bands in Yarne's paralogue to get the most rewards.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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Okay, I have no idea where I read this, but maybe it's helpful:

Apparently Anankos passed a piece of his dragonstone on through the royal family of Valla, in an attempt to subdue his future self (like with Azuras song). So what if this dragonstone actually is the blue gem in Azuras pendant?

This makes so much sense that it bugs the hell out of me that they don't put the little extra effort to actually cover narrative oversights, and plot holes like this without needing to sell it in DLC.

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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Thanks everyone for the input so far, it's all been very helpful!

On a separate note about Dragonstones, in chapter 5 Azura tells Corrin that if they don't have their Dragonstone they would return to their Primal form again. So after playing Chapter 5 for the first time I wanted part of the story to have Corrin lose their Dragonstone or someone steals it, them Corrin loses control and the rest of the army battles and attempts to retrieve the Dragonstone. Corrin could be running around wild(like Kana was in his/her Paralogue). Maybe with a "Beat the map in less than X turns" goal before Corrin loses his humanity completely.

Then after beating all three paths, I was a little disappointed that nothing like this happened, or anything else relating to the Dragonstone(besides the mention before Conquest chp 7).

Any thoughts on this idea?

I would love a chapter like that. If I could hack the game, I probably would to make something like that a thing. Failing that, I could just write something like that into the story.

At the moment my idea is to do a playthrough with the ultimate goal of getting the Dragonstone+, because you're kinda already up and given a normal Dragonstone so that can't work as a goal. The normal Dragonstone will always be in Corrin's inventory (even if he's in a class that can't use it) as a sort of thing representative of the possibility of transforming against his will at any time. I'd probably make this a Revelation run, because I figure I can adapt Corrin's decision to not choose a side as trying to keep away from both of his families because he isn't willing to endanger them should he transform (especially given that he nearly killed Azura when he first transformed).

Okay, I have no idea where I read this, but maybe it's helpful:

Apparently Anankos passed a piece of his dragonstone on through the royal family of Valla, in an attempt to subdue his future self (like with Azuras song). So what if this dragonstone actually is the blue gem in Azuras pendant?

While trying to calm the Avatar Azura could give him/her the pendant allowing them to retransform, but obviously they can't keep it for themselves. Following this they set out to find a way of (maybe?) splitting up that thing and on their way they encounter the Rainbow Sage who tells them stuff about dragons and you know... actually help them. Meanwhile the Avatar has to struggle with dragon problems... sanity slippage and whatever it means being a dragon.

This could play into the theme of fate, with the Avatar using the dragonstone of their


, while at the same time exploring parts of Anankos backstory....

I think splitting up Azura's pendant might not work, given how important it is, but she might lend it to Corrin or something sometimes. However, she won't have access to her special songs when she does, so it's only sometimes and during periods of emotional stress (given that seems to be what triggers involuntary transformations) that Azura can give Corrin her pendant. I like the idea with the Rainbow Sage helping them out, so I'm thinking that he directs them to the Dragonstone+. Being that the Dragonstone+ is in Valla when playing through Revelation (I hope I'm remembering that right), the Rainbow Sage can only tell them so much because of the curse that prevents people talking about Valla.

I'll probably think of more stuff later, but that's what I have at the moment.

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I believe it is canon that Azura's pendant is made from a piece of Anankos's Dragonstone. If I were to do the job of the game's writersand actually explain her giving Corrin a dragonstone I would say that her pendant can turn regular stones into Dragonstones due to being made from the dragonstone of a dragon with godlike power.

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