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[Pair Up] Weirdest Couples


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What are your weirdest pairups ?

I had this idea after I replayed Conquest and I really wanted Ignatius but realised couple of seconds after that the only maiden available was Elise...

Could you just imagine it ? Just for a minute okay ?

Either way I couldn't think of any other couple aside from this random one, mind sharing your with me ? It might be fun

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Yeah that's a good one,

Another would be Saizou and Sakura/Mozu.

Because really he is one very scary guy, especially when you invite him into your private quarters and you see how weird he look. I know he is badass but still man it would be scary to see him in private moments with baby-doll faces like those girls.

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My weirdo pair-up would have to be Ryoma x Setsuna

Oh gods i can imagine that wrecking Shiro a bit. D:

Leo/Charlotte is actually a good pair, but it is kind of bizarre when you stop and think of it. While she definitely wants a noble/royal husband, Leo actually seems younger than her and really studious and stuff. I dunno it just feels like an odd couple compared to Xander/Charlotte (which appeals to Xan's more indulgent nature).

Yeah that's a good one,

Another would be Saizou and Sakura/Mozu.

Because really he is one very scary guy, especially when you invite him into your private quarters and you see how weird he look. I know he is badass but still man it would be scary to see him in private moments with baby-doll faces like those girls.

Omg ive paired Saizo with these two, and these are the supports in which made me warm to Saizo. I love Saizo/Sakura a lot.

Nyx with anyone tbh. >.>

Peri with anyone other than Xander, Odin, or Lazlow tbh. I love her but her chemistry with most blokes in the game is like...wat.

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Niles x Oboro is some good crack

C rank: "you suck go away

B rank: "Your face is ugly lady"

A rank: "2 lewd 4 me"


oh yeah! Those two dont really even make sense together at all.

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Hayato x Nyx is one of the weirdest pair-ups to me, even getting past the age their personalities are strange together.

It would feel like using barbie-dolls and have them go "on dual stance" + apparently Hayato is actually an adult he just is very young taking in consideration he might be around Sakura's age.

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In a way JakobxFemaleKamui because he was a rookie butler when he started serving Kamui and she/he forgot that she/he motivated him to become a better butler since Kamui forgot Silas in his childhood it would be safe to say that it would be around this time. Which means Jakob is actually a pedophile.


P.S : For those who married Felicia and Flora fear not because Felicia is very clumsy due to probably lack of experience as she is being mentored by both Flora and Jakob who was close to her level at one point. Taking that in mind in FE logic you become a better Maid/Butler with experience so she is probably around your age with Flora since they're twins

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Fun Fact:

In my Revelation playthrough I have A-Ranked a lot of female units and they are all waiting for a confession. So I checked out their confessions and as you know when you meat your waifu at the hot springs special conversations appear and you don't run away for the hundred time.

So girls like Azura and Peri will be chill and say that they're glad you came because they enjoy your company and all the lovy stuff but Kagero really shocked me...

"Oh Hiro{MyUnit} it has gotten a lot hotter now that you are here "

Kagero you thirsty ninja...

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Odin x Kagero and Laslow x Orochi. They completely wreck the very purpose for those children but, in my perfect Fates universe, it is canon.

EDIT: Also, Niles with anyone except Nyx.

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I am actually paring Kaze and Setsuna for the huge skills and for her name to make sense because you can't call yourself a japanease character if your name is green and don't have green hair.

Anyways I am going off-topic but another one would be one of the most popular

CamillaxMaleKamui because be honest with yourself... this is by far one of the most unhealthy and lustuous marriage in the game but yet it doesn't come close to RobinxAversa who is a lot older than Robin {Like 7 years old minimum and I am being very nice on that }

The only bright side is that Camilla is only around 3-4 years older so that's not much of a big deal but still it feels as though the two aren't married but are sex friends since she still sees you as her little brother and at the same time her husband in her skinship in the japanease version.

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I am actually paring Kaze and Setsuna for the huge skills and for her name to make sense because you can't call yourself a japanease character if your name is green and don't have green hair.

Anyways I am going off-topic but another one would be one of the most popular

CamillaxMaleKamui because be honest with yourself... this is by far one of the most unhealthy and lustuous marriage in the game but yet it doesn't come close to RobinxAversa who is a lot older than Robin {Like 7 years old minimum and I am being very nice on that }

The only bright side is that Camilla is only around 3-4 years older so that's not much of a big deal but still it feels as though the two aren't married but are sex friends since she still sees you as her little brother and at the same time her husband in her skinship in the japanease version.

Corn/Robin in a shellnut. Harem ending is the best ship.

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i've... always... done oboro x niles when i can ;w;

As far as weird pairings, I've been trying to do it too. or at least ones I'm not use to.

Xander x Sakura could count (support's pretty good though but omfg Siegbert's hairrrrr.)

Keaton x Azura was fairly... uncommon, but it ended up being super cute. Love that pairing now, actually.

Odin x Kagero and Laslow x Orochi. They completely wreck the very purpose for those children but, in my perfect Fates universe, it is canon.

EDIT: Also, Niles with anyone except Nyx.

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IT PAINS ME THAT KAGERO WRECKS OPHELIA. If I didn't do it about kids, it would be the pairing I always did for Odin, but Ophelia's one of my favorites and I love her being usable. It's Hell.

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Seconding Peri/Jakob - given her reputation of killing her servants, it's kinda odd for her to not only marry one, but end up having a son who's one.

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YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IT PAINS ME THAT KAGERO WRECKS OPHELIA. If I didn't do it about kids, it would be the pairing I always did for Odin, but Ophelia's one of my favorites and I love her being usable. It's Hell.

The pain is too much for me too, fam. One of these days, I'm going to start a "I don't give a kcuf" run and make all my favorite pairings, regardless of how garbage the children turn out.

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Ngl, I whore Odin endlessly in rev where I don't need or want a brokephelia.

90% of his supports are the purest crack and you love it. 10% will reach inside and forcefully extract the feels.

Odin X Felecia is arguably even more crack than Odin x Kageru though.

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The pain is too much for me too, fam. One of these days, I'm going to start a "I don't give a kcuf" run and make all my favorite pairings, regardless of how garbage the children turn out.


As for me:

Any Corrin X his siblings

It was bound to come up sooner or later, but that's still kinda creepy, especially with the Hoshidan siblings considering that (s)he thought that they were his/her real siblings. This is only allowed in hentai and cutesy anime like Oreimo. >.<

Elise X Ryoma(or any big, bulky dude)

I'm doing Elise X Ryoma cause I'm a dirty bastard, but it's still kinda unsettling when you think about a possibly 14-year-old girl in an intimate relationship with some huge mofo. Same can be applied to Sakura to T.

Leo X Nyx

That C-Support. WTF Nyx. That S-Support. WTF Leo.

Elise X Odin

Not really a weird pairing, but I wouldn't really see them as a couple, but rather good friends.

Peri X Anyone

If you piss her off, she may kill you.

Edited by SageHarpuiaJDJ
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At this point, I've unlocked maybe two thirds of the 1st gen supports.

Any support where a character treats another character like the smelliest crap but in the end the victim suddenly loves them despite the abuse. Which is like more than half of the supports Fates has.

Any support where the conversation is about someone who isn't one of the characters supporting each other. Who in our world romantically bonds over gushing about other people?

Any Corrin X "Sibling". Fates sure does go to great lengths to justify many things. Fan service much? And fan service tends to be poor writing...

That kind of covers any supports I think are dumb.

Anyway, time to defend a couple pairings mentioned here.

Leo X Nyx

I think it's one of the better supports, and this one felt very natural and in line with Leo's and Nyx's established personalities. Nyx teases Leo in the C Support AND B support, probably because she kind of likes him and we know that she somewhat of a Covert Pervert, as tv tropes likes to call it. They have similar personalities, are much more mature compared to rest of the cast and have very similar interests as well. As for Leo's vision in the S supports, they are both gifted mages, seeing into the future is what they do, especially Nyx. They've probably seen tons of stuff we think is weird. I'm sure most people have had serious conversations with people they respect about things that would be weird to talk about with just anyone. I see it as people having natural affinity for each other.

Robin X Aversa

How is this pairing worse than Corrin X Camilla? Yes, Aversa's whole thing is to be lustful, but her support with Robin is far less forceful than Cornmilla. In fact, Aversa's reasons for supporting with Robin did not seem born of lust, they didn't like each other at the start and eventually settled their differences and became friends before even liking each other romantically. Whereas Camilla wants to be a mother/sister/wife to Corrin at the same time, and effectively pressures him into marriage.

About the age difference, it really doesn't matter when both parties involved are adults and love each other. There are plenty of happy marriages with significant differences in age, and plenty of unhappy marriages as well. Same thing happens when two people are the same age, happy marriages and unhappy marriages. There really isn't much of a difference. I think it's fine to be uncomfortable with it, because everyone has different tastes, but to basically say it's messed up seems a bit misinformed.

Couldn't bother with quotes, you know whom I'm addressing.

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Probably the most random and weird one that I did was Hana x Jacob in my Birthright file... It just... Happened, when I noticed they already had unlocked support C... Then somehow they got to B... And then I decided to see where was this going, then I ended finding a bit funny the S support and I was like: Ok, I keeped it.

Next one, but it wasn't random, was Benny x Rinkah, he was the only one left to marry, and I only had 2 girls left, but he only was able to support Rinkah, so they got together. I don't know, I ended liking it, and I think that Ignatius looked kinda cool with white hair, still a bit weird since I'm not the bigger fan of both Ignatius and Benny

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Gameplay-weird or story-weird? If you want both, here's a little list:

JakobXSakura - In my first Birthright file, Sakura was the only girl left and I didn't like Hayato enough/had no idea that his daughter was awesome so I married Sakura off to Jakob. I regret that decision to this day...

Dwyer turned out OK, by the way. He was nothing special, but he was better than his father, at least.

FeliciaXSaizo - I currently have this pairing on my Rev file. I did love the supports, but it felt kind of weird coupling a Ninja and a Maid. Still does, but the outcoming Asugi is pretty awesome, so...

JakobXKagero - Same as SaizoXFelicia. Dwyer looks like L from Death Note, though, so that is cool, but in combat, he's nothing to write home about, so I might just have screwed him over on that front.

JakobXOrochi - At the same time fitting and unfitting, their support chain was one of the weirdest I've seen yet. I really don't know how to feel about that...

OboroX any Nohrian - Seeing as how she HATES Nohr with a passion (and with understandable reason), it's weird to marry her to anyone from Nohr from a story standpoint. With that being said, she is Silas' wife in my current Rev file... Sophie turned out to be my strongest horse-mounted unit, though.

M!CorrinXElise - I admit, I went ahead and had my male Avatar S-support Elise in Conquest one time. It was mostly for shits and giggles, though and I reset my game right afterwards. I was curious what the S-support was like, so I have no idea what Elise does for Kana from a gameplay standpoint.

Pretty much any S-support with his/her siblings/cousin feels off, to be honest... although Sakura fights with Nyx for cutest confession in the game...

M!CorrinXHana - As much as I am a Hana fanboy, I will fully admit that their support chain makes no shred of sense.

C = How could you make Sakura cry by getting kidnapped?!? (aka: victim blaming)

B = How could you disrespect my father?!?

A = You were right all along! We cool?

S = Hey! Wanna f**k?

I mean... Why? I have some ideas as to why they botched this support in particular, but that would be too much off-topic, so I'm saving that for another time.

With that being said, Hana!Kana is one of the strongest units I have on my Rev file and was equally so on my first Birthright file. And I still love my pink-robed samurai. <3

... What the hell is wrong with me?

KazeXElise - This is more gameplay-weird than story-weird, since this pairing strips off Midori's chance of being a good Master Ninja, which is her best reclass option, or so I've heard.

Still, she makes for an amazing Witch this way and the supports themselves are really cute. Probably one of my favourite support chains, to be completely honest.

That's all I can think of at the moment.

(For anyone curious: Yes, it feels weird to me marrying Jerky Jakob to anyone.)

Edited by DragonFlames
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