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Favorite / Well-written Supports

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Shiro x Nina - both understand each other really nice

Kiragi x Velouria - Velouria found her most important treasure

Xander x Hinoka - royals being royals it's simple but i found it really nice

Dwyer x Mitama - and the volcano mellows to love

Corrin x Flora - Flora and Corrin are sincere to each other

Arthur x Azura - Arthur is the man

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honestly, Selena X Subaki is a pretty great support line, heck it made me like Subaki much more than I used to, and I used to hate him from my first impressions.

Rhajat X Shigure ended in a pretty great way too (I only did up to A though)

Edited by RoyLKing
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Laslow/Odin - I felt this one was very sincere. It's nice to see them get along so well and confide in each other.

Xander/Hinoka - Xander is usually so earnest. It's nice to see him loosen up a bit and go through all that trouble

Hinata/Azura - Hinata is a really good guy, just a little gullible.

Arhtur/Azura - Arthur really grew on me. I really liked his selflessness here.

I've also like most of the Mozu supports I've seen so far. Is it just me, or is she'll pretty tall?

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For favorite and well written: Takumi x Oboro, the one and only...

... But I also think that Leo & Forrest is very good too, then there is Leo & Takumi because some bias for both of them being like little kids but winning development in the end, Sakura & Elise and Hinoka & Camilla are good too...

And I don't know if it counts, but Takumi and Subaki conversation in the Halloween DLC is very good too (I just wish it doesn't get modified in localization)

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I haven't completed that many supports, and I haven't even started Revelations yet, but a couple stood out to me so far:

Sakura + Saizo -- Saizo always seemed so emotionless, so seeing something that showed his sweeter (pardon the pun) and more vulnerable (literally and figuratively) side was nice. Also, blushing Saizo is so adorable because you can just barely see the red peeking out over his mask. :D

Odin + Mozu -- This one does a great job of showing that even though Odin can be boastful and is a "DARK" mage he's still a generally nice guy who's dedicated to helping his teammates. It also features Mozu learning an important lesson--that she shouldn't blindly trust what other people have to say about other people.

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Saizou and Laslow's supports was fantastic I love how Laslow compared him to Brady and Gerome when saying he already lost to a masked man and a scary guy.

Hayata and Male Corrin was great.

The one that made me smile a lot was Gunter and Corrin in Conquest

Hinoka and Camilla was pretty great.

Odin and Laslow had me bring back them feels from Awakening.

Male Corrin and Azura in Revelation

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  • F!Corrin and Kaden's supports were so sickly sweet i almost died

I agree with this 100%

Kadens supports in general are actually pretty well written in my opinion.

Got quiet a few good laughs from them, specialy Orochi (cats everywhere), Peri (poor Kaden I feel so sorry for him) and Azamas.

An honorable mention as well to his support with Charlotte. I really liked that one.

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For favorite and well written: Takumi x Oboro, the one and only...

I can't, for the life of me, imagine why you, of all people, would like that particular one. *Sarcasm*

Anyway, I think more in terms of characters who have generally good supports rather than individual supports, as there are so many pairings. Some might guess one of the characters whose supports I like nobody expects the fashionista's inquisition. I also like Takumi's, Leo's, some of Xander's, Beruka's (the ones I've SCENE, anyway don't you love MGS puns?), Shiro's, Forrest's, Mozu's, and some others. Even though I don't particularly like Corn, I do like his/her supports with Oboro and Mozu, if only because I like those two characters. I do also greatly enjoy Takumi x Leo, as I think it demonstrated a wonderful transition from a fierce, almost hate-filled rivalry to a mountain-moving friendship. And yes, as cheesy and common a choice it is, I do enjoy Takumi x Oboro, as well.

Edit: My sarcastic reply isn't intended to be mean-spirited or condescending. Just saying because I realized after typing that it could sound rude.

Edited by Ertrick36
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I was looking for some supports to read, thanks everyone ! There's my contribution, some of them have already been mentioned :

A-B-C-S pairings :

- Saizo/Mozu : It shows a really sweet side of Saizo, who isn't the "angry ninja" for a change ! Also : Food !

- Sakura/Leo : Interesting support, I love it when characters grow together, and change for the better.

- Kaden/Oboro : I ship it so hard. Their support was so cute ! It's about the "tailor" side of Oboro, she teaches Kaden how to braid, and he tries his best.

- Hinata/Kagero : A support about Kagero's art side ! Hinata's gentleness works very well when he tries to reassure Kagero of the value of her art.

- Orochi/Laslow : I was really surprised about this one. It's a kind of "side story", about fireworks. I don't "love" this support, but the main line was interesting !

- Orochi/Azama : I don't know how to describe this one, but they work well together.

- Effie/Azama : Azama actually cares for someone ! it's sweet. The philosopher meet the soldier !

- Subaki/Setsuna : Well, I love contrasts, that's clear. I had to put Mister Perfect and Miss Oops-I-fell-again together. And it actually works !

A-B-C :

- Azura/Sakura : Sweet sister-support about horror stories.

- Subaki/Niles : At first it's only hate and good punchlines, and then they get to know each other and it's sweet !

- Niles/Camilla : A really interesting support about Camilla's childhood, and how she has suffered too. (Their S support isn't interesting though.)

- Xander/Camilla : Xander shows that he really cares about his family.

Children : (still working on it)

- Xander/Siegbert : Siegbert has been crushed by the figure of his father, and Xander helps him gain confidence in himself.

- Ophelia/Siegbert : A really meaningful support, about being born in royalty (Siegbert) and trying to be the chosen-one (Ophelia).

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I like Jacob x Mozu because it's one of the few supports where Jacob isn't being an asshole.

He's surprisingly less prickly in his Azura support, too. Give it a try~!

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I can't remember any supports besides the ones that are really ridiculous, like Kaze's wall-of-text A support with MU, or the ones that really infuriate me, like Kiragi telling Selkie to never learn or grow up, or Hana using Inigo's lipstick because the label is called "Sakura".

The only thing I can remember liking is Silas and Hana's rivalry support, and even then it's wrapped up in annoying "I exist only to be slave to royalty" nonsense.

Edited by Alandrage
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He's surprisingly less prickly in his Azura support, too. Give it a try~!

Try also his support with Hinoka, and to an extent Nyx and Sakura.

I didn't know about the Nyx one, but I do know that he's nothing if not respectful to royalty. It's everyone else he's usually a jackass to. XD

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I didn't know about the Nyx one, but I do know that he's nothing if not respectful to royalty. It's everyone else he's usually a jackass to. XD

In a more negative way, one could interpret it as him being nice to Corrin's closest friends/relative as a way to suck up to the boss :P

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A few of my favorites:

Odin x Kagero: This one is super sweet, and I love how they appreciate each other's talents. Even the S Support feels likes it flows nicely with the rest of the Supports.

Shiro x Nina: This one REALLY surprised me. I expected it to be some sort of Nina stalking Shiro thing but instead they went to see a play together and both enjoyed it for completely different reasons. Pretty cute.

Kaden x Azura: Azura is all like "That's my fetish" and I love it.

Nyx x Mozu: I really liked how the two bonded through book-reading. Felt like a good fit.

Selkie x Velouria: THEY'RE SO CUTE YOU GUYS.

Kaden x Charlotte: I like how they showed Charlotte's more caring side in this one. When she showed remorse after finding out where Kaden was getting the money, I totally bought it.

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Kaden x Charlotte: I like how they showed Charlotte's more caring side in this one. When she showed remorse after finding out where Kaden was getting the money, I totally bought it.

Seconded, it's a really sweet support and does a good job of showing Charlotte's good side. If I didn't primarily pair him with Azura, Kaden and Charlotte would be paired up in Revelation all the time.

Kaze/Camilla: I adore this support, I do. Partially because Camilla isn't obsessed with Kamui the entire time, and partially because it's a nice support between two characters who actually seem to like each other.

Takumi/Oboro: This is the one S-Support I can never bring myself not to get.

Nina and Caeldori: One I wasn't expecting to like, given my feelings on Nina, but it's a nice support about two different people finding a way to work together and play off both of their strengths.

Takumi and Sakura: It's a nice bit of well-written sibling bonding.

There are more but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

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Bump! I also second Camilla and Kaze now that I've watched it, it's so refreshing to see Camilla mention Corrin only once, and briefly at the end of the support chain. god bless

Also I'm so going to marry Mozu and Saizo thanks to how sweet their support was. I especially liked the whole "I won't let you feel lonely again" and "I love you"s that they exchanged in the S support. Too cute!

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My favourite ones. Almost all of them are from Revelations. Romantic supports are indicated with an "x", while platonic ones are indicated with a "/".

  • As a lot of people say here, Arthur x Azura is probably one of those rare gems where characters meet again, and Arthur is a true hero.
  • I couldn't help laughing at how ridiculously caustic Azama is usually, so I was surprised to see a more serious and philosophical view of a "peaceful priest" and a "glorious hero" that is of Arthur/Azama. Bonus points for Azama not sounding as trollish in the B-support, and not at all in A.
  • Leo x Sakura for showing their mature side, and reflecting on the horrors of war in their A-level support. Leo/Takumi for that funny B-support (even the music seem to agree!) leading to them overcoming differences. And while I don't feel comfortable S-supporting a May-December romance, Xander/Sakura was another heartwarming gem in overcoming shyness.
  • Ryoma/Elise takes the cake here however - being awesome, funny, and heartwarming all in one. Awesome, because Elise isn't intimidated by a former enemy blood knight with an equally intimidating Raijinto. Funny, because who would expect the intimidating warrior making a flower wreath crown with a cute princess? Heartwarming, because this actually worked in befriending a former enemy - though as with Xander/Sakura, I don't feel comfortable about S-Supporting the two.
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