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Ace Attorney Mafia - Game Over (Won the Lawsuit!)


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The reason I didn't question the votes is because I thought I couldn't question them. The way I saw it, everyone had their own reasons to make their votes. All of the votes that had been made were for reasons I couldn't see myself, so I thought I would find my own reasons to vote. Not just clarify someone else's reasons.

When I say that I am suspicious of people who have been inactive, I mean it in the sense that I want to hear/read what they have to say in general. I want to think that they are following along with what has been happening and have thoughts on things. I just think it would be nice to hear from them is all.

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Refa considering how mad at inactives you claim to be why did you feel better about lynching Proto, when the most you were mad about Proto was:

Actually what bothers me the most about Proto saying that he thought Kirsche was joking would be that it'd provide an out for Kirsche if he was scum. Why would you do that???

which is really weak for reasons I brought up before. The "Eury didn't get a chance to claim" is ??? considering Proto wasn't under that much lynch pressure when he last posted so neither had a chance. Also not sure if you're really that sappy a mafia player to let emotions decide. My biad against Eurykins doesn't help.

You also "townread" SB for effectively not being a bad player? "not throwing out reads and correcting them 2 mins later". All your reads and votes were weak thus far tbh you said you'd sheep SB's reasoning on me but kept your vote on Elie despite not really pressuring him for much at that point? He had responded and you were like "fair enough but I don't think you are doing this" and kept voting him, which is ok I suppose but isn't pressuring him and then you sit on that until you vote for Proto for the reasoning above? Where's the conviction? Where's the passion and energy you seem to have considering you're so salty about inactives?

I could easily see the "read the op" mad post as salt for his buddy getting SK'd or vigged too.

##Vote: Refa

Opportunistic votes are opportunistic, I swear I would have lynched myself 5 times over. Toren is a much worse flaker than Dragonflare imo because Toren actually exists occasionally and contributes basically nothing. If there's a vig they need to hit these inactives over people like SB tbh (though gj lol).

Who am I suspicious of? Well... the main people I want to hear from are those who haven't said much at all.

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What the actual FUCK SF. I'm so sick of this shit. It was easy as pie to post 3 years ago why did they change this shit.

Who am I suspicious of? Well... the main people I want to hear from are those who haven't said much at all.

Ok so while we all hate inactives this just feeds into the problem. If everyone has this mindset noone would ever post because why should they before having something to say? I understand that you may sympathise with someone's thought process but it's things won't get done in mafia games by being sympathetic. If you see even the slightest possibility of malicious intent you should bring it up, especially if you have nothing else, as it can get people talking and help us catch scum in the process. If you disagree with someone's case they've made, why not talk about why you don't agree with it? I'm not a big fan of when people do that but when they've got nothing else to say it's fine. Just so long as it isn't your only content.

Toren do you have thoughts on more than the possibility of SB being vigged? What do you think of Eury/Refa? Do you agree/disagree with the cases they've made or that we've made against them and why?

I also got a message yesterday yay.

Refa > Eury >>> Toren > Dragonflare.

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My thoughts on Eury after reading her iso are mostly extensions of what I initially thought towards the end of d1.

After experiencing SF3 mafia, in which role shenanigans caused her to get several inaccurate cop scans despite being a sane cop in a non-bastard game, I would imagine Eury would have every reason to work towards ensuring accurate scans. But her play this game has been wholly against that, spending large chunks of her posts (e.g. the good first third/half of this one) on discussing moderation/info ethics and semantics on what it means to be a miller. I say "semantics" because the mod confirmation prior to her post had already ruled that millers/godfathers simply do not count as "tampering," so each players' personal take on the functionality of the roles ceases to matter in the context of this game. After this ruling, arguing over definitions with other players contributes nothing to hunting scum.

I don't recall seeing Eury get this tangential from her actual in-game cases before. Usually I'd expect her to hide this kind of discussion in spoiler text, but that it is not done so here makes it appear as filler, for maintaining the appearance of her usual wallposts. I have a similar issue with one of her earlier posts, in which her points #3-6-ish speak out against theorycrafting. I feel like, especially on d1 when no one has better evidence to base their votes on anyway, advocating against seeking information is rather antitown.

More to come. I'll take a look at Via and Elie and see if anyone strikes me as scummier than Eury before voting.

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Refa considering how mad at inactives you claim to be why did you feel better about lynching Proto, when the most you were mad about Proto was:

which is really weak for reasons I brought up before. The "Eury didn't get a chance to claim" is ??? considering Proto wasn't under that much lynch pressure when he last posted so neither had a chance. Also not sure if you're really that sappy a mafia player to let emotions decide. My biad against Eurykins doesn't help.

You also "townread" SB for effectively not being a bad player? "not throwing out reads and correcting them 2 mins later". All your reads and votes were weak thus far tbh you said you'd sheep SB's reasoning on me but kept your vote on Elie despite not really pressuring him for much at that point? He had responded and you were like "fair enough but I don't think you are doing this" and kept voting him, which is ok I suppose but isn't pressuring him and then you sit on that until you vote for Proto for the reasoning above? Where's the conviction? Where's the passion and energy you seem to have considering you're so salty about inactives?

I could easily see the "read the op" mad post as salt for his buddy getting SK'd or vigged too.

##Vote: Refa

Opportunistic votes are opportunistic, I swear I would have lynched myself 5 times over. Toren is a much worse flaker than Dragonflare imo because Toren actually exists occasionally and contributes basically nothing. If there's a vig they need to hit these inactives over people like SB tbh (though gj lol).

I was mad about inactives because I couldn't get a read on them. It's hard for me to be 100% convinced about my reads when at least 1/3 of the game isn't playing; on the contrary, me having more conviction in that scenario would only have been possible if I was scum (and thus knew everyones' alignments).

Also that wasn't my only argument against Proto. I acted like that during deadline because I was the one who had to decide the lynch and I had no idea what to do in that situation.

None of my reads are weak; you can complain that they're wrong, or if you feel they have scum intent, but I did actually put a lot of though into those. I kept my vote on Elie because I wanted to pressure him and get a better read on him, rather than just parking my vote on you for something you were going to respond too anyways.

Also what bothers me more about Dragonflare7 over Toren is that she specifically subbed in and then flaked. How do you even do that as town?

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Oh right, forgot to comment on it but yeah I'd be salty if SB were my scumbuddy and got vigged/SK'd but I wouldn't be expressing that on thread come on I'm not that dumb.

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Actually ISO'd Toren and he has way less content than I thought. I'd agree that he makes more sense as lurk scum over Dragonflare7, because while I have so many objections with how she's playing the game, at least she is answering questions and participating to some extent.

@Dragonflare7- Whenever you're on, you need to have at least one person you're willing to vote (or at least two) and explain your reasoning. I don't care if it's similar to someone else's but there's like no other way for my read to improve on you other than by having more content that I can analyze.

@Toren- Same goes for you but why haven't you been posting anything other than vague one liners?

More to come. I'll take a look at Via and Elie and see if anyone strikes me as scummier than Eury before voting.

Why Via and Elie specifically? I don't remember you mentioning either of them previously so it seems like a weird place to start.


##Vote: Toren

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I can work with that. If I ISO'd you, would I find stuff that you still (post-Proto's Lynch) feel would hold up as fair logic for why he was scummy vs "uninspired"?

I'm voting for Eury > You because:

1: Eury's still got a lot to comment on, and even more now that we have two flips and a really unorthodox nightflip to consider.

2: Eury's [lack of] vote history yesterphase still bugs me and I haven't gotten a solid answer as to why she ended the phase with no votes out on anybody at all.

A: You're around and tbh if you're scum then despite your activity, you'll slip up eventually, being one of the most active people around. I don't have anything truly calling you out as scum, but I do disagree and/or have questions regarding your logic.

Just realized that I never replied to this post. I don't think any of my logic should hold up considering that he flipped town, but yes it does hold up in the sense for why I'd scumread him over thinking he was uninspired.

Also fair enough regarding why you're voting Eurykins. I'm sure that she's the most likely to flip scum (has she even been pinged yet despite not making a single post today?) but leaving my vote there isn't going to be doing anything.

Honestly, as scum I feel like I'd get called out way less because it's way too easy to be like I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING I'M TOWN GUYS HONEST ##TOWN. Anyways, even if you disagree with my logic, you should try to understand where it's coming from.

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Why Via and Elie specifically? I don't remember you mentioning either of them previously so it seems like a weird place to start.

Yeah, that itself is why. I haven't commented on their posts before so I want to read their isos and then do that

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Oh, next day phase started already, cool.

Oh right, before I forget, just in case it's important for proving roles later, I got a message from someone on N1. I got this message at the beginning of the night, so I'm assuming that this courrier's actions don't count as night actions.

People I'd vote:

-Eurykins (previously mentioned reasons, I don't remember her having any interactions with SB)

-Dragonflare7 (honestly don't feel wrong about what I said about Poly and tbh it really annoys me when A SUB flakes out, and I can't imagine why someone who gave their consent to be subbed in would be unable to play)

People I want explanations from:

-Eurykins, why didn't you vote yesterday?

-Dragonflare7, why were you absent after you agreed to sub in?

-Elieson, can you explain why you were so hesitant to vote Proto? I don't remember you giving any reasons for doing so.

-Artic Fox/Toren, on everything.

People I voted:

##Vote: Eurykins

Wasn't interested in voting at the point of my posts yesterday. Also thought I had more time before deadline, but apparently barely missed it due to my opening shift dragging on longer than necessary. IRL sucks like that.

Green Poet is super town. I'm pretty sure that after yesterphase, she's like 100% town. I also feel 400% better about kirsche.

I think I'll just continue on with my Eury vote because nothing's changed from the other day.

##Vote Eurykins

Got a tape from Quote as well. Multi-courier is pretty cool.

Also, I'm trying to wrap my head around what happened last night but I guess spec is just a lot to consider so I'll keep my thoughts to myself.

Dragonflare has some big shoes to fill.

@Refa why did you switch to Proto yesterday exactly?

TBH i just didn't want to read through his giant posts. Nothing from the first 1/3 of his megaposts really seemed all that bad. TBH I don't understand why he was getting flack to begin with. It sounded like people took his jokevote on kirsche seriously and I don't even get why

Well yeah. Obviously nothing's changed because I hadn't been able to post until now, and I'm no insomniac, lol?

I can work with that. If I ISO'd you, would I find stuff that you still (post-Proto's Lynch) feel would hold up as fair logic for why he was scummy vs "uninspired"?

Also you meant Ken. Hurp.De.Derp

I'm voting for Eury > You because:

1: Eury's still got a lot to comment on, and even more now that we have two flips and a really unorthodox nightflip to consider.

2: Eury's [lack of] vote history yesterphase still bugs me and I haven't gotten a solid answer as to why she ended the phase with no votes out on anybody at all.

In particular though, this part bugs me

She both put out logic that defines fair reason to vote for me, and simultaneously made herself look scummy in the sense that she's defending inactivity (herself included). TBH I'd rather vote for a relatively-inactive player on D1 if there's little-nothing else to go on because the further into the game you get, the harder it is to deal with inactivity. Like, if she voted for me here, I'd be less huffypuffy about her slot in general but instead it's all defense and not-really-offense.

A: You're around and tbh if you're scum then despite your activity, you'll slip up eventually, being one of the most active people around. I don't have anything truly calling you out as scum, but I do disagree and/or have questions regarding your logic.

1. I do? I guess I need to go re-read some pages then. Aside from the fact that I didn't post, I didn't recall seeing many questions aimed my way, but that could've been due to the fact that yesterday = moving day. New home ahooooooooy~!

2. Yeah I can understand that. But with work and moving days meant that I was basically off the compy for a while, and I'll constantly be doing 6am-4pm+ shifts throughout the weekend and throughout next week for work until I get next Saturday and the next week off (taking off a week from work for Legion lol).

And I guess I had the means to vote for you, but at the time your butt was on fire anyways (in terms of center of attention), so I didn't feel the need to beat a dead horse and heap on another vote. Call me non-commital, but it shouldn't take 20 monkeys to put in a lightbulb lol.

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Also I feel like Dragonflare is actually reading stuff, judging by their expressed willingness to answer questions, just not knowing what to say or how to case people due to being new. I doubt scum!Dragonflare's buddies would continue to allow her to continue to be hesitant in casing people, they'd at least feed her some lines and not let her keep saying "I'm not sure but I'd like inactives to be more active" etc.

I can't really say the same for Toren though.

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Also I feel like Dragonflare is actually reading stuff, judging by their expressed willingness to answer questions, just not knowing what to say or how to case people due to being new. I doubt scum!Dragonflare's buddies would continue to allow her to continue to be hesitant in casing people, they'd at least feed her some lines and not let her keep saying "I'm not sure but I'd like inactives to be more active" etc.

Don't think this is a good thing to be assuming. Dragonflare7 is only getting flack from me, and even I've unvoted her at this point, so there's no reason for scum!her's buddies to step in and do something.

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^^Also forgot to mention this but part of the reason I voted Proto over Eury yesterday was because I actually was fine with most of Eury's content with the big issue being that she didn't vote.

Eury, something that's bothering me about your post is that you seem almost apathetic about several people voting you. Why doesn't that bother you?

Of course you voting Elieson would be helpful, and I'm not sure how you can argue against that? Elie had like 2, maybe 3 people voting him at the time. Additionally, it helps people get a better read on you when you're putting your money where your mouth is.

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Well, just got home. I'll post thoughts before going to sleep, but first, my lovely ghost has a few words.

And by few I mean a lot.

The only thing I have to say to Proto is too bad he doesn't have graveyard access because he'd sure be feeling like a fool right now (not just because he's wrong about me either)!

Why else would I be feeling like a fool? I was right about SB. Riptor looked a lot better to me once he started analyzing other players (but I was already dead when I came online to read it so bleh). Maybe I was wrong about Kirsche, but you couldn't know that unless you're either Mafia or you confirmed Kirsche somehow (and we know that a Cop can't do that).

Really, though, I'm annoyed because he...didn't read my case properly.

Okay, let's see:

Not sure why other people are voting Proto but what bothers me about his Kirsche reaction is he went from "Kirsche joked" to "okay, I guess Kirsche scumslipped" after Kirsche said that his Miller claim wasn't a joke despite that having absolutely no benefit as scum (if he slipped, why would he admit it instead of backing out?).

Kirsche chose to stick with the claim while challenging the definition of "tampering". Whether his claim was legit or not, he chose to take the stance that his claim was not contrary to the rules. But then Green Poet's clarification from Enigmar destroyed his stance (from my perspective), so I voted for him.

Basically, Kirsche never admitted that he slipped, nor did his reaction imply that he perceived his claim as being a scumslip. Green Poet broke his defense right after that. I don't think I need to explain why scum benefits from maintaining a Miller claim if they think they can get away with it.

Also maybe nitpicky, but I don't like how he decided to drop his Kirsche vote instead of deciding to vote SB over Kirsche, if that makes any sense (look, just read [url=http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?...p=4500396]this[/url] post). Feels planned out, which makes sense for him to do as scum considering he was getting flake for it.

A really vague point here. I further clarified my vote drop here:

Yes. It's kinda like, I think it's more likely for him to be lying scum than for him to be honest Miller. But it rests entirely on his Miller claim and my interpretation of what Enigmar told Green Poet (about investigations being accurate)I don't think it's productive for me to go after Kirsche solely based on that, especially after Enigmar's clarification about tampering.

I dropped the vote because I felt it would be unproductive to build a case solely on a Miller claim after the explicit mod clarification that Miller claims aren't inherently a problem. Just like how me, Elieson, Kirsche and Refa didn't like Riptor's Kirsche vote, I didn't like my own Kirsche vote after the clarification cleared up the initial sketch. So I unvoted.

"Feels planned out"
Even if I was scum, there was no way in hell I could have anticipated a mod clarification, so I can't comprehend how I could have "planned" to unvote Kirsche.

His response to SB's vote on him is good but I think he missed the "And if I were scum, d) I thought it was a joke because I knew Kirsche was not aligned with me and GP, another not scum,'s point was valid to me".

Prior to my post about the claim being a joke, Green Poet said nothing noteworthy besides quoting the rules (and I already said that my reasoning for thinking it was a joke was due to the rules). Whether it was due to the rules directly or due to Green Poet quoting the rules, it's still essentially the rules that caused me to call it a joke. I already addressed this.

Last time I checked, the rules were publicly displayed to all players, not just scum, so I couldn't have "known" that it was a joke any more than other Townies could have "known". The only relevance to the "As scum" bit is that I'd know that he's not my scumbuddy, but that only excludes the possibility of me knowing definitively that Kirsche would have something to gain from a serious Miller claim, so your logic doesn't make sense to me.

Basically, the logic statements of "Rules -> Kirsche's claim is not legit" or "GP quoting the rules -> Kirsche's claim is not legit" do not depend on the truth value of "Proto is scum". While it is true that "Proto is scum AND Kirsche is not scum -> Proto knows that Kirsche is not his scumbuddy", your case D alone does not link it to "Proto decided to call Kirsche's claim as being a joke". SB did add arguments to build a link, which I addressed later, but your case doesn't seem to acknowledge SB's clarified argument or my response to it.

(Also, sheeping scum-flipped SB's argument that I already addressed while you ignored my responses doesn't look very good)

In any case, you at least acknowledged part of my logic here, as you stated:

Also this "Last time I checked, the rules were publicly displayed to all players, not just scum, so I couldn't have "known" that it was a joke any more than other Townies could have "known".") bothers me, not because of the logic which is fine but because of the wording? I dunno.

Your case D basically replaced "Rules" (which was the basis I used that SB also agreed on, to determine the claim as being false) with "Green Poet quoting the rules". Do I really need to spell it out to you why your case D is no different from SB's case?

As for issues with the wording, well, I don't know either. It may have sounded aggressive, but I later did express that I was counter-casing SB and even voted for him in the same post.

Actually what bothers me the most about Proto saying that he thought Kirsche was joking would be that it'd provide an out for Kirsche if he was scum. Why would you do that????


Um, what? First of all, if I was Town, and Kirsche's claim was indeed a joke, I think it makes perfect sense for me to express my opinion that it's a joke in order to dissuade people from bandwagoning a joke claim.

And if that is what bothers you the most, then for you to scumread me based on this suggests that your scumread is based on me and Kirsche being scumbuddies. Why would I need to publicly provide an "out" for Kirsche if I could just tell him privately? And in any case, your supposed scumread on me did not seem dependent on any associated scumread on Kirsche. Hell, you listed Kirsche as a townread in the same post. You didn't even mention Kirsche in this post:

Not sure who I'd suspect if Proto flipped scum...First, I'd look at Eurykins (literally no mentions of him in any of her posts), look at the people who didn't vote him and see if they had good reasons not too, and then probably end up voting someone on his wagon anyways because there's always a busser.

even though what bothered you the most about me involved a necessary "if [Kirsche] was scum" condition.

At least if you admitted that your case was poor and that it ignored stuff that I already addressed, that would make sense for a Townie building a hasty case without reading all the relevant posts thoroughly. But if you're claiming that I was the one who didn't do the proper reading on your case, then alright, I want to hear your defense. I'm not really expecting a strong defense from a prosecutor though.

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gonna read some isos in a bit but

A rather strange question to ask me...

I really haven't seen anything in thread that hasn't been posted about already that I could catch, or anything in thread that I wanted to talk about.

there's quite a few places to start? the various reactions to kirsche's miller claim, the wagon on eury, riptor's case on kirsche, SB flipping scum...

A vig on SB wouldn't be too unusual imo, especially after Proto's flip.


both their ISOs are rly bad but honestly df strikes me as a lot worse because she's obviously here and paying attention but not saying anything aside from 2 casual townreads (and defending her inaction)

i also got a message btw damn that courier shit is good

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ken is 100% town uhh yeah ultra obvious lol. but would like to hear his thoughts on other things now that the lynch kirsche train is well and truly dead.

What are the Eury votes for again? having a lot of words but not really contributing much to the game? i didn't think her D1 was horrible but i guess other people did...? her lack of saying anything this D2 also seems fairly obvious tho

btw mod u fucked up gaius' iso :(


##Vote: dragonflare7

i had a pretty good impression of you from TPP. i'm sure you've got stuff to talk about instead of defending your inactivity.

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Well, with the ghost out of the way, I would like to voice a specific train of thought I want to follow. Bear in mind, I'm probably gonna butcher a bunch of english grammar because my head is full of Mandelbrot dimensions right now.

Quote is scum to me. I know I said I thought of him as Town yesterday, but after reading through his ISO (I did an intensive reading last Night phase which proved to be glorious, loving this ISO thingy) I noticed a trend, and that trend is using "vibes" and "feelings" as a way to construct a case.

So, my Statement: Quote case on Proto was not solid and did not deserve to be followed.

Evidence 1: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=65743&page=3#entry4499248 "Proto is giving me weird gutvibes, the Eury jokevote feels like a scum jokevote (don't ask me why it just does) and the Kirsche vote is bad" Notice the careful wording to let know that everything is "a feeling". This is what I call an "easy knot" as in while it's a "valid" vote on the early stages of the games (where instinct is your only friend) it's easy to justify when it eventually gets proven wrong by utilizing the "it was just a feeling" card. You also don't need to improve much on it, because if you step back by spraying suspicion around while havinmg your weak vote already place, you will not be called out on it.
We can also see here the blatantly false statement "vote on Kirsche is bad" giving absolutely no reason on why that vote was "bad". Notice how it also says that a completely valid question in a confusing situation regarding mod affairs was qualified as "fishing out roles", which I think we can all agree given the chaotic context, was never a thing.
The rest is filled with questions. I've noticed that questions to other players are commonly used as easy filler/good deflectors around here it seems, so I can't really blame him for that.

Evidence 2: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=65743&page=3#entry4499296 Here we have more gutfeelings used as a "stance" which I feel is, again, an easy knot situation. Also here it starts the spraying shade around other players without actually leading the charge. Backseat lynching I call it. You'll see this behaviour repeating over time as a fractal.

Evidence 3: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=65743&page=8#entry4501648 Gutfeelings again, shade around again, now let's add mostly Town reads to the list. Now he keeps his vote on Proto, but not because he now has a somewhat solid case, butactually still relying on "feelings the whole day through. That's ridiculous when far more solid cases were made for different players at the time (including the case made on me, btw, but I'll talk about that later)

Evidence 4: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=65743&page=8#entry4501656 This is one of the most aggravating posts, because here he uses logic and actual deductive capabilities to explain why he thinks I'm Town (demonstarting that he is able to build an actual case if he wants to) but then goes back to the "feel ride" again, now on JB, where he could have accused him (rigthly so) of low production on Day 1. Again, somehow he connects his lack of interest on JB to proto for.... some reason. Here then come another shift in the nature of the post, and Mr Quote gives his very first actual reason to vote on Proto, 3 hours before the phase goes away. This man had absolutely no case at all on proto until the very end, mostly based on a valid criticism of Proto towards me. I was, indeed, being unproductive to his goal. Whetever you disagree with that is fine, but notice how Quote mentions that what makes him doubt of Proto is just that he mnakes the word "feel" different. Not Word twisting, just "feel"

I consider my Statement to be solid under this bases.
Now I'll use it to geneate a question, and that question is: "Why did quote persue a case that was not solid, based solely on gutfeelings when much more solid cases were laid out?"
My Hypothesis is simple: "While not his original plan, that was Quote's final goal, since Quote is a member of the Mafia"

I'll take about the general ambience, other players and my tsundere relationship with Kirsche tomorrow. My head is about to explode

##Vote: Quote

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I'm not gonna in-depth respond to your case right now since no one wants a wall of self-meta, all I can really say is I got lazy D1 and when I get lazy I go off my gut and it's become such a habit that even if I do actually think someone is scum I say "feel" "I feel like" etc etc whatever but you've never played a game with me so I'm not going to expect you to know that or change your mind easily or whatever. you're the only one voting me and this happens every game I play when I'm town is a new person votes me bc they don't know my playstyle and I end up self-meta walling them for no reason.

anyway sorry I was at work

back to eury

wallpost incoming

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drunk maf is great idea let fuckingg go

###vote dragon

Twitch Maf v confident player now need 2 be prod 2 take action, Jurassic changes in play usually mean Align change 2. Me from .hack 2 --> AM Pm good ex. Even when prod only pushes lurks n surface level shit.

More comin

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