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Which Awakening character you would have chosen to...


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I personally would have liked noire instead of odin but that's just because noire is my favourite awakening child and owain is my second least favourite. Severa is my least favourite but I will let that slide because I actually like her as selena

Well, between Oboro's "scary face" and Reina's/Peri's obsession with blood though no thunder, I'd say the spirit of Noire is alive and well in Fates.

Anyway, I'm not sure if I'd change anything, as I liked how all the Awakening trio were handled in this game. If I had to choose who to remove and who to replace that character, it'd come down to necessity, I feel. Odin would be removed, since he didn't really change in Fates, thus his appearance here is pretty much redundant. I think Cynthia is the one that needs it the most, though I'd also kinda like to see Nah in this game; it'd be interesting to see a Manakete from Ylisse in this game. If I were to go purely based off of characters I liked, I'd say male Miriel or Tom Brady.

Now, if we were talking about replacing the gen 2's in Fates... Then, we'd have a hell of a discussion, there. Which gen 1's from Awakening would you want IS to ruin in this game?

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Which gen 1's from Awakening would you want IS to ruin in this game?

Ha, as if Intelligent Systems would actually do that! Imagine if they decided to randomly shoehorn Cordelia, Tharja, Gaius and Ricken into Fates, for example. They'd never stoop so low!


...Oh wait

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Let's see, Priam, for being underdeveloped. Plus him getting super chatty about narrow subjects is hilarious.

As a fan of Ike/Priam, I would love to see him as a protagonist in a different FE game. But thats another topic for another day.

Edited by Douglas MacArthur
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Laurent, Lucina and Morgan.

Assuming we're just sticking with kids these would be my three. Laurent is by far my favorite of the kids, and even though he's a bit of a coward (he arrived before Lucina and didn't do much), it does put an interesting perspective for how terrifying it would be to move to a new world, and everyone has their shortcomings-- this being a sort of forgivable one.

Lucina because her ending actually kind of makes sense with it. She's not my favorite but she definitely could have used some time away from Chrom so she could focus on herself. She wasn't particularly interesting in Awakening because of this IMO.

Morgan because (s)he are the easiest ones to make this make sense for how they got over. Heck, you could have made them find out about Hidden Truths and then get amnesia. That's pretty funny. They have/had the knowledge got warped to the wrong world, and then developed amnesia...

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This is a very interesting topic by the way.

Actually. Instead of bringing over 3 characters from Awakening, I think they should have done 2 instead. While I like Owain and Inigo, I am going to switch it up.

I think that it should have been Noire and Laurent. Noire can replace the role of Selena and be an archer/outlaw. And I would have Laurent replace someone from Hoshido such as Hayato. Or maybe add another slot on the Hoshido route and have him be an assistant to Yukimura or something. And you could make it so that Laurent and Noire would have a special battle quote when they fight each other

Edited by DarkDestr0yer61
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This is a very interesting topic by the way.

Actually. Instead of bringing over 3 characters from Awakening, I think they should have done 2 instead. While I like Owain and Inigo, I am going to switch it up.

I think that it should have been Noire and Laurent. Noire can replace the role of Selena and be an archer/outlaw. And I would have Laurent replace someone from Hoshido such as Hayato. Or maybe add another slot on the Hoshido route and have him be an assistant to Yukimura or something. And you could make it so that Laurent and Noire would have a special battle quote when they fight each other

You have a good point there but Yukimura is already an assistant to the King, wouldn't it be odd for an assistant to have an assistant ?

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If it were up to me and my friends called 'Common Sense', 'Good writing' and 'Good Tastes', they wouldn't even be there in the first place.

But I admit, I wouldn't be against having one of them being replaced by Laurent or Morgan so take that like you want. :p

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I would have included Laurent, Kjelle and Lucina. Its not that those 3 are my favourite kid characters, but I think it would make the most sense if the characters where chosen on merrit, instead of popularity.

Laurent is the smartest of the Awekening kids, Kjelle is presented as almost inhumanly strong and Lucina seems to be the most capable of leading. They also don't have flaws which would prevent them from being chosen other then Kjelle being a bit of a jerk. Many of the other Awakening second gens have some traits I would't want in my saviours.

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So is Effie, an original (and to me, more likable) Fates character. In Odin's defense, there is no one else quite like him except his daughter and maybe mother.

In Kjelle's case "strong" refers to her combat prowess, andif memory serves she still did not fare well against Batman. In Effie's case it refers to boulder suplex.

Also any Laurent x Noire combat lines would probably spike fates into a solid X rating if their S-support in awakening is any indicator.

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So is Effie, an original (and to me, more likable) Fates character. In Odin's defense, there is no one else quite like him except his daughter and maybe mother.

True Kjelle would be a bit redundent and I don't think she is very likeable either, but I meant to say that she has a trait that would actually make her a good candidate to go on a world saving adventure

I never really understood why the current trio was chosen from a story perspective. Awakening never really presented Inigo, Severa and Owain as outstanding. They are good soldiers, but they where not absurdly strong, they where not the smartest soldiers around and I did't see much leadership potential in them either. I just don't see how the one who called them to the fates world could look at all the Awakening characters and decide that the current trio would be the best pick to go and save the world.

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Slightly off-topic but if for the second gen kids, I'd say Lon'qu to substitute in Gaius since he can pass as a Hoshidan no prob and he actually looks like he could be an offspring of Saizo. Assasin Lon'qu is even his second promotion choice and he was the guy who would come in next if Gaius wasn't there.

Maybe Lon'qu just couldn't make it because IS couldn't figure out how to letterswap his name LMAO

But back to the actual topic, I'm pretty happy with having SOL as the returning trio. I did like them greatly in Awakening so I don't have a lot of complaints, but it definitely would be entertaining to see Brady in there somewhere!

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Maybe Lon'qu just couldn't make it because IS couldn't figure out how to letterswap his name

In Japan, his name is Ronkuu, which can't be too hard to rearrange. The localized names of the expies are interesting to say the least, though.

In reality, though, IntSys only ever considers the two most popular non-avatar characters per gender per generation from their official polls. I am rather salty Lon'qu doesn't get more fanservice-y attention, considering in the overall poll, he ranked higher than Inigo who got the oh-so special treatment of returning in Fates.

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I hope everyone realizes that the returning Awakening characters were the winners of the popularity polls minus the Lords (since Chrom and Lucina both made it into the top four for the polls for their respective generations).

Anyway, I dunno if I'd really change much, honestly. It'd be nice if there was some sort of way of carrying over your Avatar from Awakening so that they could join your team also, but I sorta understand why they didn't do that. I'm just overly attached to Turks.

There's nobody in Awakening I really like enough that I have any sort of desire to replace any of the six that got in with them.

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I originally said Kjelle and Brady over Odin and Laslow, but thinking back on it, I'd put in Noire over Kjelle. Her, Severa and Brady work really well together imo, even if they wouldn't make sense.

To be called by Anankos to help Corrin. They definitely aren't the strongest.

TFW you have no idea why people like Laurent.

Edited by TrueEm
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I think I'd like to see Laurent, Yarne and Cynthia replace Odin, Selena and Laslow respectively.

Laurent would be an obvious choice to be Leo's underling. Leo would value Laurent's intellect and magical prowess. Of course he would be disgusted by Niles but their dynamic could work.

Bias toward Yarne aside, I think I'd like to see him serve under Camilla in Fates. Also Camilla teasing. Of course Taguel aren't in Fates so he'd have to be a Fighter or maybe an Outlaw. Sadly, no one here seems to really like the poor bunny.

I could see the topic of Xander and Cynthia's supports being about Xander's concern for Cynthia's overly heroic nature in battle if she were in Fates as his retainer, and Arthur and Cynthia's supports would be wonderful. Not only that, but she'd get the Hero class without having to be the Avatar's child in Fates!

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I liked most children, so I guess everyone but Cynthia (so annoying, and we have Sophie anyway), Owain (never liked him, annoying) and Yarne (is that even a character? What's his character?). Inigo and Severa were my favourites anyway, so good for me I guess.

Edited by jonson
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Outside the fact that I think they shouldn't have put awakening characters in fates, I'd say replace Inigo with Noire. Just because it would give the poor girl a chance to avenge herself (even though I know she would have ended up as Rhajat guinea pig)

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I'd replace Owain with Laurent and keep the other two. Partially because I prefer Severa's romantic support with Laurent to any of the ones she has in Fates, and partly because Odin suffered from character decay in Fates, going from someone whose theatrics and fantasies were largely a way to cope with the horrors he experienced to someone who just talks and acts funny, especially when Inigo and to a lesser extent Severa both got some good development. Ophelia's not even a point in his favor because she's just her dad if he was a cute girl.

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I'd replace Owain with Laurent and keep the other two. Partially because I prefer Severa's romantic support with Laurent to any of the ones she has in Fates, and partly because Odin suffered from character decay in Fates, going from someone whose theatrics and fantasies were largely a way to cope with the horrors he experienced to someone who just talks and acts funny, especially when Inigo and to a lesser extent Severa both got some good development. Ophelia's not even a point in his favor because she's just her dad if he was a cute girl.

Now, I'm no expert, but that sounds like the premise of a lot of fanfics.

Edited by Thane
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I'd probably swap Severa for either Noire or Cynthia. It took a long time for me to warm to Severa in Awakening and Fates hasn't changed her enough to make me like her more. I'd love to see Noire's dynamic with Camilla, especially, and like people have said Cynthia and Arthur would be great together.

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In Japan, his name is Ronkuu, which can't be too hard to rearrange. The localized names of the expies are interesting to say the least, though.

In reality, though, IntSys only ever considers the two most popular non-avatar characters per gender per generation from their official polls. I am rather salty Lon'qu doesn't get more fanservice-y attention, considering in the overall poll, he ranked higher than Inigo who got the oh-so special treatment of returning in Fates.

In Japanese, the expie names have double purposes.

Being a Japanese name and the NoJ name anagram.

In Gurei/Asugi's case, a triple.

In Japanese, they describe their name meaning "Haiiro" (Grey) in one of their supports in another language.

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