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Hey everyone, my names Crystal but I go by Selaphi online and I've been lurking around here for a while since I discovered the series! I've been looking for a little community of people to make my internet home with for a while but I wasn't sure where to try and dip my feet in.. Sites that are far too massive can suffocate, and sometimes sites that specialize in one thing like one particular game can be too stagnant so I was hoping to find the perfect balance amongst you all.

I'm 27 years old, I love to draw and play video games in my spare time, I'm momma to two lovely kitties whom I adore with all my heart and I used to be an avid roleplayer. Roleplaying is something I adore but never got out of my comfort zone of solely rping with one individual, that being said, if anyone's interested in some world building, one on one fantasy with romance and drama count me in, haha. My art has been a little bit neglected these last few years, only getting mild attention here and there when drawing a gift for someone but I thought maybe I could poke around the artist section here. ^^; I really adore Fire Emblem's character design and it's been inspiring me a bit to try and pick up my pen again. My boyfriend is always gently trying to get me to start drawing more but sometimes it's just a roadblock that's hard to climb over.

Anyhoo, hehe. I love games like Earthbound, Super Metroid, Zelda, Fatal Frame, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, The Mana Series, Final Fantasy games and so many more. One of my favorite games of all time is Final Fantasy Tactics and it holds a special place in my heart. I mostly listen to video game osts but I am pretty much into most types of music.

I feel like I'm probably kind of bad at writing these kinds of things coherently but I really hope I can find a little circle of friends or something that I've felt has been missing for a while now. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you all around the forums. ^^/

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You'll be right at home here! I'm sure we could talk about quite a number of those series you mentioned :)

Welcome and enjoy your stay!

Edited by Jedi
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Thank you for the welcome!! I love so many different games but I have so many more I want to tryyyyy

@Glaceon Mage

DQ is one of those game series I'm sure I'd like if I actually took some time to play them. I really like to grind out levels and stuff in games but my only experiences with the series included the Dynasty Warrior style spinoff and what little bit of a ps2 one I saw an ex play haha. I'll give it a poke when it comes out since it's a newer one. :3 ( It's a remake of an old one if I am understanding correctly? )

Edited by Selaphi
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Thank you for the welcome!! I love so many different games but I have so many more I want to tryyyyy

You and me both ^^, I've been into gaming since a very young age so I've had quite a bit of a library to try haha, but yet theres still so many more!

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Thank you for the welcome!! I love so many different games but I have so many more I want to tryyyyy

@Glaceon Mage

DQ is one of those game series I'm sure I'd like if I actually took some time to play them. I really like to grind out levels and stuff in games but my only experiences with the series included the Dynasty Warrior style spinoff and what little bit of a ps2 one I saw an ex play haha. I'll give it a poke when it comes out since it's a newer one. :3 ( It's a remake of an old one if I am understanding correctly? )

Dragon Quest VII was originally released on the first PlayStation in Japan and North America, but nowhere else. I'm actually proud to own a copy of the NA version, since the PSX version didn't sell too hot in NA. It sold ridiculously well in Japan though, being the #1 best selling PSX game and #1 best selling Dragon Quest Game over there.

It was later remade for 3DS and launched in Japan in February 2013, with the localization coming out next month, at least in North America.

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Welcome to the community, Selaphi.

Art is a thing that you simply have to be in the mood to do, I'm not an artist myself, but I'm always trying to convince a friend of mine to draw more, for their own benefit if not for mine.

I'm not a huge fan of the Mana series myself, but Seiken Densetsu 3 is one of the greatest RPGs I've ever played.

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Welcome to the Forest, Selaphi!

I mostly listen to video game osts but I am pretty much into most types of music.

Yep, that's pretty much my case too.

Also, you did a fine introduction.

Anyway, have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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Apologies for my late reply, work sometimes gets in the way of the things you want to do!

@Deviddo, it's so very true that you have to be in the mood for it. I used to draw for a friend a lot but we grew apart and stopped rping so I kind of lost that side to it. That being said, once I started to get into other games and dabble in their communities I found myself inspired by the character art.. Just have to find the right moment to sit down and put my thoughts to canvas!


Favorite Zelda is a little hard, I feel like Majora's Mask is one I really really like, but Link to the Past is up there because of it being my first.

I'm sure you'll be seeing some fanart from me soonly.. hehe.

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.

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Welcome to Airport 1001! Look out for ELMA-DS, and the Death Rogumer. Also, be on the lookout for invisible soldiers.

It's nice to see someone else that's really into RPGs.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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Hello and welcome!

I thought you were going to say you were a momma to two kids for a sec, there. I've got soon to be two kids, two birds, and a cat.

I like drawing as well, but I'm not that great. I've got my art thread linked in my sig for an idea of how bad I am, but at least the stuff on the later pages is better.

I love RPGs as well. Most of the game series I keep up with are RPGs.

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