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Flora, or Felicia


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So, I am in the early stages of my conquest run, (I am at the ice tribe.) I was wondering about Flora as a character is worth getting, by doing the whole fire orbs thing, and was also wondering when they became avaliable, and if she was just a combat clone of Ms.Klutzs.

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Flora is arguably the best maid in the game (at least out of Felicia, her and Jacob anyway) so I would say she is worth the effort but if you don't end up getting her, it's not a huge loss. Flora is stronger and bulkier than her sister but I think Felicia is faster.

The earliest you can get her is Chapter 19.

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Usually Jakob and even Dwyer can fill in the roll of strong and versatile butler since Felicia is pretty much there for healing and using the Flame Shuriken. It doesn't help she dies even easier or at the same rate as Hana so I'd focus more on Flora provided you feel like waiting until chapter 18 unless the butlers can get you going even though if you play as male you'd be waiting for chap 15 for them.

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Flora is much better than Felicia by several margins, having higher bases, being more offensively potent, and not requiring nearly as much time or effort to make good. Flora also has a much better personal skill, helping with killing Mages and Archers while Felicia must constantly be backpacked onto the Avatar for hers to work.

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Flora is Physical while Felicia is either crap or Magical. so Flora is in no way a clone since Felicia acts more as a Mage/healer.

Felicia really is quite frail in Conquest, nearing/reaching OHKO towards endgame so you either bench, delegate to healbot, Avatar backpack, or glass cannon

I haven't actually used Flora but imo, looking at her stats, she's not that great an attacker either. she's slightly weaker than Jakob at the same lvl and is just sooooo slow. as a Maid, Flora will never be a main attacker anyways, especially as a Physical one.

as an attacker (compared to other units), Flora just isn't that great, with her relatively low Str, low Mt weapons, and abysmal speed. Felicia at least attacks w/ Mag and Flame Shuriken has high Mt for Shurikens (higher Mag than Flora has Str, too along with generally lower enemy Res than Def). Felicia will also have Tomebreaker by then while Flora won't have it for another 10 lvls. Flora is a bit sturdier, ~4 Def and Res higher and 1 HP higher but in the end still very fragile physically. as a healer, Flora will be healing only a tad less but less nonetheless.

it's not like it costs you much to recruit her anyways so go ahead and recruit her. imo, not really worth fielding her tho

Edited by GoXDS
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Flora is a good unit, but comes so late that she might not have space in your Conquests team, since you can't just grind everybody up, like in the other routes.

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Flora is a good unit, but comes so late that she might not have space in your Conquests team, since you can't just grind everybody up, like in the other routes.

Basically this.

In my opinion, Jakob and Felicia both aren't units that I would use throughout the entire playthrough anyway, because by the time you promote your first units, the enemies will already be too strong for both of them and kill them in one or two hits, thus making them severe liabilities and their spot is better filled by someone else. They are decent as an early game healbot, but as soon as you go over the max unit count per chapter, bench them (not counting Conquest Chapter 8). At least, that's what I always do.

Flora also suffers from a severe speed problem. 16 speed is really low and by the time you get her, most enemies hit the twenties in all of their stats, so she WILL get doubled by most everything, especially in Conquest when the majority of enemies consists of high speed units, like Falcon Knights, Kinshi Knights, Master Ninjas and Swordmasters.

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Felicia and Jakob have a massive advantage over Flora in that they can skill dip all game long with the wide range of classes they have available to them through their supports. For example, Felicia can marry Arthur early and go Berserker. By Ch. 14, she can have all of HP +5, Rally Strength, and Axefaire with access to the Bolt Axe and better HP/Str level-ups. Jakob can marry Azura early and go Kinshi Knight after Paladin, which gives him Darting Blow and Air Superiority, both extremely useful skills throughout the whole game. Only Felicia and Jakob can get lategame skills as early as they do, so it's a complete waste to have them in their base classes, which give them nothing.

Flora doesn't have much going for her besides B-staves. She only supports Corrin and Felicia, and her bases are all pretty bad for the time she joins, which is around Ch. 21 (the game is almost over...). Corrin will never be available to marry her, so she's stuck in her Maid class doing nothing but heal. Fortunately, deployment slots are quite generous in the lategame, so she actually can be fielded for her one and only purpose so that the better units can fight. Bear in mind that Izana also joins at Ch. 23 if the Hot Springs are lv. 3, so there's really no shortage of lategame staff users.

Edited by Inference
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Why no mention of Jakob when he is better than the both of them for his greater Def suffering only from having less mag which can get annoying in giving him ranged healing, Rescue, etc. Flora for her better offenses, but having less options than the other two that she is best used for a lategame healing bot. On Lunatic, she maybe not be considerable for useage. Felicia already is beastly with a Flame Shuriken, Her Ice tray. :) But...she will need to get Luna in order to help her offenses alot for her Ice Tray especially. So...

Jakob wins for having great offense and Def. But...he will and only should be used for regular healing for his bad Mag.

Edited by PuffPuff
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Jakob wins for having great offense and Def. But...he will and only should be used for regular healing for his bad Mag.

The problem is his weapon type. As a Butler, he has the weakest weapons in the game, and by mid-game his combat can taper off. Combined with his meh healing by then, he just does so much better as other classes or a Pair-Up bot for the MU.

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Flora is much better than Felicia by several margins, having higher bases, being more offensively potent, and not requiring nearly as much time or effort to make good. Flora also has a much better personal skill, helping with killing Mages and Archers while Felicia must constantly be backpacked onto the Avatar for hers to work.

Ch. 15 Felicia starts with C shurikens. She requires zero effort to be good.

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Ch. 15 Felicia starts with C shurikens. She requires zero effort to be good.

Flora starts with B in Shurikens and Staves with much higher bases than Felicia in STR, SKL, and RES.

Felicia will start off as a better healer than Flora but Flora will be a better fighter, simple as that.

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The problem is his weapon type. As a Butler, he has the weakest weapons in the game, and by mid-game his combat can taper off. Combined with his meh healing by then, he just does so much better as other classes or a Pair-Up bot for the MU.

Shuriken are arguably the best weapons in the game. They give a +2 Speed bonus at no penalty, can crit, activate skills, and double at 1-2 range, and give debuffs on every hit.

Edited by Rezzy
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Flora starts with B in Shurikens and Staves with much higher bases than Felicia in STR, SKL, and RES.

Felicia will start off as a better healer than Flora but Flora will be a better fighter, simple as that.

She also joins around five chapters later where her base speed is low enough for most enemies to double her. How is she supposed to be fighting if she does zero damage to the enemies in Ch. 21 and gets doubled by the entire map on Chapters 20 and beyond? Felicia automatically joins with Tomebreaker, so she can at least get some combat in on Ch. 16 where the enemies are predominantly low-res or mages.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I feel like Flora's main utility is a late-game staff-bot than a combat unit since 15 Spd at base (slower than Xander and Leo at her level) is lackluster... However,

  • Flora has the highest (Mag+Skl) bases and growths (not Mag and Skl individually though) out of the maids/butlers which means she has the highest staff accuracy out of them (Elise beats her in this regard, but only if promoted at Lv. 20 which is a pain; Izana as well, but be mindful of his personal skill), and starting with B-staves definitely helps: her base stats and weapon rank alone gives her +46 staff hit rate, which really helps spam out those Freeze/Entrap/Silence charges in Ch. 25, 26 and Endgame with solid accuracy.
  • Most healing charges increase by Mag/3 instead of Mag/2 in this game which means her lower magic than Felicia or Elise isn't such a big clutch either.
  • Also if you're not rescue-cheesing the Endgame, having multiple staff users using Freeze/Entrap/Silence as well as heal definitely helps in that map.

Incidentally an extra unit deployment slot opens up at Ch. 25, which means if you're not fielding any extra 2nd gen units she might be a good addition. (IIRC she comes at a higher level and corresponding stats/weapon ranks if you recruit her later, though I'm not sure by how much more.) I don't think she's meant to replace your first maid/butler or Elise, but rather be assessed as an additional asset to your team.

Edited by Aggro Incarnate
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The problem is his weapon type. As a Butler, he has the weakest weapons in the game, and by mid-game his combat can taper off. Combined with his meh healing by then, he just does so much better as other classes or a Pair-Up bot for the MU.

He should be Paladin to give him Defender and giving him Luna to help with his weapon problems. The Potion skill is good too to give him +4 in everything by paring him up. Honestly, he does so much better as a Paladin for better move and weapons.

She also joins around five chapters later where her base speed is low enough for most enemies to double her. How is she supposed to be fighting if she does zero damage to the enemies in Ch. 21 and gets doubled by the entire map on Chapters 20 and beyond? Felicia automatically joins with Tomebreaker, so she can at least get some combat in on Ch. 16 where the enemies are predominantly low-res or mages.

Not using her enough. She is one of the best pre-promos in the game and that her EXP formula gets no reductuion even after LV15 giving her the opportunity to re-class her to get some other skills. Flora has no opportunity of this without buying skills from castles, or from your logbook. Jakob has a harder time to heal people which is probable to make him something better like a Dreadfighter, or Paladin.

I feel like Flora's main utility is a late-game staff-bot than a combat unit since 15 Spd at base (slower than Xander and Leo at her level) is lackluster... However,

  • Flora has the highest (Mag+Skl) bases and growths (not Mag and Skl individually though) out of the maids/butlers which means she has the highest staff accuracy out of them (Elise beats her in this regard, but only if promoted at Lv. 20 which is a pain; Izana as well, but be mindful of his personal skill), and starting with B-staves definitely helps: her base stats and weapon rank alone gives her +46 staff hit rate, which really helps spam out those Freeze/Entrap/Silence charges in Ch. 25, 26 and Endgame with solid accuracy.
  • Most healing charges increase by Mag/3 instead of Mag/2 in this game which means her lower magic than Felicia or Elise isn't such a big clutch either.
  • Also if you're not rescue-cheesing the Endgame, having multiple staff users using Freeze/Entrap/Silence as well as heal definitely helps in that map.

Incidentally an extra unit deployment slot opens up at Ch. 25, which means if you're not fielding any extra 2nd gen units she might be a good addition. (IIRC she comes at a higher level and corresponding stats/weapon ranks if you recruit her later, though I'm not sure by how much more.) I don't think she's meant to replace your first maid/butler or Elise, but rather be assessed as an additional asset to your team.

Not in skill which Elise grows terrible in. -.-

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Not in skill which Elise grows terrible in. -.-

I meant (Mag+Skl), not Magic and Skill individually, since a unit's staff/rod hit rate increases by 1% for each stat point in Magic and Skill. While Elise has low growths in Skill, her Magic stat makes up for it; though Flora, when recruited as early as possible, has higher bases in (Mag+Skl) at her base level than Elise, unless Elise has been promoted at Lv. 19-20 ish.

Anyways, I meant to say that Flora, with her good bases and growths in (Mag+Skl) as well as her B-rank staves at base makes her an accurate staff user in the late-game.

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To those asking why Jakob isn't being brought up, I'd highly advise Heart Sealing to a Cav Promotin ASAP. He basically becomes the games Oifey, benefitting from promoted class basses in a much better combat class than Butler and the potential to grab some awesome skills eons before everyone else.

On topic, I'd say I ultimately prefer Felicia to Flora, based solely on the Flame Shuriken and good Staff use. Floras fine (especially if all your looking for is a bulkier healer who can de buff), but I've never really found the time to seriously run her.

Edited by Avalanche
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I rather use Felicia over Flora. Mainly because in Conquest, you can automatically put a Flame Shuriken on her and she will be fine. Plus I usually pair her up with Leo anyway. I would love to try to use Flora in Conquest one time, but she comes too late and she can only be paired up with the Avatar for Support and by then I would either have my mind on who the Male Corrin would be marrying.

I wish that you could pick which maid or Butler you wanted at the beginning. So if you wanted to have a Female Corrin, you could still pick Felicia early on and get Jakob later in the game. I rather use Felicia more than Jakob. In fact, once I get Felicia in chapter 15, Jakob gets benched and sent to the Mess Hall forever.

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I've come to use both, actually but I don't get Flora until after chapter 24, before 25 so she comes auto-leveled enough for when you get the extra slot. She becomes an amazing status staffer, and healer. I just never get rid of Felicia or Elise, as this route in particular benefits a lot from having both multitasking as staffers and fighting units. Then again, I do promote Elise very early.

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Not using her enough. She is one of the best pre-promos in the game and that her EXP formula gets no reductuion even after LV15 giving her the opportunity to re-class her to get some other skills. Flora has no opportunity of this without buying skills from castles, or from your logbook. Jakob has a harder time to heal people which is probable to make him something better like a Dreadfighter, or Paladin.

Uh, I think you're misquoting me. The post I was responding to claims Flora is the better unit, which is more than a little ignorant. I'm utterly baffled as to how someone can ignore Felicia's massive availability lead and a unique EXP/class distribution that allows her to do absolutely anything.

But whatever. I've been saying this all thread and people will still trip over themselves to talk about who heals better. Just leave it be.

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