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First time being drunk


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One of the reasons that I'm glad that I don't drink, despite being 25 years old.

Though to be fair, it's mostly because I despise the taste of alchoolic drinks.

I've never been drunk, and I'm 30.

I can't even take one sip of alcohol let alone get drunk. \o/

I don't think Est would appreciate it if I drank right now.

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Neither would my body/blood.

My genetics lead me to handle alcohol very well, unfortunately, people in my family just don't know when to stop.

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If I drank one sip, it would come out of my mouth at once.

It happened to me when I drank my first and only beer.

why exactly?

unless you really hate the taste or have a personal negative experience with a friend or family member, then this seems pretty over the top

I spit out coca-cola immediately because the taste is that awful to me. but if it's just so you can be your own moral guardian, that's a little much

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I don't even like beer, it taste disgusting in my opinion.

In fact, I don't like drinking alchool in general, I sometimes drink only on special occasions (birthday, etc) but even then.

Last night was an exception, there was like a coconut drink, I can't really remember tbh but it tasted sweet.

At least I manage to be half ''there'', didn't do anything stupid and didn't end being sick.

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I don't need to be drunk. to act stupidly.

That's one of the things I'm the proudest about.

I don't think I was ever drunk once actually.

I think taking alcohool just to be drunk to be incredibly stupid tbh.

One of the reasons that I'm glad that I don't drink, despite being 25 years old.
Though to be fair, it's mostly because I despise the taste of alchoolic drinks.

Same thing for me.

One of first drink was a full glass of BEvERage because I didn't knew better, and it tasted so bad, and I thought I had to finish it but couldn't.

Even if you put tons of sugar and stuff on it, alcohool still leaves that sour, unpleasant aftertaste.

Well, now that's just accepted by everyone, so it's all good.


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Never underestimate an ice-cold beer on a hot day! I also liked dry red wines and sake. . .until my body said "screw you I'm dropping your alcohol tolerance to zero". Couldn't get drunk, because I'd puke before that point.

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