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[Conquest] Is Boo Camp a must for Hard, Expert and Lunatic ?


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So after playing through Conquest mutliple times I came to think that had it not been for the Boo Camp I wouldn't have beaten the game in Hard mode and would do like my first playthrough and turn to normal {Blame Takumi at Great Wall of Suzanoh, }

Looking back at it my worst memories were definetly the endgame that I barely completed in Normal and Azama's deadly curses.. Thank God they didn't had access to the deeprealms in Hoshido.

Anyways, did you find Conquest challenging to the point where you needed the Dlc or not ?

{Excluding the use of Haitaka of course }

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Not at all. Conquest on higher difficulties is all about knowing the maps and their intricacies beforehand and constructing your team to counter them. You don't need overkill Skills bought from My Castle, nor DLC to help you grind Gold or EXP. Honestly, Conquest just requires some dedication and general knowledge of FE to succeed.

Edited by Avalanche
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Not at all. Conquest on higher difficulties is all about knowing the maps and their intricacies beforehand and constructing your team to counter them. You don't need overkill Skills bought from My Castle, nor DLC to help you grind Gold or EXP. Honestly, Conquest just requires some dedication and general knowledge of FE to succeed.

Agreed. Speaking from the experience of the Conquest Hard run I'm finishing right now, the maps aren't that difficult if you know how to get past the gimmicks. Also, Effie. Last run I didn't use her and it was a nightmare. Now I can throw her into a horde of Spear Masters and Snipers with a Javelin and she'll eat them for breakfast.

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I haven't touched any of the DLC (except for one map that didn't give experience) and I just completed an ironman run of hard difficulty without losing a single unit. So no, it's not essential. You just need a good grasp of how you want to build your team and an understanding of what potential amount of damage you're putting units into.

...Also, just so you know, there's no expert difficulty, just normal, hard and lunatic.

Edited by Alastor15243
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So after playing through Conquest mutliple times I came to think that had it not been for the Boo Camp I wouldn't have beaten the game in Hard mode and would do like my first playthrough and turn to normal {Blame Takumi at Great Wall of Suzanoh, }

Looking back at it my worst memories were definetly the endgame that I barely completed in Normal and Azama's deadly curses.. Thank God they didn't had access to the deeprealms in Hoshido.

Anyways, did you find Conquest challenging to the point where you needed the Dlc or not ?

{Excluding the use of Haitaka of course }

No, you don't need any DLC to go through Lunatic Conquest. As others have said, it's just a question of knowing the campaign and planning accordingly, especially in terms of critical skills like shurikenbreaker. If you struggled on normal though, definitely play through hard first. I know 3 campaigns sounds a bit much, but you'll be better served I think. Also might want to look up what else the difficulty changes, for example, in chapter 25 conquest normal, you have 25 turns before the boss attacks. On Lunatic, it's 20.

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I guess I'll be the dissenting voice and say that, yes, I find the DLC's absolutely necessary for my run of Conquest/Hard.

Granted, this is also coming from the viewpoint of a traditional JRPG gamer, so things like "no grinding" for exp/godly stats, rare weapons, etc... is an alien concept for me!

I like to play my games mostly for the fun of creating super characters and hunting down/grinding drop rates for every last rare weapon/armour to be had. (admittedly, Dragon Quest and the early Final Fantasy games are my bread and better)

Also, it's not really so much that he game is super tactical or requires really deep thinking... As pointed out above, the only challenges are in figuring out the gimmick of the various maps & then using your units to best exploit them, and then hoping that RNGesus doesn't go and take a giant gak all over your units. (unlike what routinely happens to me, where 80-95% hit rates means they're really pretty much auto-misses, yet enemies with 35-55% hit rates & 2-5% crit rates somehow always manage to connect! >.< )

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Also, it's not really so much that he game is super tactical or requires really deep thinking... As pointed out above, the only challenges are in figuring out the gimmick of the various maps & then using your units to best exploit them,

did you not just define tactics? figure out the enemy strat, form a counter strat, and execute

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I guess I'll be the dissenting voice and say that, yes, I find the DLC's absolutely necessary for my run of Conquest/Hard.

Granted, this is also coming from the viewpoint of a traditional JRPG gamer, so things like "no grinding" for exp/godly stats, rare weapons, etc... is an alien concept for me!

I like to play my games mostly for the fun of creating super characters and hunting down/grinding drop rates for every last rare weapon/armour to be had. (admittedly, Dragon Quest and the early Final Fantasy games are my bread and better)

Also, it's not really so much that he game is super tactical or requires really deep thinking... As pointed out above, the only challenges are in figuring out the gimmick of the various maps & then using your units to best exploit them, and then hoping that RNGesus doesn't go and take a giant gak all over your units. (unlike what routinely happens to me, where 80-95% hit rates means they're really pretty much auto-misses, yet enemies with 35-55% hit rates & 2-5% crit rates somehow always manage to connect! >.< )

While I don't know if 'super tactical' is the best way to describe it, the game has a ton of depth and viable strategies, which is a pretty big win for its design in my book. Don't mean to offend with these either, but that last bit reeks of confirmation bias. While I'm not sure if the exact formula for hit rates has been data-mined, it's not as wildly inaccurate as you claim, and I stated elsewhere you can definitely control the RNG.

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The gimmick plays a good role in it for the campain but what is tough is when the boss's stats are insane and he gets crazy skills when you constantly are underleveled as you used Corrin and Silas to save you on tough bosses

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@Dualazi: I don't consider FE or most video games in general to be 'tactical', more like, they're simply puzzles you need to solve and occasionally pray that the game's RNG doesn't decide to flip you the bird! (which it does to me quite often, as like Arthur, I have horribly awful luck.)

Table top games against another actual person are what I consider to be actual tactical games. Outside of much more powerful computers, an AI can only typically 'win' against an actual person by typically cheating. (which they do quite frequently in things like RTS games for example, by having a seemingly endless supply of resources and can spawn units much faster than the actual player/s can!)

And I don't care what some might say about the RNG not being that awful in this game... save scuming for some decent levels on a pair of my generic captured units today, I had;

a) a General w/only 55% hit rate vs. my Master-at-Arms. He hit me 11/12 times!

b) a Berserker w/only 22% hit rate + 35% crit rate... and yes, he actually hit me almost as often as he missed!

RNG's and dice simply hate me...

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