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The Best way to use Flora ?


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I have her as a maid for her final class.

Since her personal skill (Icy Blood) takes half dmg and skill/spd -3 from nonadjacent foes.. I have Pavise and Aegis on her to halve the dmg.

For when attacks are adjacent I have Counter and Countermagic equipped. And Sol for her proc.

Someone else might have other/better skill sets for her but this seems to work pretty well for me.

I mainly use her as a backup staffbot, but like this she should be alright to join in the battle.

Edited by ♯Jin
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She's a utility character. If you want her to be more than staffbot, use her to safely debuff/chip enemies, or have her fight mages since she has good strength and resistance + her personal skill. She can contribute more than staffing, but don't expect her to be a premier combat unit or anything.

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If it helps, Flora is a good deal bulkier than Felicia. Her 14 base Defense is actually higher than Felicias average at level 40 as a Maid. Again, she's not a tank at all, but she can take physical attacks a bit better than Felicia I guess? Still, staff bots are okay, so Floras okay.

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I could see going Strategist for Rally Resistance and Dark Knight for Seal Magic being useful, as it can fill the void for a turn without healing and increase her utility against Mages.

She also has access to Bowbreaker and Shurikenbreaker from Sorcerer and Bow Knight respectively, both of which can be very helpful for her survivability in the mid-lines.

Her only problem is late join time and average offensive stats, making her main source of exp Healing.

EDIT: Forgot Inspiration from Strategist as well. It's a great passive buff that stacks with Demoiselle.

Edited by TrueEm
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I made mine a Bow Knight and she's not too bad. As TrueEm said she's able to get 3 Breakers on her own, which really help her survivability if she's in a fast enough class.

Correction: She gets 4 Breakers.

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Correction: She gets 4 Breakers.

Ah yes! Axebreaker from Hero! That one is very useful as well, but 4 Breakers is kinda removing her utility and passive buffs.

I don't think of Hero having Axebreaker too often. I always think of Sol first.

Just kinda thinking of a set or two, not accounting for buying skills or S-Support Avatar.

Maid/Strategist - Support

Maid for debuffing support, Strategist for more healing.

Bowbreaker - The most useful of her breakers, being a mid-line support with WTD against them.

Inspiration - Great passive buff, no reason to pass it up.

Live to Serve - Helps keep her alive if she is targeted during enemy phase.

Rally Resistance - For turns where healing is unnessicary or before fighting Magic users.

Seal Magic/Demoiselle - Seal Magic is good for support, but requires attacking while she could be healing or rallying. Demoiselle stacks with Inspiration but is one gender.

Flora doesn't have enough skills to be a good Offensive unit without buying them, but I'd say her best classes for offensive are Dark Knight and Hero, maybe Bow Knight as well, although it's caps are a bit meh overall.

Edited by TrueEm
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All your help is really appreciated I asked that to truly know how to use her on my army but also if I could marry her and how will it affect my Kana

Flora!Kana has...

+2 Str Cap, +3 Skl Cap, +1 Spd, +2 Def Cap. No negative caps.

Her growths (Without class growths) are:

32.5 HP 37.5 Str 25 Mag 42.5 Skl 37.5 Spd 40 Lck 27.5 Def 27.5 Res

While her caps are actually very good, her growths are a bit glass cannon-y, but without enough Str or Mag to be called a cannon. Kana only gets access to Troubadour from her, unless the Avatar has Troubadour as their Talent in which case I believe she gets Mercenary. Either way, it's decent. Definitely not the worst mothering for Kana.

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It's her only use, doesn't she have potential anywhere else ?

Depends on if you want to use her in the campaign or not. In my experience she just arrives way too late in the main story to get significant use out of, since her bases aren't really good enough to coast on and there's nothing else of note about her. Postgame is a whole 'nother story and I'd refer to the advice others have given here.

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Flora!Kana has...

+2 Str Cap, +3 Skl Cap, +1 Spd, +2 Def Cap. No negative caps.

Her growths (Without class growths) are:

32.5 HP 37.5 Str 25 Mag 42.5 Skl 37.5 Spd 40 Lck 27.5 Def 27.5 Res

While her caps are actually very good, her growths are a bit glass cannon-y, but without enough Str or Mag to be called a cannon. Kana only gets access to Troubadour from her, unless the Avatar has Troubadour as their Talent in which case I believe she gets Mercenary. Either way, it's decent. Definitely not the worst mothering for Kana.

Great it's not the best but it's okay

Depends on if you want to use her in the campaign or not. In my experience she just arrives way too late in the main story to get significant use out of, since her bases aren't really good enough to coast on and there's nothing else of note about her. Postgame is a whole 'nother story and I'd refer to the advice others have given here.

Thanks for the tip

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