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Is it me or are there less members on SerenesForest lately?


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My free time is quite sporadic. There are some days I work like 16 hours straight, then there are others where I have more or less the whole day off.

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Personally, I just can't be bothered to participate in discussions that more often than not tend to go absolutely nowhere, so I've lost most of my motivation to post at all. At some point I simply decided that I had better things to do with my time than argue with a wall or add yet another opinion to the pile that nobody really gives a damn about.

I do still like to read topics that interest me, I just don't care to chime in myself most of the time.

Or maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to be lazy. I don't really know.


Ahem. . .

The rules here are a bit more strict than elsewhere, and we the mods do pay attention. For some people, that's great. For others, it's not. SF isn't for everyone.

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I rember a couple of years ago there would usually be around 100 members online daily. Now it likes half. Did something happen?

Did you miss the Great GameFAQs migration?

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it also depends where you look, I think.

Some only post in HHH/Fe4Thread. Some are quarantined into the Serious Discussion...

Many people aren't here for FE related stuff, after all (I don't spend lot of time there anymore, at least...).

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Everything like people mention goes in cycles. There have been times when spriting and fangames were very quiet, and while I would not say they are super insanely busy like the fates section was... we brainstormed ways to improve our activity, and did stuff and it's been good imo. Idk if the activity we have had has translated to the forums as much as would be visible from outside those communities... but hey, the community has kept a very old game and art style alive and active for over 10 years now... that is a pretty damn impressive achievement.

Basically, if something seems off... take a look at why, and if you feel you can... do something about it. Do not just talk about it if you have an issue with how things are... actively work to change things, starting with yourself.


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I myself am spending more time on other things, such as my games (both playing and making) and I'm doing more on the MarioWiki than I was before (which was almost nothing). Also, with my parents gone most of the time, I'm normally the one keeping track of the house. It's fun here on SF, sure. There just isn't much here for me to do anymore, though I'll be in chat every now and then.

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Basically, if something seems off... take a look at why, and if you feel you can... do something about it. Do not just talk about it if you have an issue with how things are... actively work to change things, starting with yourself.


i took this advice to heart and stormed allianz stadium earlier today, demanding that sydney fc sign a rightback, knowing that my everlasting spirit and daring would show graham arnold the way, certain that my flamboyant endeavour would prove decisive not only in terms of the personal heroic journey but also more broadly in the sky blues' title race

anyway, they threw me out.

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I don't post on here as much as I used to back when I was more active on this site. I more often that not post only in the HHH thread when I do pop in here.

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i took this advice to heart and stormed allianz stadium earlier today, demanding that sydney fc sign a rightback, knowing that my everlasting spirit and daring would show graham arnold the way, certain that my flamboyant endeavour would prove decisive not only in terms of the personal heroic journey but also more broadly in the sky blues' title race

anyway, they threw me out.

Did you learn your limits? If so... excellent, if not, perhaps you should reflect on this a bit more... and take the last bit of advice first. ;)

Good story BTW. You are definitely improving in writing, Parr! :D

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it's because fire emblem is dead

fire emblem is dead

long live fire emblem

this except no strikethrough

I blame awakening and fates

i blame corple and leen

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I would probably blame school instead of awakening and fates.

But whatever works.

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Did you learn your limits? If so... excellent, if not, perhaps you should reflect on this a bit more... and take the last bit of advice first. ;)

Good story BTW. You are definitely improving in writing, Parr! :D

improved compared to what

i mean if you cite anything from when my age beginned...




this fever is killing me.

Anyway if you cite anything from when my age began with a 1 i will hurt you over the internet by looking sad and crying

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Since I'm quite new here I wouldn't be able to give a worthwhile opinion. But I can say one thing, this site is not dying...
Does anybody know / remember the Wiipals/Nintendoworlds forums? It used to be the forum I visited the most back when I was in high school, but one day the nintendo WFC service stopped, traffic started to slow down and the forums slowy became more inactive each and every passing day...
Even so, the staff was very nice and the few dedicated members that were left formed quite a tight group. They added several cool features in order to attract new interest, like easter egg hunts, pokémon that showed up on the forum pages that you could catch with pokéballs (you could buy these with forum points in a special forum shop), a showcase for your game libaries, a way to challenge others to duals through an integrated system, several other events that granted you badges, NintendoworldsTV (which showcased streams and video's of members), etc. But alas, one day when I tried to visit the forums the website was down, and I haven't been able to get to the site ever since. This happened seemingly out of nowhere and to this day I still don't know what exactly happened. I tried contacting the head moderator named "Tokyopop" once through the Nintendoworlds Steam group, but I never got any response. :(:
I have the link to the forums still as a bookmark on my browser, but I shows a fishy japanese hosting website instead... http://www.nintendoworlds.com/


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My computer translated that page (thought this is unrelated) all it says is that the domain is for sale. Whether or not you were using this as an example for this site not being dead- I can't say. But I'll use it as one. If the site starts doing some weird site events for catching pokemon- we know it's screwed.

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Since I'm quite new here I wouldn't be able to give a worthwhile opinion. But I can say one thing, this site is not dying...

Does anybody know / remember the Wiipals/Nintendoworlds forums? It used to be the forum I visited the most back when I was in high school, but one day the nintendo WFC service stopped, traffic started to slow down and the forums slowy became more inactive each and every passing day...

Even so, the staff was very nice and the few dedicated members that were left formed quite a tight group. They added several cool features in order to attract new interest, like easter egg hunts, pokémon that showed up on the forum pages that you could catch with pokéballs (you could buy these with forum points in a special forum shop), a showcase for your game libaries, a way to challenge others to duals through an integrated system, several other events that granted you badges, NintendoworldsTV (which showcased streams and video's of members), etc. But alas, one day when I tried to visit the forums the website was down, and I haven't been able to get to the site ever since. This happened seemingly out of nowhere and to this day I still don't know what exactly happened. I tried contacting the head moderator named "Tokyopop" once through the Nintendoworlds Steam group, but I never got any response. :(:

I have the link to the forums still as a bookmark on my browser, but I shows a fishy japanese hosting website instead... http://www.nintendoworlds.com/


I found their Facebook page, if that means anything. Top post links to their reddit and some people have gotten back in touch with each other (ShadowofChaos also used to be a member, apparently).

From what I can gather, something happened to their server and lost a good chunk of their data. They couldn't figure out what was going on, but they decided not to waste money on it due to the site being nearly dead at the time. Some - if not, most - of the users moved to the sub-reddit page. Perhaps you could try to reconnect there if you haven't already.

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I found their Facebook page, if that means anything. Top post links to their reddit and some people have gotten back in touch with each other (ShadowofChaos also used to be a member, apparently).

From what I can gather, something happened to their server and lost a good chunk of their data. They couldn't figure out what was going on, but they decided not to waste money on it due to the site being nearly dead at the time. Some - if not, most - of the users moved to the sub-reddit page. Perhaps you could try to reconnect there if you haven't already.

Thanks for the info. this explains a lot of questions I had.

It doesn't surprise me that I never found their Facebook page, I don't have a Facebook account myself and ever since that one trial about Facebook tracking non-users. It is impossible in Belgium to view public pages without logging in with an account.

I might get back in touch, although I don't really know in what way this cummunity has evolved during these past two years. I guess I have to see for myself.

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Thanks for the info. this explains a lot of questions I had.

It doesn't surprise me that I never found their Facebook page, I don't have a Facebook account myself and ever since that one trial about Facebook tracking non-users. It is impossible in Belgium to view public pages without logging in with an account.

I might get back in touch, although I don't really know in what way this cummunity has evolved during these past two years. I guess I have to see for myself.

There aren't a lot of threads, but I didn't look very hard. Just skimmed through it. Everyone seems like a friendly bunch, though :):

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