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Humor, Satire, and Political Correctness, Oh My!

Steven Tyler

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What is your stance on humor and satire? What kind of jokes, parodies, satires, etc. you think find "over-the-top" and offensive? Do you think humor should be politically incorrect? Should you think their should be a limit on satire?

Me, I am not really p.c. In fact, I joke about just about anything and everything under the sun. I don't care if I hurt anyone feelings because I'm just joking and my jokes and stories shouldn't be taken seriously. I be honest with you, sometimes, I like to talk and discussion about taboo subjects and joke around with it because that is how I learn from them and learn from the failures of it, and not try to overlook the taboo's flaws.

I don't mind jokes about my race or religion either. I know they're just jokes. I know their funny flaws about Christianity such as nutcases as the Hillsbro Church, and "Christians" who use their religion to harass others. Why you ask this? Because I'm more faithful than religious. I don't mind if white people make jokes about blacks because I don't let something as minor as the race I was born with to hurt my feelings.

Hell, I don't give a damn about fat jokes because I made myself overeat at times! I quite don't give a damn about being offended by jokes!

So,what do you think?

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I think that people should be a little more considerate at times, for example, if you make a joke about God and hundreds of Christians are offended, but they hold the right to say all other religions are wrong publicly.

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I hate PC too. Nothing has ever offended me, but maybe that's because I'm a straight, white, slender male. One thing I won't do is use racial slurs, because that never ends well. Religion, sexual orientation, birth defects are all pretty much fair game though.

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those things may be mean, but it's always necessary. To me, satire is a great freedom speech example, regardless of how bad it can be. Humor is an aftermath of satire. The trouble is that there are ppl who makes it SERIOUS BUSINESS, therefore killing the humor.

If there were someone who would make jokes of me or something like that, i would be relaxed and enjoy the laughs.

It's sometimes good to laugh, even at your own self.

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When it comes to politics, they fucking deserve to be made fun of. So I'll laugh at that.

Anyone who's smart can differentiate what is and isn't politically correct.

I say that, and there are idiots out there who believe Obama is a muslim...


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When it comes to politics, they fucking deserve to be made fun of. So I'll laugh at that.

Anyone who's smart can differentiate what is and isn't politically correct.

I say that, and there are idiots out there who believe Obama is a muslim...


Speaking of which, ya seen on the news that some ignorant old bitch stated that she won't vote for Obama because he's a "Arab", which is of course is shit!

The only time I find a joke offensive is when it's not funny.

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For me, it depends on what degree it is. If it is making fun of a recent tragic death or some real person with a birth defect, that is too far, for sure. Religion, depending on how far the joke goes, can get a bit rough, too. Political jokes, knock yourself out with those! Who can take politics seriously, anymore? As far as sex jokes go, even I make some mild ones, but I make sure to not get too crazy with it. Still, I do believe it's possible to go too far with jokes. If you ask me, a joke isn't funny unless everyone can laugh with it.

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Political correctness is for over sensitive weiners who feel the need to bend over backwards to make other cultures feel more accepted or whatever.

One funny thing I heard was something about children who reject spicy foods are racist. One day they are rejecting their food, the next they are beating them up in the streets... yeah...

For my humour preferences, I'll laugh at anything other than childish potty humour. Religions deserve being made fun of, race is unimportant.

Edited by Shuuda
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I dont joke if it's make ppl hurt. I do joke and kill ppl feelings a lot when I was younger but after realize how stupid am I, I never do anything so bad like that again. How can I happy when the guy that being joked was so uphappy, there are a lot of better way to laught. Everybody have their own problems, dont make their problem got bigger and bigger. Except when they dont care anything you say( so what the point for a joke, they already dont care, laught for yourself?)

About policiti, over joke can kill you if you dont careful. But I do a lot about it.

About Religion, everybody have their own belive, what kind of happy you have when you make joke on someone's belive?

Edited by soluuloi
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I dont joke if it's make ppl hurt. I do joke and kill ppl feelings a lot when I was younger but after realize how stupid am I, I never do anything so bad like that again. How can I happy when the guy that being joked was so uphappy, there are a lot of better way to laught. Everybody have their own problems, dont make their problem got bigger and bigger. Except when they dont care anything you say( so what the point for a joke, they already dont care, laught for yourself?)

About policiti, over joke can kill you if you dont careful. But I do a lot about it.

About Religion, everybody have their own belive, what kind of happy you have when you make joke on someone's belive?

As much as I respect you, that statement is the reason why humor isn't funny. I love laughing at my flaws of my religion! I dont care ifI get singled out because it's a joke!

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I have a decidedly twisted sense of humor. Dark comedy sets me up in stitches. My humor isn't just dry, it's arid. If someone can actually say with a straight face something incredibly derogatory/offensive without breaking character, it sends me up the wall with laughter. Granted, I have to know the person is joking. I'm usually able to tell but a LOT of people don't get it and that's one reason a lot of people dislike me. I'm sarcastic the vast majority of the time.

I tend to look at situations as what the end result can bring, in all aspects of life, but especially humor. Someone can say something super offensive just to catch people off guard. Your options are to have fun, roll with it, and enjoy a good "I can't believe he just said that!" type laugh, or to get upset and feel bad for the next half hour if not longer. The former is much more appealing to me. Life shouldn't be taken so seriously that you can't enjoy it.

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I have a decidedly twisted sense of humor. Dark comedy sets me up in stitches. My humor isn't just dry, it's arid. If someone can actually say with a straight face something incredibly derogatory/offensive without breaking character, it sends me up the wall with laughter. Granted, I have to know the person is joking. I'm usually able to tell but a LOT of people don't get it and that's one reason a lot of people dislike me. I'm sarcastic the vast majority of the time.

I tend to look at situations as what the end result can bring, in all aspects of life, but especially humor. Someone can say something super offensive just to catch people off guard. Your options are to have fun, roll with it, and enjoy a good "I can't believe he just said that!" type laugh, or to get upset and feel bad for the next half hour if not longer. The former is much more appealing to me. Life shouldn't be taken so seriously that you can't enjoy it.

THISTHISTHISTHIS! I have a policy of never taking anything offensive seriously. :P As a result, I haven't been really mad for, well, years and years.

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