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Fire eblem fates help


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If I can understand what you're saying, you bought Birthright digitally, then a friend bought you Conquest, and you want to know if you can play Birthright on the Conquest cartridge.

I don't think so. It's basically the same as owning both Birthright and Conquest digitally (the full price games, not the $20 DLC version) or both physically. They count as two completely separate games.

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If I'm interpreting the situation correctly, your friend is loaning a physical copy of Conquest and you own Birthright digitally?

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure if the $40 standalone Downloadable Birthright and the $20 Downloadable Path Birthright count as separate games or not. I'm sort of curious now...

Edited by Avalanche
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If I'm interpreting the situation correctly, your friend is loaning a physical copy of Conquest and you own Birthright digitally?

To be honest, I'm not entirely sure if the $40 standalone Downloadable Birthright and the $20 Downloadable Path Birthright count as separate games or not. I'm sort of curious now...

They wouldn't count as the same. The $20 Birthright counts as part of Conquest, if I'm not mistaken.

Edited by TrueEm
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isn't DLC just attached to the system

like when I bought a digital version of Awakening and I didn't do a save transfer I could still use the DLC

Either way, the $40 Birthright is not DLC, it's the full game. Therefore it cannot be played on the physical copy, as its basically like owning 2 physical copies or 2 of the full digital copies.

Besides, would it matter if you could play Birthright on Birthright?

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