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Who did she mean...?

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Okay, I'm confused. In the "Stefan" info conversation near the end of the game, Yune noticed that Stefan was a Branded. Then she mentioned that "that boy who was always with Ike" was a Branded- Soren. Then she said "that little girl who was always with Queen Elincia" was also a Branded.

So who's the kid? Is it Amy? That would sort of make sense, since Calill and Largo aren't her biological parents. She also wasn't turned to stone like most of the pure beorc and laguz. But Stefan isn't sure the "little girl" is as young as she looks, which makes me wonder. Don't Brandeds usually age normally at least until their teens? And if it isn't Amy.... who the heck is it?

What do you think?

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Maybe it's Sanaki? I don't know, but she only really ever saw Sanaki and Elincia together, but then again I don't think that Sanaki has the mark.

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When Yune mentions 'Or the little girl who stays by the queen of Crimea,' she is most likely referring to Amy.

However, I believe when Stefan says 'I don't think she's as young as she looks,' he's likely referring to Micaiah, which would make much more sense. (Remember afterwards, Yune tells that 'Micaiah says that's true,' which impies that Micaiah is telling Stefan that she is indeed older than she looks.)

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Maybe it's Sanaki? I don't know, but she only really ever saw Sanaki and Elincia together, but then again I don't think that Sanaki has the mark.

It couldn't be Sanaki. If she was a branded, she would have inherited heron blood and would have been able to sing the galdr.

"She" is Amy. It makes sense and everybody agrees with it.

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I don't remember posting anything like that on GFAQS. My username is still kaonohiokala on GFAQs btw.

Someone very recently posted a topic just like this on GFaqs. I just thought it might be you, but I guess not.

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Nope, I don't go on the gfaqs forums, it must have been somebody else who made the post.

So it's probably Amy. That's what I thought.

Another spot of confusion- do the Branded completely stop aging, or just slow down a lot? Because if they stopped altogether, it would be kinda weird.

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Another spot of confusion- do the Branded completely stop aging, or just slow down a lot? Because if they stopped altogether, it would be kinda weird.

They don't stop aging completely, but some age slower than others, such as Heron and Dragon Branded.

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yeah cuz isn't Dheginsea like.... really old?

And how old is Nealuchi? or is that just some knowledge that we'll never know

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Dheginsea is like 1000 years old or something because he was in the pro-prologue (They should make a game out of that.) He's not that exactly but he's somewhere around there.

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Nealuchi's already older than Lorazieh, Naesala, Tibarn, Janaff, etc. I think there might be a chance that he's older than Deghinsea.

I know he's amazing, but think about it. If he was that old, then he would know the TRUE story of creation, rather than the twisted up version Deghinsea's been telling averyone for centuries.

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Nealuchi's already older than Lorazieh, Naesala, Tibarn, Janaff, etc. I think there might be a chance that he's older than Deghinsea.

i highly doubt this because it is mentioned somewhere that deghinsea is the only remaining being that lived when the goddess walked the earth (or something like that)

i think they said this in PoR

maybe he is the third oldest, after deghinsea and lehran

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