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FE Fates NX Port?


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Is anyone else hoping that they port this game to the NX but with all three paths in one cartridge/disc (or, whatever they plan on using) instead of how they did it for physical copies on the 3DS? I'm sure hoping so, the fact that the paths were on different cartridges (not counting the limited edition) is what turned me off from this game personally.

Edited by AmericanBuizel
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I don't want to download them because I don't want to fill up my SD card. Besides, digital content is system locked on the 3DS, meaning that if your 3DS breaks, you can't get your games or DLC back.

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I don't really go for ports of games I already own (with one exception), so since I already own all three paths, I wouldn't buy an NX port. I mean, I'm not actively against it being made, I just wouldn't buy it. I would prefer new games to ports or remakes though. The NX needs to start off strong, and I don't think using old games is the way to do it.

I totally share your sentiment about filling up the SD card though. I pretty much had to delete everything off of mine today just so I could download the new Ace Attorney game.

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Well, considering the new Zelda is going to be on the NX as well as the rumored Smash 4, Mario Maker, and Splatoon ports, I don't see the harm in bringing the game to the console as long as it's not in separate versions. Hell, I'd love for them to make a new FE game on the console with Senri Kita (the artist behind PoR and RD) doing the art style or the artist behind "The Last Story".

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Well, considering the new Zelda is going to be on the NX as well as the rumored Smash 4, Mario Maker, and Splatoon ports, I don't see the harm in bringing the game to the console as long as it's not in separate versions. Hell, I'd love for them to make a new FE game on the console with Senri Kita (the artist behind PoR and RD) doing the art style or the artist behind "The Last Story".

The difference there however is that they're all except for Smash (but it's more of an exception since it was console exclusive until now) are all Wii U games. I see your point but Fates on the NX would be a bit jarring and I think everyone would prefer a new FE game on the NX which lies more on your last two sentences than one people seem to have incredibly mixed feelings about.

Edited by Raguna
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I'd love a new FE game on the NX too as much as anyone else, but porting Fates to the NX with all the paths on one cartridge/disc would be amazing and increase profits/sales for it. Not everyone, myself included, bought Fates because of the fact that you have to buy the game in separate chunks.

Edited by AmericanBuizel
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While I agree that the game should have been available on a single cartridge, it sounds pretty petty to not get the game for that reason. I'm sure you and the people like you weren't that interested in Fates to begin with.

Edited by NekoKnight
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It'd be nice, but I would very likely not get it unless there were some serious incentives for buying it, or it came in a bundle with possibly some other games. I mean, I have the game already; if they just port it, the only differences would be a likely improvement in graphics and frame rates, both of which don't really affect my ability to enjoy a turn-based SRPG.

Now, a new FE game on the NX would be absolutely stellar. That'd be one reason for me to buy an NX.

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Eh, I think it was a better business practice to release them separately like that. If the game were released only on one cartridge, they'd have to raise the price massively. And what about people who buy one and decide they don't like it? If it weren't available in pieces, they'd have wasted $80 instead of just $40.

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Not really. This feels like something EA or Crapcum would've done. They wouldn't really have to raise the price either. The only reason the special edition was 80 dollars retail was because of the extra goodies that came with it.

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Not really. This feels like something EA or Crapcum would've done. They wouldn't really have to raise the price either. The only reason the special edition was 80 dollars retail was because of the extra goodies that came with it.

Are you saying they should have sold all three games for $40? Why? Why is the consumer entitled to such a low price for so much content? Because handheld games are normally sold at $40 and therefore any handheld game, no matter the content, should be sold for that price? That seems a bit arbitrary.

Edited by Alastor15243
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I don't want to download them because I don't want to fill up my SD card. Besides, digital content is system locked on the 3DS, meaning that if your 3DS breaks, you can't get your games or DLC back.

That's not quite true, as this article explains. Also, if you're worried about filling up your SD card, a larger one can be bought fairly cheaply. I bought a 32 GB one for Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, as well as the two extra paths to Fates.

Not really. This feels like something EA or Crapcum would've done. They wouldn't really have to raise the price either. The only reason the special edition was 80 dollars retail was because of the extra goodies that came with it.

What? No. The special edition was 80 dollars because a single version was marketed as $40, plus $20 for each of the other two paths. In fact, I bought all three paths on release day, without getting the special edition. Eighty dollars. The extra goodies were "special edition/preorder bonuses".

Is anyone else hoping that they port this game to the NX but with all three paths in one cartridge/disc (or, whatever they plan on using) instead of how they did it for physical copies on the 3DS? I'm sure hoping so, the fact that the paths were on different cartridges (not counting the limited edition) is what turned me off from this game personally.

I'm indifferent, honestly. I already have Fates, and will probably only get the NX if it has a console-selling game for me (such as, an original Fire Emblem title). If there are enough people who share your mindset, Nintendo may be motivated to do a rerelease. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, by any means, but I don't see it happening.

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Eh, I think it was a better business practice to release them separately like that. If the game were released only on one cartridge, they'd have to raise the price massively. And what about people who buy one and decide they don't like it? If it weren't available in pieces, they'd have wasted $80 instead of just $40.

They can have all three routes on disk and keep two of the routes locked until you download a key to unlock it, just like how the digital version was.

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They can have all three routes on disk and keep two of the routes locked until you download a key to unlock it, just like how the digital version was.

Yeah, that would be fair, actually. Good idea. That would also make the branch of fate less intimidating (though the misconception flying around that the game won't let you pick any option you haven't bought yet is wrong, you are allowed to do any version of chapter 6 you like, you just have to buy the rest of that path afterwards).

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I already own three physical copies of the game for each individual route. However, I don't think any sane person would spend their hard earned money just to purchase the same game a second time (they would have to pay for the console and the digital cartridge, at that point they may as well just buy the special edition from scalpers).

I'd love a new FE game on the NX too as much as anyone else, but porting Fates to the NX with all the paths on one cartridge/disc would be amazing and increase profits/sales for it. Not everyone, myself included, bought Fates because of the fact that you have to buy the game in separate chunks.

This exists on the 3ds, it's called revelation. The special edition was available pre-release as well as at certain locations at retail price over the summer. The cartridge allows you to choose any of the three paths in any order and it has something like 9 save files available. It's incredibly unlikely that this idea would increase the profits or sales considering the game sold well to begin with, and more importantly, we have no idea how the NX will sell. If it flops like the Wii U in the beginning the port would essentially be a waste of time.

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I already own three physical copies of the game for each individual route. However, I don't think any sane person would spend their hard earned money just to purchase the same game a second time (they would have to pay for the console and the digital cartridge, at that point they may as well just buy the special edition from scalpers).

This exists on the 3ds, it's called revelation. The special edition was available pre-release as well as at certain locations at retail price over the summer. The cartridge allows you to choose any of the three paths in any order and it has something like 9 save files available. It's incredibly unlikely that this idea would increase the profits or sales considering the game sold well to begin with, and more importantly, we have no idea how the NX will sell. If it flops like the Wii U in the beginning the port would essentially be a waste of time.

There's the problem, not everyone wants to pay 100 dollars just to buy two routes physically and 1 digitally. The reason a lot of us preferred the special edition is because of the fact that this just feels like something that should've been on one single cartridge. Shin Megami Tensei 4 and some other 3DS games had multiple routes without having to split it into different carts so why should this be split? Not just that, but the fact that the special edition exists just proves that the whole game could've been sold on one single cartridge.

The thing is, they didn't stock the special edition any where NEAR enough for anyone who was interested to buy it, therefore they lost out on potential sales. When I said "increase sales/profits" I was referring to the sales/profits of the NX. Part of the reason (and it's a big part I might add) the Wii U flopped was because of the shitty launch line up it had. If they make the NX's launch super strong (such as having as many double A and triple A games out the door as possible at launch) then it would increase sales, and I'm pretty sure porting essentially the special edition version of Fates to the console would get all of those that didn't buy Fates at all (for the reasoning of the game being split into different versions) to finally buy it and buy an NX. It's a smart business move just like them porting a lot of Wii U games onto the console, ESPECIALLY the new Zelda.

Edited by AmericanBuizel
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There's the problem, not everyone wants to pay 100 dollars just to buy two routes physically and 1 digitally. The reason a lot of us preferred the special edition is because of the fact that this just feels like something that should've been on one single cartridge. Shin Megami Tensei 4 and some other 3DS games had multiple routes without having to split it into different carts so why should this be split? Not just that, but the fact that the special edition exists just proves that the whole game could've been sold on one single cartridge.

The thing is, they didn't stock the special edition any where NEAR enough for anyone who was interested to buy it, therefore they lost out on potential sales. When I said "increase sales/profits" I was referring to the sales/profits of the NX. Part of the reason (and it's a big part I might add) the Wii U flopped was because of the shitty launch line up it had. If they make the NX's launch super strong (such as having as many double A and triple A games out the door as possible at launch) then it would increase sales, and I'm pretty sure porting essentially the special edition version of Fates to the console would get all of those that didn't buy Fates at all (for the reasoning of the game being split into different versions) to finally buy it and buy an NX. It's a smart business move just like them porting a lot of Wii U games onto the console, ESPECIALLY the new Zelda.

I mean at that point people who wanted to play all three routes and not have to spend the extra money would have to first buy an NX (lord only knows how much this will cost at launch), then pay for the same game as well, so they would most likely be spending upwards of $300 just to play all three routes. At that point they may as well just buy the game from scalpers, since they would be saving money.

I don't actually disagree that a fire emblem on the NX would increase its sales, as I remember I initially bought a 3DS just for Awakening, however you're not taking into account the fact that people would not want a relatively newly released game that they already purchased for another platform, so I can't see it increasing sales very much if at all. At that point they may as well just make a new fire emblem game altogether and release it on the NX.

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