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Are bond units fusions or children of the two units ?


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There is no real answer, and I'm pretty sure they left it vague on purpose.

I, personally, like to think of them as tangible representations that symbolize the bond two individuals have, manifesting itself as a combination of several of their physical, emotional and mental traits—similar to how a real child could be thought of as between two lovers. These bonds, however, do not have to be romantic in any manner; they just symbolize that there is few things in existence that could defy that bond and that the bond itself transcends worldly logic and reasoning.

I honestly thought the BU system could have worked well as the child mechanic, allowing more flexibility between genetics and class/skill inheritance by having it so "child bearing" wasn't restricted to male-female pairing.

Surely, I can't be stretching suspension of belief with such a proposal. It's not any worse than the "Deep-bolic Hyper-realm" explanation.

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There is no real answer, and I'm pretty sure they left it vague on purpose.

I, personally, like to think of them as tangible representations that symbolize the bond two individuals have, manifesting itself as a combination of several of their physical, emotional and mental traits—similar to how a real child could be thought of as between two lovers. These bonds, however, do not have to be romantic in any manner; they just symbolize that there is few things in existence that could defy that bond and that the bond itself transcends worldly logic and reasoning.

I honestly thought the BU system could have worked well as the child mechanic, allowing more flexibility between genetics and class/skill inheritance by having it so "child bearing" wasn't restricted to male-female pairing.

Surely, I can't be stretching suspension of belief with such a proposal. It's not any worse than the "Deep-bolic Hyper-realm" explanation.

This comment made me feel so emotional right now, dear God.

You mean that they are the physical representation of a great friendship fusing all traits of the two units.

They're not kids, considering that people of the same sex can make them. I suppose they could be thought of as fusions, but I don't consider them that either.

It's a shame they don't have quotes and conversations to join you like an amibo.

Edited by WinterOkami
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I, personally, like to think of them as tangible representations that symbolize the bond two individuals have, manifesting itself as a combination of several of their physical, emotional and mental traitssimilar to how a real child could be thought of as between two lovers. These bonds, however, do not have to be romantic in any manner; they just symbolize that there is few things in existence that could defy that bond and that the bond itself transcends worldly logic and reasoning.

I honestly thought the BU system could have worked well as the child mechanic, allowing more flexibility between genetics and class/skill inheritance by having it so "child bearing" wasn't restricted to male-female pairing.

I think this is a cool and interesting way to think about bond units and I now headcanon it.

Your proposal is better than the deeprealm shenanigans we got but I feel it would need to be a concept that is already established in the world so it doesn't come across as completely random. Maybe pregnancy isn't a thing and people are spawned through the creation of bonds and the age at which they spawn at depends on the preference of the two people involved.

This begs the other question though. What are the relation between the bond unit and the people who made the bond unit?

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I seem to remember reading on the Wiki that the Bond Units emerge from the Earth, after the bond has been formed. This'd probably explain why EVERY Bond Unit has the same Brand. I'd guess it's a Brand of the Earth.


Check here if you want. That's where I remember reading it, but I may be wrong. In which case, it'd be a cool concept for them, right?

EDIT: I just skimmed through and didn't see anything suggesting it, but my point about the cool concept stands.

Edited by Light Strategist
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They're just a reward to encourage Castle Visiting and player interaction. They're a level 1 unit that functions exactly like a Corrin (with an assent and flaw based on their "parents"), having the gimmick that any skill at random, personal or not, can be their "personal" skill as long as it's not enemy-only. They're kind of useless in combat, though, since they come at level 1.

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While I agree with the feels generated by that...

Time to ruin it.

My friends enjoy the inside bad joke of being the bicycle in our circle of friends.

My poor uterus...

I think I've made 100s of bond units. I made a joke that the reason I got pregnant was that I shared too many accessories.

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So glad I don't realise what the bicycle joke is yet haha.

So, imagine that in a village of bicycle fanatics, there exists only one of them, so everyone takes turns riding it.

Now replace the bicycle with a person of either gender and the 'bicycle fanatics' with people of the same or other gender (depending on which way they may or may not swing), then realize what 'riding' could also imply and there you go.

At least that's what I think is meant by that...

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So, imagine that in a village of bicycle fanatics, there exists only one of them, so everyone takes turns riding it.

Now replace the bicycle with a person of either gender and the 'bicycle fanatics' with people of the same or other gender (depending on which way they may or may not swing), then realize what 'riding' could also imply and there you go.

At least that's what I think is meant by that...


Only the first line was enough to crush my innocent self.


Edited by WinterOkami
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My headcanon is that the Bond Units are just genetic experiments from an alternate universe that are sent to kill Corrin. They are essentially terminators, sent to infiltrate and kill targets. I am just waiting for the day that IS sends out the patch that causes our My Castle to suddenly be under attack by all the Bond Units we created, with perma death turned on and the ability to reset not available.

Got my tinfoil hat ready just in case.

Edited by Tolvir
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My headcanon is that the Bond Units are just genetic experiments from an alternate universe that are sent to kill Corrin. They are essentially terminators, sent to infiltrate and kill targets. I am just waiting for the day that IS sends out the patch that causes our My Castle to suddenly be under attack by all the Bond Units we created, with perma death turned on and the ability to reset not available.

Got my tinfoil hat ready just in case.

Oh my, that's a funny one. Though it would explain " the earth dragon " mark a.k.a the secret Skynet trademark for IntSys.

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