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I am on a mission to make Gunter in Revelations, the worst unit I could possibly think of (possibly even worst than Meg or Fiona), Usable. Not good, but at least usable in combat without him becoming a stain on the floor the next round.

My thoughts so far are to try and get Aptitude on him, if I can find someone who has it. I already reclassed him to Paladin for the skills, and fed him all the stat boosts I have had so far. 1 draco shield, 3 of the luck boosts, speedwing, and the strength boost item. I plan on using most of the stat boosts I get on him. I also have a dragon herb, but I am waiting to use that one.

So far that is all I have, anyone have any ideas on how to do this? Like I said, doesnt have to be great, just usable. I already have the gold dlc, xp dlc, and weapons dlc so Money and XP isn't an issue.

Edited by Tolvir
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You could add Paragon on him, so he can try to level up a little faster.

That isnt a bad idea, adding that to my list of skills to look for.

Forget him a +7 silver sword, sure, his strength and skill will hit 0, but his strength and skill suck anyways. I'd also suggest giving him swordfaire if you can

That is going to be expensive, but I like it. How will that effect his Accuracy though?

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Does he have to be a combat unit? Because he's actually quite decent as a staffbot. You can reclass him to Wyvern Lord to get Rally Defense, then A+ Jakob so you can reclass to Butler. This also gives him access to the Strategist class, giving him further utility with Rally Resistance and Inspiration.

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You could pump him full of stat boosters. I mean you get quite a few for having Revelations don't you?

Does he have to be a combat unit? Because he's actually quite decent as a staffbot. You can reclass him to Wyvern Lord to get Rally Defense, then A+ Jakob so you can reclass to Butler. This also gives him access to the Strategist class, giving him further utility with Rally Resistance and Inspiration.

Not an option in Revelations.

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Does he have to be a combat unit? Because he's actually quite decent as a staffbot. You can reclass him to Wyvern Lord to get Rally Defense, then A+ Jakob so you can reclass to Butler. This also gives him access to the Strategist class, giving him further utility with Rally Resistance and Inspiration.

I would like him to be, yes. In the end I want him to be the same class as the beginning, a not so Great Knight. Its why I am trying to do this, because there are plenty of ways for him to be useful outside of a combat role. He is great as a pair up unit, and like you said a staffbot. What I want to try and do is make him usable in combat.

You could pump him full of stat boosters. I mean you get quite a few for having Revelations don't you?

Yep, already thought of that. Like I said I pumped him up with some of the stat boosts that are from the battle points and visit points from My Castle. I also have a Dragon Herb waiting to be used, and if I remember correctly Midori's Paralogue comes with another one.

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A +7 Silver sword has 110 hit rate. He will have to rely on his Luck stat to boost accuracy.

Ok, already fed him 3 of the luck boosts, and those arent difficult to get either. I can also use the temporary luck boost for every map too.

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Ok, already fed him 3 of the luck boosts, and those arent difficult to get either. I can also use the temporary luck boost for every map too.

As for other things, I'd suggest having defender and having a Berserker sit in his pocket. That way he gets +5 strength and +3 speed. I don't know this for certain, but I think he should still have the plus 5 strength from the pair up bonus even if the silver weapons make his strength 0
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As for other things, I'd suggest having defender and having a Berserker sit in his pocket. That way he gets +5 strength and +3 speed. I don't know this for certain, but I think he should still have the plus 5 strength from the pair up bonus even if the silver weapons make his strength 0

Ok, that is good to know. The stat bonuses from pair ups can't be diminished I don't think, might be wrong though.

I hate Gunter in Revelation because he can't get support with ANYONE, and he has really bad stats for a pre-promote. I don't bother wasting experience on him when it could go to someone that will eventually be useful.

It's a challenge for me, I love doing these types of things once I have beaten the game a few times.

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Why bother ? Put your game on Classic and throw him to the bandits weaponless. He killed everyone's favorite waifu and deserve no more than death for stealing such a young life and making my Kana an orphan. "Live the life Scarlet wouldn't." Are you serious Corrin ? This dude is an old and will probably die in a couple of years. Scarlet could have live 20 times more than that ! I am not accepting this reality! *Erase savefile*

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Why bother ? Put your game on Classic and throw him to the bandits weaponless. He killed everyone's favorite waifu and deserve no more than death for stealing such a young life and making my Kana an orphan. "Live the life Scarlet wouldn't." Are you serious Corrin ? This dude is an old and will probably die in a couple of years. Scarlet could have live 20 times more than that ! I am not accepting this reality! *Erase savefile*

Because it is actually working. Chapter 9 on hard and Gunter kicked ass. Sure the stuff is still pretty low, but it's way better than how he was performing before.

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Well he can be helpful if he's just a pair-up bot for Corrin. He does have the unique trait of adding raw Damage and Hit Rate. You can also give him the Lodestar skill that speeds up dual guard, and skills that proc like Luna and Sol so Corrin can use them through Nohrian Trust.
His power need not come necessary from battle itself. This would be much more useful if they didn't decided to lock his supports out.

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So I thought I would give a bit of an update. Gunter atm is doing pretty well. He isnt great, but he isnt a paper weight either.

His stats are

HP 28

Str 16

Mag 1

Skill 19

Spd 10

Lck 24

Def 16

Res 6

I pair him up with Reina right now which gives him a boost to luck, skill, speed, and +1 move. He uses Arthur's Axe most of the time for the boost to Def. He typically doesn't kill things, but he can take a bit of damage right now. If I could find a seraph robe or two, I think things will start to get good. Another round of stat boosts overall should help tremendously if I can find them. On chapter 14 atm.

Unfortunately my hunt for Skills hasn't gone well. None of the randomized skill my castles have had Gunter for the past few days. Might just have to do it myself.

The skills I am looking for the most is the one General skill that makes it to where neither he nor the enemy can double (that would be great for Gunter and his low speed), and the 2 defensive skills Pavise and the one for magic/knives/bows. I am essentially looking to turn him into a fast moving brick wall if I could.

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I can put up Gunter in my castle if you want. He has Quixotic, countermagic, wary fighter, vengeance, and sol

That would be great. Wary Fighter is one of the ones I have been looking for, and Quixotic could be pretty helpful too.

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