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What Would You Do If You Woke Up With The Above Avatar In Your Bed?

Moblin Major General

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Wince at the fact that there are two people in my bed and nosfertu them out of my bed

The most fashion forward DQ protag is clearly IX's.

Wonder how much better Awakening might have been without them.

A snowflake like me takes some degree of offense to that. I am not a Robin so don't speak of me as if I were please.

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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Wonder if they would have been included if Kris wasn't a precedent.

Wince at the fact that there are two people in my bed and nosfertu them out of my bed

A snowflake like me takes some degree of offense to that. I am not a Robin so don't speak of me as if I were please.

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Kick them out of my bed...unless they don't actually wake me up.

Wonder if they would have been included if Kris wasn't a precedent.YOUR AVATAR IS A PICTURE OF ROBIN, THIS IS A THREAD ABOUT AVATARS.

My avatar is BASED on Robin, not actually Robin, there is a difference.

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Ask Owain why he's in my bed.

Can't tell by looking, so I'm considering it to be Robin.

Kick them out.

Well then you have very bad eyesight or aren't paying attention. I'd suggest getting glasses or actually compairing my avatar to Robin directly.

Size notwithstanding here is how the two compare for you

chloey_fea_by_thesilentchloey-d99vva9.pn vschloey_tactician_version_by_thesilentchl

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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Demand to know what the second-worst lord is doing there.

Ask Owain why he's in my bed.

Well then you have very bad eyesight. I'd suggest getting glasses or actually compairing my avatar to Robin

Size notwithstanding here is how the two compare for you

chloey_fea_by_thesilentchloey-d99vva9.pn vschloey_tactician_version_by_thesilentchl

Literally doing nothing but adding glasses doesn't make them suddenly not Robin. Not enough changed for it to not be.
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Kick him out of the bed AND the house.

Technically, the avatar is the player so I don't see Robin as her avatar but herself.

But maybe that's just me.

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Hug the Eevees

Literally doing nothing but adding glasses doesn't make them suddenly not Robin. Not enough changed for it to not be.

Here are the changes, which you SHOULD have noticed that are there none the less no matter how hard you're trying to discredit them:

~Eyes are blue not brown

~No fringe

~No hair clips

~Different clothing underneath the coat

~Altered the facial features and style

~Altered the colours of the coat to suit my tastes

~Made her look older than the base Robin that was used

I really don't see how you couldn't notice that my avatar isn't Robin.

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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