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Tell me good girl names


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No one liking Rachel fills me with the most intense sadness.

For other girls' names I like, and are on my potential daughters' name list.










I actually have my list written down somewhere; I'll have to see if I forgot any.

I like Margaret but every Margaret I know hates their name and the two in my family also made me promise not to use it (not that it ever really was on my list, they were just cautioning me well ahead of time)

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I like Margaret but every Margaret I know hates their name and the two in my family also made me promise not to use it (not that it ever really was on my list, they were just cautioning me well ahead of time)

Yeah, I've known a few Margarets. My grandmother's a Margaret as well as an Aunt Margie, plus a couple Maggie's I've known growing up. If I named a daughter Margaret, I'd probably call her either Margie or Maggie.

I like the name, it brings to mind a quaint sort of connection with my ancestors, if that makes any sort of sense at all.

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well first i really like my name, which is claire BUT my middle is marie so claire marie combined is very pretty imo.

then ive also loved the name charlotte for a super long time + i also like the name hiyori (as my username prob shows).

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well first i really like my name, which is claire BUT my middle is marie so claire marie combined is very pretty imo.

then ive also loved the name charlotte for a super long time + i also like the name hiyori (as my username prob shows).

sweet! Katelynn Marie, here

I agree Claire Marie is a really lovely combo (very french sounding too)

Edited by Freohr Datia
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well first i really like my name, which is claire BUT my middle is marie so claire marie combined is very pretty imo.

then ive also loved the name charlotte for a super long time + i also like the name hiyori (as my username prob shows).

sweet! Katelynn Marie, here

I agree Claire Marie is a really lovely combo (very french sounding too)

I've noticed that Marie, Ann, and Lynn are like 90% of the middle names of girls that I know.

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Yeah back when I lived in the city there were no other Katelyn/Caitlin/etc. in my school at all, but there were 5+ girls with Marie as their middle name

and that number's only grown since then (and by the time I moved to a town had met a Kaitlyn and maybe two or three Katies? and now work with a Katie!!)

well, the three of them make cute middle names so I can understand that c:

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I've noticed that Marie, Ann, and Lynn are like 90% of the middle names of girls that I know.

Oh boy Marie, this is like so many girls with that name where I live.

What makes it special it's because you can add another name like Marie-Ève for example.

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Yeah back when I lived in the city there were no other Katelyn/Caitlin/etc. in my school at all, but there were 5+ girls with Marie as their middle name

and that number's only grown since then (and by the time I moved to a town had met a Kaitlyn and maybe two or three Katies? and now work with a Katie!!)

well, the three of them make cute middle names so I can understand that c:

Funny, Katie was probably the most common name I saw growing up, along with all its variants. One example: at one point, there were 4 Katies in my class of about 25 kids.

Oh boy Marie, this is like so many girls with that name where I live.

What makes it special it's because you can add another name like Marie-Ève for example.

Yeah, Marie has a good cadence that flows well with many names. Same with Ann and Lynn.

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Funny, Katie was probably the most common name I saw growing up, along with all its variants. One example: at one point, there were 4 Katies in my class of about 25 kids.

Yeah, Marie has a good cadence that flows well with many names. Same with Ann and Lynn.

Funny enough, aside for Ann that could end up being Anne, Lynn and Katie are nonexistent here.

Rachel too, now that I think about it...

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Funny enough, aside for Ann that could end being Anne, Lynn and Katie are nonexistent here.

Rachel too, now that I think about it...

That might be due to French names being more prevalent there. Rachel and Katie were super common for 80's babies in America.

Funnily, my mom's name is Maria.

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I've noticed that Marie, Ann, and Lynn are like 90% of the middle names of girls that I know.

Add in Grace, Rose and Elizabeth and you have the middle names of a good half of white girls in the U.S. (and UK, incidentally)

I'm an Elizabeth middle name and my sister's an Anne, and wait, we had this conversation before, didn't we...

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Add in Grace, Rose and Elizabeth and you have the middle names of a good half of white girls in the U.S. (and UK, incidentally)

I'm an Elizabeth middle name and my sister's an Anne, and wait, we had this conversation before, didn't we...

I think we mentioned that we had the same first name, and that my middle name's Ann. I think we might have mentioned having an Anne sister, but I don't think I remember you saying your middle name was Elizabeth, which happens to be my sister's middle name, ironically.

It seems the popular names have changed a bit since the 80's though.

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That's pretty funny, haha. We have a fair amount in common!

Those middle names are still all absurdly popular, though! I think it's partly just how they roll off the tongue in combination with most first names. Two of my mom friends had Charlotte Elizabeths months before the royal Charlotte Elizabeth was born.

There's a link here to the top 10 middles names from the last 12 decades and Elizabeth makes the top 10 in every single one, smh. Rose has been top 10 since the 80s and Grace for the past two decades. Ann/Anne's frequent, too.

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I've noticed that Marie, Ann, and Lynn are like 90% of the middle names of girls that I know.

That's pretty funny, haha. We have a fair amount in common!

Those middle names are still all absurdly popular, though! I think it's partly just how they roll off the tongue in combination with most first names. Two of my mom friends had Charlotte Elizabeths months before the royal Charlotte Elizabeth was born.

There's a link here to the top 10 middles names from the last 12 decades and Elizabeth makes the top 10 in every single one, smh. Rose has been top 10 since the 80s and Grace for the past two decades. Ann/Anne's frequent, too.

Wow, looking at middle names for the 80's what are numbers 1, 2, and 3? Marie, Ann, and Lynn, in that order. I must be psychic or just very observant. I just find this incredibly funny. I notice they count Anne as it's own name, when I've always felt different spellings of the same name should be counted together.

EDIT: I also noticed that the names on the list even for this millennium are pretty traditional names, without any of the "trendy" names that seem to be so common nowadays.

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Yes! And you'd think middle names would be where people might experiment a little - but no.

Do you have a middle name for Esther yet?

Susan. Sue also flows well, but I like to keep the full name legally. So she can be Est, Essie, or Essie Sue, if she wants.
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Yes! And you'd think middle names would be where people might experiment a little - but no.

Unfortunately, some people do~

And it allows for parents to give their daughter the middle name Lake, naming her off of the.... I think either lake or it was an apartment or hotel that the parents thought she was conceived in

it's not even a very feminine-sounding first name

and I'm pretty sure those parents have been weird naming all their other children as well I feel so sorry for them

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Unfortunately, some people do~And it allows for parents to give their daughter the middle name Lake, naming her off of the.... I think either lake or it was an apartment or hotel that the parents thought she was conceived init's not even a very feminine-sounding first nameand I'm pretty sure those parents have been weird naming all their other children as well I feel so sorry for them

I've vowed to give my children only normal first and middle names. I had to veto Wolf as a possible boys name.

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