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Should I get the PS2 version of Dragon Quest 8 again, or wait for the 3DS version?


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Ok, I have a bit of an issue. I originally got DQVIII for the PS2 a few years back and it was a fun time. Unfortunately, I had MAJOR issues with the discs I got(Got them off Ebay). The first disc I got, the intro cutscene(the first one before you get to the first town) wouldn't load properly(music would play, but the screen was blank). The second disc, I actually got pretty far, but when I got to the cutscene before you get your boat(EDIT: a good couple hours into the game...probably 10-15+ hours, partly due to me exploring and the what not), partway through, it froze. No matter what I did, it always froze. This happened when I was teenager and didn't really get much money(and this was AFTER the 30 or 7 day return policy) so I just left it at that.

Now that DQVIII is getting a port(with some extras) for the 3DS(and I actually have money), I've had this confliction on whether I should get the PS2 version again(off Amazon this time) or just wait to get the 3DS version(and start over).

What do you guys think? :Joshua:


Edited by Busterman64
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I posted my opinion on this here about a year ago, you can scroll down and see the graphical comparisons. I still believe that buying it for PS2 and playing it on PC is the best way to play the game, and just playing it on PS2 is next. The 3DS version has extra content, but the graphical cuts they made to the gorgeous overworld are a tragedy for a game like DQ8. I'll be the first to say gameplay > graphics, but the graphics are part of a game as heavily focused on exploration as DQ8. I don't replay DQ8 to do the same battles over and over again, it's because the story is great, the world is amazing, and it's so much fun to explore in.

IMO the definitive version of the game is the original, and if you can only buy one that's what I'd suggest. But I put a lot of weight onto the explorable overworld, if you don't care about that and the extra content means more to you then you should go with the 3DS version.

Edited by Tangerine
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I posted my opinion on this here about a year ago, you can scroll down and see the graphical comparisons. I still believe that buying it for PS2 and playing it on PC is the best way to play the game, and just playing it on PS2 is next. The 3DS version has extra content, but the graphical cuts they made to the gorgeous overworld are a tragedy for a game like DQ8. I'll be the first to say gameplay > graphics, but the graphics are part of a game as heavily focused on exploration as DQ8. I don't replay DQ8 to do the same battles over and over again, it's because the story is great, the world is amazing, and it's so much fun to explore in.

IMO the definitive version of the game is the original, and if you can only buy one that's what I'd suggest. But I put a lot of weight onto the explorable overworld, if you don't care about that and the extra content means more to you then you should go with the 3DS version.

I actually found some comparison videos of the PS2 and 3DS versions.

[spoiler=PS2 and 3DS Comparison Videos]

I knew the PS2 version would look better and I do like the look of the 3DS version(it looks pretty alright), but I can't help but feel like the atmosphere in the 3DS version seems...a bit off(it's surprising how much lighting can affect certain moments in a game).

Edited by Busterman64
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The 3DS version will probably be easier to find, and cheaper. And playable Red is always nice Yangus/Red shipping go.

And it doesn't have cooking wait. I hate cooking wait.

I've played both the PS2 and iOS versions, myself. I enjoyed both, roughly the same amount.

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I actually found some comparison videos of the PS2 and 3DS versions.

[spoiler=PS2 and 3DS Comparison Videos]

I knew the PS2 version would look better and I do like the look of the 3DS version(it looks pretty alright), but I can't help but feel like the atmosphere in the 3DS version seems...a bit off(it's surprising how much lighting can affect certain moments in a game).

The videos you posted display the disparity between the two, but don't compare the overworld.


The overworld is what is damaged the most by the port and that's what I was talking about when saying I didn't like the portable version. Again, it's massive and fully explorable. The lack of detail and draw distance takes a lot away from the experience, moreso than the bad colors and lighting, which would otherwise be easy enough to put up with for the sake of portability. Like I said, when deciding between the two versions you're choosing between portability/extra content and graphics/the overworld.

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The videos you posted display the disparity between the two, but don't compare the overworld.


The overworld is what is damaged the most by the port and that's what I was talking about when saying I didn't like the portable version. Again, it's massive and fully explorable. The lack of detail and draw distance takes a lot away from the experience, moreso than the bad colors and lighting, which would otherwise be easy enough to put up with for the sake of portability. Like I said, when deciding between the two versions you're choosing between portability/extra content and graphics/the overworld.

Honestly, at this point, I'm just gonna get the PS2 version again. I prefer gameplay more then graphics, but in this game's case, it's an exception. Not to mention that I also own DQIX and while I like that game, the overworld isn't that interesting, which kinda sucks since you're looking at it for 50% of the game(I know comparing a DS and PS2 game are kinda unfair, but I have VERY limited DQ experiences under my belt...). DQVIII has much more "defined" look (if that's a good word for it) that makes it stand out from the other games.

Besides, I'm more of a home person anyway and a game like this would be better playing at home(and it'll also make a great birthday present for myself). :hat:

I can look up the extra content for the 3DS version later. :Joshua:

......Oh my gosh, now I REALLY want DQX over here!

Dragon_Quest_X_Box_Art.jpgDQX-Trailer_03-07.jpg It looks so good! :drool:

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Dragon Quest X isn't coming, ever, it's a constantly changing and updating game, with influxes of stuff to translate constantly. That's not even getting into the servers issue. I'm surprised it's held up this long in Japan, actually.

Dragon Quest XI is probably getting localized though.

Also VII is better than VIII anyway so

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Actually the PS2 version costs like nothing in my country (15 $).

I never realized it was so common in Germany.

Looking up the price, it's actually surprisingly cheap. Huh.

Certainly cheaper than what I payed for DQ7 PSX ($55).

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Honestly, at this point, I'm just gonna get the PS2 version again. I prefer gameplay more then graphics, but in this game's case, it's an exception. Not to mention that I also own DQIX and while I like that game, the overworld isn't that interesting, which kinda sucks since you're looking at it for 50% of the game(I know comparing a DS and PS2 game are kinda unfair, but I have VERY limited DQ experiences under my belt...). DQVIII has much more "defined" look (if that's a good word for it) that makes it stand out from the other games.

Besides, I'm more of a home person anyway and a game like this would be better playing at home(and it'll also make a great birthday present for myself). :hat:

I can look up the extra content for the 3DS version later. :Joshua:

......Oh my gosh, now I REALLY want DQX over here!

Dragon_Quest_X_Box_Art.jpgDQX-Trailer_03-07.jpg It looks so good! :drool:

Yup, if you end up enjoying the game as much as most RPG fans do, you'll probably end up wanting to get the 3DS version just to try out the extra characters anyway. But it's the PS2 version you'll come back to replay - at least until they release a port that doesn't water down the graphics. If exploration/atmosphere/environment is your thing, you'll be happy you didn't go for portability once you step into the overworld! You can go anywhere that you can see, and when what you can see is a dull, grainy, blurry wasteland, it's not that exciting lol.

DQ8 just wasn't ready to be made portable. If they'd waited until the next generation of handhelds, or even the NX, I think it'd have been the definitive version.

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