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How often do you spend gold in an average play through of Fire Emblem?


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Yeah, depends heavily on the game. I'm almost always running out of cash in Fates/Awakening, whereas despite having plenty of excess gold in PoR, I almost never use it. RD made this a little bit better by giving us cool stuff to buy from the Bargains.

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As everybody said, depends on the game. In Fates, I spend most of my gold to reclass all my units to get skills (in a grindless playthrough, so I reclass them during the main game). In older FE games, it's usually to replace broken weapons or buy new ones (like utility weapons) or items (bargains in RD!)

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Generally, I have to agree with what was said above. As for thracia, where the only way to get gold is by selling other weapons, i generaly capture all i need, exept for certain things that are hard to obtain exept by buying, such as S drinks and lightening tomes.

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I always run out of cash during my playthroughs of Fates and Fe 12 since the drill grounds and forging is too damn tempting.

Gold really doesn't exist in FE 5 since everything you can get is free of charge and is earned through capturing and selling weapons

I usually end up having too much gold in my playthroughs of Awakening, Path of Radiance, GBA FE's and especially in the case of FE 4.

Edited by Valkarian
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Onw thing i always like to do i check how the speedrun/TAS/LTC manage their money. For example, in fe6, it all gets spent on boots, and in fe9 and 11, it all gets spent on forges.

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Depends on the game. I spent money pretty frequently in Radiant Dawn and PoR to keep a steady supply of weapon, staves, and items. I also tried to save a bit of money back for any kind of special item, but they often ended up being too expensive or not worth it to me. Same situation with Awakening.

Fates I think I actually spend more. Between buy on skills, extra weapons for forging, stat boosts, the level cap seals, I spend a ton of gold in it. It's why the gold doc was well worth it to me in fates, and not so much in awakening.

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I always run out of cash during my playthroughs of Fates and Fe 12 since the drill grounds and forging is too damn tempting.

Gold really doesn't exist in FE 5 since everything you can get is free of charge and is earned through capturing and selling weapons

I usually end up having too much gold in my playthroughs of Awakening, Path of Radiance, GBA FE's and especially in the case of FE 4.

This is pretty much my answer except I also spend a lot in Awakening, at least on my no grind Lunatic runs.

If I'm playing the higher difficulties in Shadow Dragon I'll use up a decent amount of cash there too because, again, forging, but I don't play SD on the higher difficulties as much as I do the others so on a typical run I'll end up with a hoard.

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