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Fates Character Design Opinions (Final Day #37 - Arete, Sumeragi, Anankos)


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Now onto the Older sisters, Hinoka and Camilla

#5 - Hinoka

I really like her design. It retains the traditional look of a Pegasus knight but spruces it up with some hoshidan styled pieces like the shoulder pads and the patterns on her clothes. Her short but fiery red hair suits her personality, a mixture of cute and warrior princess. A solid design overall.

#6 - Camilla

Oh boy, Camilla. As soon as I saw her design I knew I'd have issues with her, and after playing Birthright, Conquest and most of Revelations (Just on the last 2 chapters) I was right. Her first problem comes from her crotch, the battle panties (How else can I describe them?), They just look so out of place amongst all the armour she has going on, and with the dark mages already claiming them as their default style now this is just overkill. The exposed breasts are fine on their own as we've had characters in the past that have had rather revealing cleavages (Sonia comes to mind) and for Camilla's seductive characteristics it would suit her, if only they didn't attach her to an annoying gimmick. Her cinematic in Birthright is a huge offender for her design as instead of a bad-ass introduction like what Leo and Xander got, we got in order, Ass shot, crotch shot, tits shot, cut to her gushing over you for the hundredth time. This cinematic pretty much told me everything I needed to know about her design and that the designers just stopped giving a shit about subtlety. It doesn't help that Camilla has the "creepy obsessive sister" archetype, which makes her design more off putting. It's a shame really because apart from that the rest of her is fine. I like her long flowing purple hair and the same black, gold combo also present on Xander and I don't mind the little black crown thing she's wearing (was it a mage circlet?), plus I like the voice actress's performance who nails her personality, but to me Camilla just comes across as too pandering in design and I just can't get behind it, it's basically fapbait. Give her some proper pants and not treat her like eye candy and I would be fine with her. Also what's with the strap between her cleavage? That always stuck out to me and I still don't know what it's for.

Edited by Naturesshadow
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Simple, but it works well. I mean, I'm a sucker for red hair but that's besides the point...


I mean, why exactly is this a thing? Her hair is nice and flowing, but everything else is incomprehensible fanservice. Out of the 4 fanservice characters, she's one of the two who doesn't have a reason for me to like it.

Also, can I mention how awkward it is to know that her design is at least partially based off cows? That's just... weird to think about.

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Yeah, a pretty standard Pega Knight outfit. I'm also a sucker for red-haired characters. I like Hinoka's outfit. It's too bad she doesn't have more presence during the game.


The only thing I don't like about Camilla's design is literally her battle panties. I don't mind the boobs in my face, but I would have preferred they give her some pants. I would have taken leather pants over battle panties. Other than that little qualm, I quite like what little armor is included in this particular design. Particularly, her boots. I love her boots. I also have a fetish for purple-haired characters and the long, wavy mane she has really pleases me.

Also, I must be blind, but I legitimately do not see the resemblance to a cow. Is it the crown? I think the crown is adorable. I guess it sort of looks like cow horns... Maybe? Is it her boobs? Are we calling boobs udders now?

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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Rainbow Dash

A pretty good design. I still prefer the western pegasus knights but the eastern flair of the Hoshidan variant is still pretty cool. The red, white and gold of the outfit looks great and I love the high boots. I feel like she could have had a chest plate, maybe something similar to the chest piece that Japanese archers use.

The red hair looks good on Hinoka but sadly, it's awful for pretty much everyone else. Still, she pulls off a tomboyish look while also looking like a princess.


A design with a lot of good points and bad. I love the hair and horns, and the black and gold armor looks steller. She loses some points here on the chest. The boobs are too large for my tastes and needlessly exposed. Her bottom half is where the design gets bad. Please, no more battle panties. This is a princess, but her outfit (and intro cinematic!) is just there to emphasize T&A. It's ironic that Camilla is the go-to example for fanservice in Fates when the standard Malig Knight outfit (even for girls) has both a proper breastplate and pants. I'll compromise on the open chest, but give Camilla those pants, IS!

Also, I must be blind, but I legitimately do not see the resemblance to a cow. Is it the crown? I think the crown is adorable. I guess it sort of looks like cow horns... Maybe? Is it her boobs? Are we calling boobs udders now?

The horns, her tits and that the developers specifically joked about her being like a cow.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I've taken to drawing him more often with a ponytail than not these days, personally.

That's some really nice artwork; I have to agree that he looks pretty damn good with a ponytail. Takumi and Oboro are certainly onto something in that regard, which is of no surprise. I'm sure they're quite proud of Royma. Also, what a cute little pupper. I mean, I always have to make a note of every dog I see, but that little dog is really cute.

Anyway, I was typing this before the thread actually updated, so I guess there might be a hipster joke in here somewhere. Or... something? It's late in the eve, I had pizza, and spent a few hours ruining my brain with FB, so I don't care for japes atm.


Okay, believe it or not, I actually think she's prettier than Camilla. Shocking, I know; how could I dare think anyone is better looking than Lovely Lady Camilla? But given that she was one of the more defensible units in my BR playthrough (don't ask me how; it just happened) and always had good stats, I'm probably a bit biased. She has a tomboyish sort of look, yet she also looks like royalty, if only due to the fact that she shares the color scheme of two of her relatives.

She doesn't really have much armor, but I can infer from discussions about Pegasus knights and the Chon'sin/Japanese that sky knights are meant to have light armor so that they can travel farther and fight with speed. Her armor focus is on her arms, which makes sense, since enemy attacks on her would typically come from the sides rather than the front. I only mention this to stave off criticisms of hypocrisy in regards to any of my complaints about "fanservice" uniforms having senseless armor choices.

Animation-wise, she shares the animations of the sky knights. They're as swift and deadly as ever, except I can't seem to recall Pegasus knights ever using stabs in their attacks before Fates, which was really odd, considering their main weapon type is polearms.

Dem Camillas

I can try to ignore fanservicey designs like a bashful teenager who won't admit he only cares about titties, but that only goes so far. Camilla's one of the very few characters in this game whose primary focus includes some degree of sexualization. You can talk about a few other aspects of her appearance (and I will), but when talking about her design, you have to mention the fanservice. So let's get that bit out of the way.

So, off the bat, you have a well exposed chest and panty region. With most armor designs, including western ones (which Nohrian classes are based off of), these would be the most covered up regions. So her uniform goes for the literal opposite of that, though admittedly it's not as bad as Charlotte's armor. I don't care what you say about her breasts being too big or needing room to breathe, she's royalty! She has the wealth and power to get a set of armor fitted for her, no matter how large her mammaries are. And there's no excuse for her crotch region to be exposed like that.

Some might say, "But you excused Hinoka's lack of armor; they're both fliers, so they'd require the same amount of armor!" No, friend, not really. The wyvern knights have always been more armored. They don't favor speed like the Pegasus knights, so they aren't looking to strip themselves of as much armor as possible. They can afford to wear a shit ton of armor, and most of them do. Malig Knights are no exception; they wear less armor than the wyvern riders for sure, but they still have armor where it's needed. But Camilla's chest and pelvis are wide open to be pierced by Takumi's arrows. Yes, that was a half-assed, totally unoriginal sex joke, and I feel very ashamed about it. Please forgive me, dear fashion goddess.

Aside from the fanservice (and her fanservicey personality, which is another discussion entirely), she's actually fairly nice. Her hair is very pretty and flowy, which is aided with a wonderful shade of violet. The rest of her armor is quite nice; black and gold, and also fairly heavy like a wyvern knight's. And I like that her gloves are the same color as her cape and close to the same as her hair, so you might not see her hands as she's twittling with her hair.

As far as animations go, they're the same as malig knights (woah, big surprise!). The one-range axe fighting animations are great because they take advantage of an axe's weight to help with the first strike, much like how you're supposed to use the weight of an axe to help you in chopping wood. I like it better than the usual "swipe attack" so many fliers have used historically in the series. Also, the victory pose fits Camilla, as she has a tendency towards showering cute creatures with affection. It also makes me think of my bulldog and how he always tilts his head straight up like the dragon does so that I can scratch his neck. Really just an adorable animation.

Also, can I mention how awkward it is to know that her design is at least partially based off cows? That's just... weird to think about.

Why am I just now learning about this? I don't need this right now. I've already got enough to worry about with this mess of a character...

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Rainbow Dash

The horns, her tits and that the developers specifically joked about her being like a cow.

lol at both of these

EDIT: Ryoma is also looking pretty hot in that picture, Thor. I also want to abduct that puppy.

Edited by SaiSymbolic
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That's some really nice artwork; I have to agree that he looks pretty damn good with a ponytail. Takumi and Oboro are certainly onto something in that regard, which is of no surprise. I'm sure they're quite proud of Royma. Also, what a cute little pupper. I mean, I always have to make a note of every dog I see, but that little dog is really cute.

the one I linked is actually a Kozaki twitter drawing and not mine. I thought it'd be more appropriate to link one from the official artist instead of plugging my own, but kozaki's drawing is one of the reasons I started drawing Ryoma with a ponytail so much.


Hinoka - Good face, the scarf is cool. Wish she had pants, but the same could be said about 90% of the pegasus knights in the series. The cinematic trailer got my hopes up about pegasi units wearing pants goddammit.

The overall design suits her, though. It's fairly simple, but it works for her personality.

Camilla - It could've been a much better design if she also had pants. Look, I get fanservice designs. I'm not gonna slam her for the cleavage as impractical as that is on an armored class. But I think the panties really break visual coherence in such a heavily armored design. It looks super out of place, and adds unnecessary noise in the lower half of her body when a pair of tight pants would unify the look more and still be sexy. There's good things about her design, like the details on the torso and the arm armor and her hair is gorgeous, but the lower half really is a mess. The weird spiky things on her thigh, while I get that feel it's there to symbolize her ruthlessless in conjunction with her beauty, nevertheless is both incredibly impractical as well as not really meshing well with her look, either.

Like man I don't mind that her design has a generous dose of intentional sex appeal over practicality but like, keep it coherent please

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The cinematic trailer got my hopes up about pegasi units wearing pants goddammit.

The Falcon Knights and Kinshi Knights do though...

Animation-wise, she shares the animations of the sky knights.

As far as animations go,

Wait, are we talking about animations too? Shoot, get me in on this!

Nohr Prince(ss)/Hoshido Noble/Nohr Noble

I am a huge fan of these animations. Extremely fluid and stylish, and very much fits the class' design.

The ending strikes are very nice, and I love that Dragon Fang has it's own animation.

I find the Dragon form to be a bit weird to be honest, although it's probably just because the dragon type Corrin, Kana, and Anankos are is different from the other Dragons of the series.

And yes, it does look a LOT like Xerneas.

Also, outside of Dragon Fang, the Tome animations are really weak. Staves are fine I guess.


The little dance animation is cute, although a bit weak. That's not an issue, since the Refresh doesn't revolve around the dance, it revolves around the Pendant singing.

The fighting animations are also very nice and fit with the class, since they're very quick strikes before Azura pulls away from the enemy.


Very nice. Again, quick strikes as it should be, and also very firm and solid swings. The whole animations feels like it takes dedication to pull off, which it should.

I also find myself really liking the dual wield animations.


Definitely the best this class has seen. While I like the charge of the GBA Paladins, and the Lance twirl of the Tellius Cavaliers, these animations are simply superb. The momentum to put power into the strike, the jumps, everything about these is amazing.

Pegasus/Falcon Knight

I absolutely LOVE these animations as well. Again, quick strikes, and a lot of stabbing over slashing. I do like the occasional slashes, especially since when they do slash, it's with 2 hands instead of 1, AND it's typically only for finishing strikes, which makes total sense, since it leaves them more open than stabs.

Wyvern Rider/Lord

While the Axe animations aren't bad, they make sense to be how they are, I find myself liking the Lance animations a heck of a lot more, even if they are uncommon. It's a lot of dual-handed stabs, but they're much more powerful and work with the falling speed of the Wyvern, while the Pegasus animations are more with the forward momentum, with a few exceptions I believe. the Axe animations can be a bit... off to me. They seem unnaturally fast and fluid. I suppose the Wyvern's ability to rise up almost explains it, but it's clearly a bit on the user's arm strength as well.

Edited by TrueEm
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pega pony princess Hinoka

Considering she's the royal sibling I'm the least fond of as of right now, her design is pretty nice. I love the boots and the little blue ties on her dress; they're a nice accent colour to the overall palette. I'm also not sure why her scarfcape thing is there, but now that I see it, I like it. Overall I like the Hoshidan take on the pegasus knight.The only thing that kind of bugs me is the exposed thighs, since she could easily get sniped right onto her bare legs. I like her short red hair though, it summarizes a tomboyish personality without even needing to say a line of dialogue.

im gonna call her cowmilla now too thx

Hoo, boy... There are parts I like and dislike about Camilla's design, so let's just get the battle panties out of the way. I hate them, they're unnecessary, they must be a pain in the ass to ride a wyvern with, and did I mention that I hate them? Anyway, there's that. I can excuse the chest window, I suppose. I mean, there had to be a character with giant knockers to show off somewhere in this game, and I guess Camilla will suffice. I just don't like how the fanservice-y design ties into her fanservice-y personality and her cinematic does nothing to help alleviate that. But, barring the battle panties, I like the rest of her design. I like her little horn headpiece (they looked like cat ears to me), I love her hair, both the colour and the style, and her in-game sprites are always pleasant to look at. The heeled boots really sell her power, along with the black and gold plated armor like Xander's. I also second the confusion behind that one strap in between her boobs; why is that there? Was it to further accentuate her Feminine Assets (which is already completely unnecessary)? Or do they hold something in place? I can't see anything attached to it...

TLDR; she's beautiful, but I think she'd be even prettier if she had a proper pair of pants.

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Hinoka - has one of my favourite designs. Her outfit looks both practical and cool, as well as fairly comfortable. Her scarf is reminiscent of an aviator scarf, entirely appropriate for someone riding a Pegasus. I love her short hair, too.

Camilla - many ancient cultures had fairly scant (and sometimes impractical seeming) armor that was designed to enhance a warrior's prowess and intimidate the enemy (shiny breastplates with abs and nipples, for example). So I'm fine with Camilla's appearance; her personality would definitely lead her to enhance her sexuality so as to intimidate her foes. When riding a wyvern, it's not as if her groin's going to be an easy target, anyway, and a breastplate over those breasts wouldn't be comfortable (sure, she could cover them up with fabric, but that wouldn't do anything for protection anyway). I like how her armor (and capelet) reference her brothers' outfits while being very much her own. Same goes for her crown; the little nubs bring to mind the winged helmets Valkyries are usually depicted with.

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Corrin VS Azura

Accounting for all of the possible Corrin designs, I go with Azura... I'm not big on Corrin's basic outfit, the majority of M!Corrin's customization options and a few of F!Corrin's are quite lame. While I like both promoted costumes, female Nohr Noble's fanservice windows are a point against them for me. Azura has a little fanservice going, but is all around simpler, slightly more tasteful, and nicer all around IMO.

Xander VS Ryoma

I think this one is just down to personal preference, since I think Xander DOES have a pretty good design, but I prefer Ryoma's more striking and dynamic look. Dat armor, dat hair. That's about all I got.

Camilla VS Hinoka

Hinoka is good, but I like Camilla, for all her flaws and egregious fanservice. -shrug- Boob window is fine IMO, battle panties are taking it several stages too far... But even setting the fanservice aside, I just like the aesthetics of her armor pieces (the ones that actually cover anything). Overused though it is with the Nohr siblings, black-and-gold is a cool color scheme, and it compliments her hair nicely. I think most of all I really like her hair; it's pretty, it's got a nice color, and her headgear is distinctive; her bust (as in, the type of picture) / in-game portrait really emphasizes the best parts of her IMO (take that for what you will /shot). Very aware of how flawed she is, both in design and in character/writing, and I really wish her aspects of being motherly and also a ruthless badass were emphasized more, but... yeah. She's my preference. Hinoka is good, but a bit simplistic for my tastes.

Edited by BANRYU
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Camilla doesn't even have a boob window. She has a metal corset. The fabric covering her tits is not part of the armor., otherwise it wouldn't be able to bounce around with her boobs while the corset part stays completely rigid. Of course it's colored and shaded like it was part of the armor, so her jiggle physics look freaking weird.

Also, good lord. Giant high heels, that metal corset, that weird... thing between her boobs which I am sure is very comfy, hair accessories that make her look like a cat girl... her outfit is so ridiculous that one would expect that her actual character was a clever subversion from her initial appearance. I wish they would just give a character like her an elegant metal bikini instead of such an artistic clusterfuck that looks so uncomfortable to wear that it makes more sense as a torture device then something that a person would ever wear voluntarily.

As for Hinoka, I don't really care much about her design. She has a variation of the series' standard Pegasus Knight design and I already didn't have any love for that one back when the series didn't exploit mini skirts for panty shots. Still, I am glad that she doesn't have that armor piece on her chest that Pegasus Knights usually have. Not because I dislike it but because the art direction of the 3DS games would give it boobsocks like in Awakening.

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Man... This is going to sound really pathetic, but I have one major issue with her, every time I see her portrait, and that is how incredibly flat she looks. It's just weird to me. Maybe it's her attire that emphasises it or maybe it's her pose, because there's no issue in the art of her on the previous page. It's not even got anything to do with comparing her to Camilla. I just can't not notice it. So, clothing-wise, I don't have an issue with her, but to me, while it feels like while Camilla's attire emphasises her "assets", Hinoka's attire emphasises her lack of assets. I don't know...

Anyway, I'd say she pulls off the tomboy look pretty well. She definitely looks like a pretty cool unit. So, I like her design... kind of. Her design bugs me in-game, but in art and stuff, it's pretty cool.

As blatant as the main purpose of her design is, I have no problem with it. I rarely ever have a problem with fanservice, anyway. The only time I've had a slight issue with Camilla was during her Birthright cutscene, when even I thought it was a little much, just because of how shameless it was in its obvious fanservice. I could go off on a rant about how ridiculous it is to be disgusted by sexually appealing images, when there are things that make more sense to be disgusted by, like violence, which few people ever really bat an eyelash at, but I won't...

I do like her design. Yeah, it's impractical. Yeah, you can say it's unnecessarily skimpy, but I'd say it does what its job is, and that's look good. I don't see what's wrong with that. Is it not the same when Fuga walks around with no shirt on, with his muscles bulging? If it's not then that's some serious double standards, then again, that'd be nothing new. Keeping in mind, I'm talking purely about appearance, and not personality. There's nothing wrong with finding her sexually appealing. If she were being objectified, then there'd be a problem. Then again, she's not real, so no there wouldn't... And I even said I wasn’t going to rant...

All that being said, the strap between her breasts serves no purpose, the heels are ridiculous for ease of movement, and wearing armour but having her underwear pretty much on full display makes no sense. Basically, her armour is more style over function, but then again, this is a fantasy game... No one should be surprised. Otherwise, I like the armour, her crown is cute, I like the colour scheme, and if nothing else, she certainly looks like a powerful unit.

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[spoiler=Hinoka's design, let it open while you're reading]


Hinoka: I've always been attracted by Pegasus Knights' design, Hinoka's is no exception. As a princess, her design is really great, because it is both made up of light pieces of armor like any Peg and royal ornaments. Her ouftit looks beautiful and practical at the same time, it fits her character perfectly, because it is quite sober and discreet, just as Hinoka. I love her boots and scarfcape, these are details that make a difference, and her naginata adds something too, maybe because it creates a sort of visual balance in my mind. The Hoshidan color scheme really looks great on her. I love her short hair too. I actually prefer her MyQuarter's design than her conversation's, she looks more beautiful and less manly. Hinoka's ouftit is easily my favorite among Hoshidan royals'. Takumi's and Sakura's are too simplistics, Ryoma's a bit more royal, but not as great as Hinoka's. If I had to give it a rate, I would opt for a 9/10. I'm just disapointed by her Falcoknight ouftit. I don't like the whole feathers thing, and it looks quite bad, even with Hinoka's color scheme.

[spoiler=Camilla's design]


Camilla: My opinion on Camilla's design is quite divided. On the one hand, I don't like all the fanservice parts. I'm OK with female mounted units' design (Paladin, Nohr Noble, etc.), but this is too much. This outfit is not appropriate for a princess, it's way too "whorey" and demeaning, but it fits her personality and creepy attitude. That being said, on the other hand, the armored parts look great, especially the upper part of her body (above her hips) is really nice. I love Nohr's black, purple, and gold color scheme and armors, and they look great on her, they create a nice balance with her beautiful hair. They definitely fit a wyvern rider. At the end of the day, we may not like her design, it still perfectly matches her character, motherly, but ruthless. I'd give it a 7/10 for these reasons.

Edited by Brand_Of_The_Exalt
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Oh hey! I was waiting for thread like this!


Before giving my personal opinion, I want to talk about my ideas of general concept. Palette wise, I think the dull color choices were the intentional choice. Since Hoshido is portrayed as and Nohr is portrayed as dark, having a mostly gray palette gives off the idea that Corrin is the middle ground, since we all associate white with light, and black with dark, and combining the two creates a neutral gray.

The gold trimmings and black patterns that make up most of the palette besides the gray could also be a form of symbolism. The black colors are located in the center of the torso, the kneecaps and most of the thighs, and ankle areas of the legwear, also the gloves are black. Since Corrin spend most of his/her life in Nohr, these specific locations can give off the idea of Corrin truly believing that Nohr is his/her true home. The torso area is pretty obvious. The torso is the center of our bodies that holds all our limbs and head. The heart specifically is consider our most important organ since it provides blood throughout our bodies, which is possibly why most stories involving self battles of mind and body revolve on trusting the heart over everything. That area being black can mean that Corrin's heart is with Nohr, but the amount and the location of the black could imply that his/her body is just with Nohr, along with the other areas of black, and that the heart is elsewhere.

This can also be the case to where the broach that holds the cape is located, since it's placed near the area where our hearts our located. The broach, as well as certain trimmings on the hip flap, are a feint gold. Since Corrin's memories of Hoshido was sealed away, the gold can symbolize Corrin's short memories of Hoshido that are locked away in his/her mind.

Finally the lack of shoes. Corrin's lack of shoes was in interesting choice, but it could symbolize Hoshido as well by implying Hoshido as Corrin stepping stones, since the ankles areas are black, but the general foot is not covered at all, which goes well considering Corrin's skin tone is light.

Personally, I give both an 7/10. The image that was trying to be portrayed was done well for the most part. I like the dark tones and the shaping and patterns are pleasing to my eye. There are some couple of nitpicks that I have, like the cape I still can't figure it out since it's connected to that broach. It looks like it wraps around like a scarf, but it's hard to tell. Male Corrin's default hair is too out there for me, but it's not terrible, per se, just weird considering most FE characters have anime features, but the hair is tame for the most part. Female Corrin's thigh holes, while don't really bother me cause I honestly don't give two fucks about 'unneeded fanservice' if it doesn't take away from the general design, I feel wasn't really necessary since Female Corrin's design is already more distinct from the Male design besides the hair, which was one problem I had with Robin's design. I honestly don't mind the lack of shoes anymore. I was surprised at first, but I don't mind it much anymore. Pretty good design overall.

Edited by SageHarpuiaJDJ
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Hinoka: Eh. It's just eh to me much like Hinoka herself. I like the pegasus knight outfit this game, and I like her red/white/gold color scheme, but it's not particularly stand-out to me. Her scarf is pretty nice though, and she looks appropriately princess-y and kick-ass.

Camilla: Oh lordy, what a mess. Battle panties? You ride a wyvern, lady. There's a reason cavalry has more padding on their legs, and that's because chaffing sucks. More than that, you're a princess, you're supposed to look dignified, not over-the-top-sexual. The boob armor bothers me too, a lot less than the battle panties, but a lot more than, say, Sonia's did, because unlike Sonia, Camilla's a front-line fighter, yet her armor leaves her heart and throat wide open. I also can't imagine how painful having cold, biting metal against your breasts would be.

Now that the armor's out of the way...the rest, I like. Her gloves, shoes and little cape are neat. Her hair is a very pretty color and the style is nice too. Her crown thing is cute, a bit silly looking but not terrible. And the black/gold/purple color scheme is absolutely fantastic on her. Pity the game decides to focus on T&A with her.

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Female don't. Only male do. Which is the status quo in FE for god knows how long regarding mounted classes in general.

Huh, the skirt thing goes so far down I legit thought they wore pants.

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Huh, the skirt thing goes so far down I legit thought they wore pants.

To be fair, the main Kinshi knight you get, the woman named Reina, does actually wear pants (or tights; whatever). She's just the only promoted female flier who wears pants, and since she's likely the first one you'll see (and potentially only one), it could be easy to not notice that no other women wear pants as promoted fliers. Sort of like how Setsuna's the only lady who wears pants as an archer (though incidentally, I don't think she wears pants as a Kinshi knight).

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To be fair, the main Kinshi knight you get, the woman named Reina, does actually wear pants (or tights; whatever). She's just the only promoted female flier who wears pants, and since she's likely the first one you'll see (and potentially only one), it could be easy to not notice that no other women wear pants as promoted fliers. Sort of like how Setsuna's the only lady who wears pants as an archer (though incidentally, I don't think she wears pants as a Kinshi knight).

It's like how Peri is the only female Cav that wears pants, but as a Great Knight (And Paladin?) she doesn't.

Why can't everyone just wear pants and not make this so complicated...

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When the ending animated cutscene on the Anya/Conquest path involves running into her boobs... something's wrong about how you're selling her design.

Yeah, I love her voice actress, Sawashiro, but it doesn't have anything to do with how I feel "meh" about her character design.


I like the whole Pegasus Knight design she has... but I don't really have any outstanding comments for her design wise.

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Next up, the older brothers Takumi and Leo:

#7 - Takumi

I really like his design. In contrast to the other Hoshidan sibilings, Takumi's rocking a nice blue/white colour scheme. I like the furry coat around his waist, it suits someone of his profession and gives him a hunter vibe (a look that would suit well for his son, Kiragi). The long ponytail hair is nice and gives him a sense of presence (Not as might as Ryoma but still noteworthy). The Fujin Yumi is a neat looking bow, The glowing string looks like the blade of a lightsaber, and it's a big bow to boot.

#8 - Leo

Blonde Marth trying out the dark arts. In contrast to the brothers of Hoshido, Him and Xander both seem to share they're flair in short hair, which Leo's very much reminds me of Marth's hair. Along with his other siblings the black, purple and gold scheme seems to be constant between all of them and like them, Leo look's quite fancy. He's quite heavily armoured for a magic user and I like the triangle parts in the chest area, they give off a rather intimidating look.
Edited by Naturesshadow
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Why can't everyone just wear pants and not make this so complicated...

I'd chalk it up to Iago pantsing them from the shadows, then just as quickly teleporting away.

"Hee hee hee, I'm soooo evil, they'd never suspect me of petty pranks! Notice me, Garon!"

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