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How would you feel about a FE Generations?


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For a while now I've had the urge to see something like Pokemon generations done for Fire Emblem except as a game. Basically single stand alone chapters the cover specific events in the series that we know happened but never actually see. Like any of the legendary heroes from the backstory or Griel fleeing Daein. And maybe some other hypothetical situations between unlikely characters that could have happened. Or to put it in a much less complicated way, a return of Archanea Saga except covering the entire series. Not only could it be some really sweet fan service but from a gameplay perspective you could get some really interesting maps out of it. Fates predesigned DLC maps gave me hope for something like this as it's exactly the kind of gameplay I was thinking of (though with a smaller army size) but all in all it's still probably a pipe dream.

This is the best Idea I've seen for a fire Emblem game... Ever! It might be cool to play as the crusaders from Genealogy's Timeline.

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