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How would you feel about a FE Generations?


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Maybe something akin to what Sonic did, bringing old & new together or what Pokemon is kind of doing now, with animated shorts, bringing to life old things in a new light. Also what Monster Hunter did recently. (So many generations)

But in FE's case we could have fan favorite characters meeting up with each other, on fan voted maps from each game, it'd be the length of your typical FE game, and your usual sized cast, but you'd have to balance certain things out so we didn't get over-saturation from one particular game or something.

Bring in classes and mechanics from all over the series (kinda like Awakening but more so maybe). Seeing the series from its new and old perspectives together would be really cool in my honest opinion, of course it might be better served like how Zelda kinda celebrated the franchise with stuff like Hyrule Warriors and the like.

What do you think about a celebration of the franchise as a whole (I mean Awakening was already kind of like that, but maybe something more involving every little era).

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Awakening already did a (non-plot based) character mashup, and I don't think the series has the right tone for a plot mashup like SRW.

A mechanic mashup could be interesting, but it would likely be all the place.

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For a while now I've had the urge to see something like Pokemon generations done for Fire Emblem except as a game. Basically single stand alone chapters the cover specific events in the series that we know happened but never actually see. Like any of the legendary heroes from the backstory or Griel fleeing Daein. And maybe some other hypothetical situations between unlikely characters that could have happened. Or to put it in a much less complicated way, a return of Archanea Saga except covering the entire series. Not only could it be some really sweet fan service but from a gameplay perspective you could get some really interesting maps out of it. Fates predesigned DLC maps gave me hope for something like this as it's exactly the kind of gameplay I was thinking of but all in all it's still probably a pipe dream.

Edited by Jotari
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For a while now I've had the urge to see something like Pokemon generations done for Fire Emblem except as a game. Basically single stand alone chapters the cover specific events in the series that we know happened but never actually see. Like any of the legendary heroes from the backstory or Griel fleeing Daein. And maybe some other hypothetical situations between unlikely characters that could have happened. Or to put it in a much less complicated way, a return of Archanea Saga except covering the entire series. Not only could it be some really sweet fan service but from a gameplay perspective you could get some really interesting maps out of it. Fates predesigned maps where you fight as one of the royals gave me hope for something like this as it's exactly the kind of gameplay I was thinking of (though with a smaller army size) but all in all it's still probably a pipe dream.

I would be much more on board with that, compared to having a pure mashup.

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For a while now I've had the urge to see something like Pokemon generations done for Fire Emblem except as a game. Basically single stand alone chapters the cover specific events in the series that we know happened but never actually see. Like any of the legendary heroes from the backstory or Griel fleeing Daein. And maybe some other hypothetical situations between unlikely characters that could have happened. Or to put it in a much less complicated way, a return of Archanea Saga except covering the entire series. Not only could it be some really sweet fan service but from a gameplay perspective you could get some really interesting maps out of it. Fates predesigned maps where you fight as one of the royals gave me hope for something like this as it's exactly the kind of gameplay I was thinking of (though with a smaller army size) but all in all it's still probably a pipe dream.

So kinda like the BSFE/FE12 bonus chapters deal, but with every game?

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So kinda like the BSFE/FE12 bonus chapters deal, but with every game?

Yeah like I said, a return of Archanea Saga but covering the entire series. If could be made really cheaply if they released it as a download service and just utilised Fate's engine. It wouldn't even require that much writing to be honest. The most expensive factor would probably be the artwork. Though ideally I would like to see each universe retain the same mechanics they had in their games (adjusted for balancing).

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Yeah like I said, a return of Archanea Saga but covering the entire series. If could be made really cheaply if they released it as a download service and just utilised Fate's engine. It wouldn't even require that much writing to be honest. The most expensive factor would probably be the artwork. Though ideally I would like to see each universe retain the same mechanics they had in their games (adjusted for balancing).

Yeah I'd like that too I think, I could imagine some stuff for like 6 and 7 already, like Geese & Douglas getting Elphin to the Western Isles and such.

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You could have all kinds of great scenarios with a game like that. The Miracle of Darna, Battle of the Menedy River, Hector's last stand in Araphen; a game like that could go in any direction.

What's that?

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The battle where Camus defeated King Cornelius at the start of the War of Shadows.

Ah yeah. That could be a good one. You could throw Jiol and Gharnef into the mix too. Plus it'd be pretty great to finally see Marth's father in action. The only thing we really have to go on for him is the anime.

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For a while now I've had the urge to see something like Pokemon generations done for Fire Emblem except as a game. Basically single stand alone chapters the cover specific events in the series that we know happened but never actually see. Like any of the legendary heroes from the backstory or Griel fleeing Daein. And maybe some other hypothetical situations between unlikely characters that could have happened. Or to put it in a much less complicated way, a return of Archanea Saga except covering the entire series. Not only could it be some really sweet fan service but from a gameplay perspective you could get some really interesting maps out of it. Fates predesigned DLC maps gave me hope for something like this as it's exactly the kind of gameplay I was thinking of (though with a smaller army size) but all in all it's still probably a pipe dream.

Hell yes. There are so many possibilities for this...

  • The Grustian rebellion against Archanea before Book 2 of FE3
  • Finn's escape from Leonster with Leif and Nanna
  • The Kutolah's resistance against Bern and the Djute (maybe we'll find out what happened to Rath!)
  • Nergal ambushing Elbert and the Knights of Pherae
  • The first defeat of the Demon King
  • Grado's capture of Castle Renais (Fado as a boss!)
  • Gangrel's experiences during the Ylissean crusade against Plegia
  • Garon ambushing Sumeragi at Cheve

I'd seriously pay for an anthology like this.

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Hell yes. There are so many possibilities for this...

  • The Grustian rebellion against Archanea before Book 2 of FE3
  • Finn's escape from Leonster with Leif and Nanna
  • The Kutolah's resistance against Bern and the Djute (maybe we'll find out what happened to Rath!)
  • Nergal ambushing Elbert and the Knights of Pherae
  • The first defeat of the Demon King
  • Grado's capture of Castle Renais (Fado as a boss!)
  • Gangrel's experiences during the Ylissean crusade against Plegia
  • Garon ambushing Sumeragi at Cheve

I'd seriously pay for an anthology like this.

I'd be 100% on board for this. Some other ideas:

  • The defense of Hoshido in Birthright from Yukimura's perspective.
  • The entirety of Sacred Stones from Lyon's perspective
  • The Scouring in Elibe's backstory
  • Some pre-Nergal Black Fang missions
  • A battle using the 3 heroes of Ashera vs Yune's army.

[spoiler=Shut up and take my money!]


Edited by NekoKnight
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I'd be 100% on board for this. Some other ideas:

  • The defense of Hoshido in Birthright from Yukimura's perspective.
  • The entirety of Sacred Stones from Lyon's perspective
  • The Scouring in Elibe's backstory
  • Some pre-Nergal Black Fang missions
  • A battle using the 3 heroes of Ashera vs Yune's army.

[spoiler=Shut up and take my money!]


Some of those seem a bit too much for single levels though. Maybe several anthologies, Elibian Nights-style, each based around one FE world. There could be a mix of short mini-campaigns and individual levels. Using Elibe as an example:

  • 4 Scouring missions, 2 as humans and 2 as dragons
  • 3 Black Fang missions featuring Brendan, his sons, Legault, Jan, and Uhai
  • The Taliver Bandits slaughtering the Lorca
  • Nergal, Limstella, Sonia, and Ephidel ambushing Elbert and his knights
  • Fargus and his crew getting into a skirmish before he finds Dart
  • Fiora and her battalion scouting the Dread Isle
  • 3 missions covering Bern's conquest of Sacae, Ilia, and Araphen
  • 2 Kutolah missions featuring Dayan, Rath, and Guy
  • Echidna and Bartre leading the resistance in the Western Isles
  • Cecilia leading the Loyalists against Bern and the Revolutionaries

God, so many possibilities. I'd love to play as the 3 heroes as well. Dual super-swords, go!

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I think playing as Ashera's three heroes and I'm immediately thinking Lehran is going to be there too even though he's not known as one of the heroes. Which leads me to wonder, would he just be a heron or would he be using magic? Or maybe even both, that'd be really cool.

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When's FEE3? Because I don't trust IS to make FE Generations. If it was a fan made mod. I would even pay for it since if it's going to be a fan-service game, we need polls on SF and other Forums to determine who would be the Jeigan/Oifey (probably Sigurd) and who would be the lord that represents each Archetype. That would be amazing.

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I think playing as Ashera's three heroes and I'm immediately thinking Lehran is going to be there too even though he's not known as one of the heroes. Which leads me to wonder, would he just be a heron or would he be using magic? Or maybe even both, that'd be really cool.

I think he could be a mage songstress. When playing as legendary characters, I think it's fine to make them a bit OP.

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I think he could be a mage songstress. When playing as legendary characters, I think it's fine to make them a bit OP.

Assuming those are the only four units you get, it would also give some good options for gameplay. Refresh a physical unit or use your magical unit this turn? A good mix of DEF high and RES high units would make the choice very situational.

Edited by Jotari
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When's FEE3? Because I don't trust IS to make FE Generations. If it was a fan made mod. I would even pay for it since if it's going to be a fan-service game, we need polls on SF and other Forums to determine who would be the Jeigan/Oifey (probably Sigurd) and who would be the lord that represents each Archetype. That would be amazing.

I'd be considering it, if/when FEXNA is released maybe, Jotari's idea is probably the overall more appealing route though.

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