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Between the Dreamworlds: Savers of the Apocalypse Chapter 2 - Blight

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"My past?" He asked, "Well... Although I'm pretty hesitant about telling you... I guess I can explain. Listen if you want." Genji took a deep breath in and out before he started to explain. "My life is a long story. I was born into the Shimada Ninja Clan along side my older brother, and I was a bit careless back then. I refused to take the role of leader after the death of our leader, which set off Hanzo and almost killed me. I was lucky to be saved by a group named Overwatch. They rebuilt my body in exchange for help, and I was put through Cyberization, which enhanced my natural abilities, but I felt a war increasing inside me. So I went off and soon found an omnic monk named Zenyatta. I declined his wisdom at first but it didn't stop him from teaching me. I learned that even now I am what you people would call a 'Robot,' my human soul remains in tact, and now I use my new form as a gift of strength. But after the recall of Overwatch, I still had some unfinished business with Hanzo, which ultimately lead to fighting him and sparring his life, telling him the truth.... And then that incident in Israel and now I'm here. What's your story?" He said, laying back in his chair. Genji had seemed a bit calm to tell these people about his past.

Edited by KentaEzren
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Noel finished her plate right when the "fighting" started. She was left speechless by the careless nature of her teammates. "At this rate, we're gonna destroy each other before the real danger starts... Ah! I said that out loud!" Noel worried how they might react, but she realized she wasn't wrong. "W-well, what I meant to say was... we should save our strength. Yeah! Now, please calm down."

Noel decided to sit on one of the nearby beds once she got up from the table. It was a bit firmer than it looked, but she figured more back support wasn't a bad thing. From here she listened to Genji's story intently.

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"Noel, dear, there isn't much of a point in telling them to stop unless you want to back it up by force and I suspect that, this time, it might be best to just let them get it out of their systems. At the least we need a leader and having someone willing to try and buck the group just because they got a little drunk and don't know how to say 'sorry' is far more harmful than this little fist-fight every could be. With that said, Go Shepard!"

She then looked over to Genji. "That's pretty sad, getting your body destroyed and losing your family and everything. Sounds like you held in there toughly though. As for me and my... specific backstory... It's not something to share unless you've got a long time to listen and, even then, it's better shown than heard. Course, we'll also probably never get to visit my home, so I don't know. If you want to I'm willing to tell all the details or, at least, as many as I can remember."

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Fennel resisted the urge to chuck every last vial at the two men. NOW I remember why I don't like traveling in groups.

She looked at Noel, and sighed. "Well. You tried. I guess the best we can do is make sure that they don't actually kill each other. . .or us. You'd think that voice would have something-or-other to prevent overinflated egos and in-fighting." While the two men butted heads, she took Rufus' bottle off of the table, and took a sniff. "Hmm. This smells worse than the cheap stuff at the local bar. I guess I'd be in pretty bad shape if I was forced to drink this for merriment," she commented. She took the bottle and shoved it into her pouch. Such a foul liquid warranted closer study. Perhaps it could be used as a better accelereant than what she used in her vials.

She listened to Genji's tale, comprehending about half of it. Thyme sounded like she might spill more details about her past, so Fennel stayed silent.

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Shepard walked to Rufus and lightly pushed him, making him fall backwards."Have I ever told you how I took down a Biotic God? I bested him as I did you. And like him, you need a nap."

Taking advantage of the distance, Rufus reached out to grab Shepard's leg and casted a random alkahestry, too drunk to know which.

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"I don't think a book could really cover my life properly. So many things have happened. My battles against Ifrit alone could probably fill a text, nevermind the other primals, Edda, the Dragon-song war, the Umbral Era, and so much more. The involvement with the Yo-Kai would be huge in-of itself. At times it feels like my life is basically a wild ride on the back of a bunking horse. I mean, can you imagine someone who can legitimately claim to have fought against a group of senior citizens capable of leaping miles into the air and consider that one of the more relaxed moments of their lives?"

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Shepard looked to Thyme after putting a sheet on Rufus."How about fighting cyborgs the size of mountains? Not just one, mind you, but thousands? Oh, and they make zombies out of your friends purely to demoralize you. None of you have seen depravity that kills billions like I have, but there's a chance that during this that you might. Be ready for that possibility."

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"Guess I forgot to mention they can brainwash you very fast with near perfect subtlety. They never had to win by doing it, but they almost always did. It's nearly impossible for someone to see reason afterwords, and said reason is impossible to maintain for longer than about a minute at most. They were designed to deconstruct and destroy any society they deemed too progressive to avoid conflict with synthetic life, and recycled the remnants to bolster their ranks. It was not once they did this, it was every 50,000 years since the beginning of intelligent life in the Milky Way, and would've continued had I failed, which I didn't." Shepard knew Thyme couldn't rebutt the Reapers, even if the reason was the failure to comprehend them.

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Noel shook her head. "My world got ravaged by a monster to the point living at surface level became impossible. I-I mean, I won't pretend I lived through it personally, but the Black Beast's damage can still be felt in those who lose themselves to seithr exposure. Honestly, I think we've all come from places with pretty bad happenings. Is a comparison really needed?" She clenched her skirt. All this talk of past experiences made Noel wish she knew what her tribulations were specifically, yet at the same time she was afraid they'd be similar to the rest of them. Perhaps, she thought, it was a blessing she couldn't remember.

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Ricardo simply ate as he listened to the conversations around. It certainly was something that made him think.

Elpis sure sounds like a peaceful place after hearing some of theirs, he thought. Even Neo-Axis now sounds tame... except perhaps for whatever Amuro and the others encountered at the end.

Alas, that particular part was still classified to all but a few within ZEUS.

Still, now hearing what some of them have under their belts, it's no surprising they were chosen by the entity. So where does that leaves me then? If the entity wanted someone from ZEUS, someone like Amuro or Kotaro would've been better choices. Just what made me stand out from them...?

And so he simply continued eating. Perhaps eventually he'd get answers.

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Geez, why is everyone having a giant pissing contest over whose world is more interesting? She shot Ricardo a pained look. His mindset probably wasn't too far off of hers, if he continued to stay silent between the fighting and world comparisons.
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"No. It's not needed." said Thyme before patting Noel on the back. "But look. Just for a moment, instead of dealing with drunken brawls, we were actually getting to learn a bit more about each other. What's sether? What is the Milky Way? Things like that."

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Thyme perked Noel right up."Oh, well seithr was basically some kind of gas the Black Beast spread over the world. After the Six Heroes killed it we actually found practical uses for it, like a form of magic anyone can use. However, it's also the reason we live on mountains, because taking in too much of it will make you addicted to it, and then... likely die."

"Your turn Thyme. Why don't you tell me about..." She tried to remember some of the things Thyme spoke of and landed on the one she thought she's like the most. "... FloofyBirdy."

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Thyme gave a small laugh. "FloofyBirdy... Is a chocobo. In my world Chocobo's are these big giant yellow birds that you can ride around on like a horse. FloofyBirdy was one I purchased about three years ago when my calves had become made of steel from all the walking. At first I didn't think much of it, he was just a mount after all, until we got attacked by an irate marmot. They aren't a threat and I could have easily dealt with it, but Floofy didn't know that and outright retaliated by kicking and pecking at it with his massive beak. Poor thing didn't stand a chance. I realized then that Floofy wasn't just a mount but a companion, a fine one at that, and started to train him to fight. It wasn't long before he was very durable, capable of delivering powerful kicks, and even could cast a healing spell. With him at my side I could tackle lots of threats that normally required two people. When I finally went north I took him with me and, before long, he learned to fly as well. He's been an amazing companion, exceptionally faithful, and fun to be around as well.

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Fennel kept silent, opting to eavesdrop on Noel and Thyme. Huh, these "chocobos" sound like more agreeable moas. I wonder if I can dissect one and sell its parts for money?

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"It sure sounds like your Cho...cobo and you have been through a lot. If we ever end up in your world, I hope we get to meet him!"

Noel then saw a glow in the corner of her eye. "Oh, that looks like our que. Let's talk more later." She took her orb out of her pocket and slowly let it's gentle tug guide her footsteps to a position in the center of the room next to where Shepard and Rufus had "let loose" so to speak.

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"About time," Fennel grumbled, as she picked herself up off of the seat. "Though this thing really should give us a full twelve hours of downtime. Naps are great, but a good night's rest is better."

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