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Between the Dreamworlds: Savers of the Apocalypse Chapter 2 - Blight

Moblin Major General

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"Shit." Shepard picks Rufus up and pulls his orb out of his pocket. "So much for sleeping it off, I suppose." The orbs all glow as they form in to one as they did previously. As before, a wave of energy picks up the entire group as they are transported somewhere else.

All of them land as most of them did before, this time a sleeping Rufus landing on top of Shepard. All that were around them were woods, with no other people in sight. It was dark, save for the convenient campfire that was there. Shepard slowly rolled as to allow Rufus to remain asleep as he slumped off onto the grass near the campfire. "Okay. This is probably going to be a radical departure from Rufus's world. Right now, you should either be sleeping or watching. Thyme, as soon as he wakes up, make sure Rufus doesn't start puking. I smelled the spirit he drank: that would give anyone a hangover, even Jack."

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"It's nice to be in the woods again." said Thyme with a somewhat relieved smile. "I mean, it's not home, but it beats purple void any day. Though I really wish these orb thingies gave us directions. Even something vague like 'you must journey to the north to the land of dragons' or something would be nice. Anyways, sure, I'll keep an eye on him. Of all the magic spells in all the world the one spell that could never be invented was a sobering spell."

With that she looked down at Rufus, being sure to keep her distance in case he tried to vomit up at her so she could easily avoid it.

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"Well, at least the world around us isn't terribly strange. Better that than not knowing what to call the area." Noel declared. She looked down at Rufus by the fire and decided they weren't going anywhere for a while. "I'll keep watch in this direction!" she said pointing at small opening between two trees. Noel propped herself between the two trees and gazed at the dense expanse of forestry before her. It definitely gave of the vibe of being truly untamed, with the trees' branches weaving in and out of each other and shrubs growing as they pleased.

Edited by PeaceRibbon
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"Wake me up when it's my turn to take watch," Fennel grumbled, before finding a spot near the fire and curling up. "If the old guy gets to sleep, so should I."

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Thyme quickly raised her hand up in the air as a small flame burst into being hovering right above her hand. "I'll keep a watch this way. I can sense the Aether here a bit. In this world it's... different. Tainted almost I'd wager. Feels like I'm in somewhere that a voidsent was in at some point. Those things are freaky."

She then quickly moved the flame up a bit more. "I don't like this landscape too much either. I mean, it's nice and all, but it's making me a bit unsteady."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shepard looked to Genji. "Some have not slept, and it's really dark save for our little fire. Also, Rufus nearly drank himself silly and is passed out on his side while I give him some medi-gel to make sure he doesn't spill his guts. We have to remain, at least until morning."

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