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Greetings.. I am Bizz the Bizarre, I am also known as the 'Strange One' and am a level 9 Wordcaster with an A-rank in Words. I am an ardent fan of swordmasters, chocolate, and Fire Emblem.

I am known about the forest for my epic FFtF threads dispersed about the vinicity of the place, and am also a young aspiring writer.

and i dun leik mudkips, i perfer treekoz

Enjoy SF, fellow newling!

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You good Sir, are a genius. Once I implement this plan of action, I will become unstoppable indeed. Now, back to your Big Gay Dance.

OH NOEZ!!!!11

eh... wait a moment.... BIG GAY DANCE? where the fuck are you going at? try to randomly destroy the world with a dance?

that sounds badass

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Hey, hey, leave Shuuda the fuck alone! He may not be the most popular member here, but he didn't do anything wrong this time! You guys just spend any time you have following him and flaming him for being himself! Damn, sometimes I wonder why you guys are considered my friends...Shuuda was JUST trying to point out his post was utter spam. Of course, he needs to learn 96% of all posts on Serenes ARE spam, (At least in Intros) And that such a thing is accepted here, but it isn't like he fucking murdered anyone.

On another note: Welcome to Serenes, where everyone's nuts.

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Hey, hey, leave Shuuda the fuck alone! He may not be the most popular member here, but he didn't do anything wrong this time! You guys just spend any time you have following him and flaming him for being himself! Damn, sometimes I wonder why you guys are considered my friends...Shuuda was JUST trying to point out his post was utter spam. Of course, he needs to learn 96% of all posts on Serenes ARE spam, (At least in Intros) And that such a thing is accepted here, but it isn't like he fucking murdered anyone.

On another note: Welcome to Serenes, where everyone's nuts.

Post Here Don't Madder.

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Ivan: Well I certainly didn't flame him! He flamed me! He's only a -2 on my Fail Scale (which he also flamed), but his score may decrease in the future if he keeps flaming everything I say.

Shuuda: What do you think is so wrong with telling people how they stand with me? It's helpful for people to know when they've said something that puts them on my bad side (Or my good side, if they're nice). I reported your post, but I have no intention of doing more than that. You also said you'd stop flaming me if I gave you a "dignified" response. I've given you THREE counting this one, and just becuase you don't agree with it doesn't mean it's not "dignified". The only reason you're not lower than -2 on my Fail Scale is because I respect you as a person, which is apparently not returned. If you continue to flame me, I'll continue to report your posts, and your Fail Scale score will continue to decline. Hopefully you'll stop before it reaches -10. By the way, you said that people don't "fail" just because they're not nice to me. However, considering people other than me are reacting negatively to this, I'd say "fail" is appropriate.

Everyone who's trying to stand up for me but making things worse inadvertantly: Thank you for trying, but I can handle something like this myself WITHOUT flaming. Just because the post count doesn't increase here doesn't mean you can flame back at him. Even the SPAM section of the forum has rules on this sort of thing.

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Xixiel: You don't get it, because you're relatively new...

What don't I get? I achieved my goal: Shuuda PMed me and said he'd stop, so you guys can stop arguing as well.

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