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Serenes Gaming Challenges (SFGC) #4 Super C (Contra)


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Is a 3 Heart Run in Link to the Past even possible?

I don't think it is.

If you're gonna submit that for LttP, you should modify it to say no optional hearts or something

On top of that, it would make for a pretty long challenge, I wonder if that would get accepted.

Well, I looked into it, and I think you are correct. You have to grab the Heart Containers in the Dark World in order to beat the dungeons. Go figure. As for length, I dunno, it would certainly be a lot longer than say this week for example. It would need tweaking, but since it's not possible without codes to my knowledge, I withdraw that one anyways.

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Well, I looked into it, and I think you are correct. You have to grab the Heart Containers in the Dark World in order to beat the dungeons. Go figure. As for length, I dunno, it would certainly be a lot longer than say this week for example. It would need tweaking, but since it's not possible without codes to my knowledge, I withdraw that one anyways.

Since I assume people have access to Game Genies

3-heart ALttP is possible.

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Oooh I'm definitely getting in on this weeks action. I really like the idea of this thread too. I'm not suggesting this for the very next challenge or anything, but what about an X-Buster only run of one of these games, with the same 1 Life Only rule? Or even classic Mega Man, even though I suck at those haha. I'll definitely have to scheme up some more of these ideas, challenge runs were really all you had when you grew up with maybe one, two new games a year if you were lucky lol.

EDIT: Thought of a few more(non-system intesive) challenges .

Punch-Out!: No continues, determined by who lasts the longest, then by score.

(Super) Contra: No Konami Code, determined by who lasts the longest, then by score.

Pokemon (GBA): Nuzlocke run, determined by who lasts the longest, then by in game time.

Sonic 1/2/3&K: No deaths, more emeralds = more points. Ties determined by in game point total.

Comix Zone: Beat the damn game >_> (the actual challenge is no continue, but it's not much harder tbh)

Zelda: A Link to the Past: 3 Heart Run, though I can't remember if the game keeps track of continues or not so I don't know how to determine a winner.

# of practice runs would be determined on a game to game basis.

Glad to see someone passionate about this! Welcome.

Elie and I will probably sprinkle your challenges around, the ones we will use anyways ^^ (which would probably be most of them, but some are pretty long)

Also as Elie did say we could do ALLTP with 3 Hearts, thanks to the power of the Genie, so that may actually come up.

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Bumping this with my submission to Elie's challenge

I was watching this while my own run uploaded, and I have to say it's really weird to me that there's like this "unofficial" order to do all the stages in. We go through them in the exact same order even though it's not weakness order haha. Well, I say exact same order, but I make a pretty ridiculous mistake later on in my own run, but that is the order I was going for. It's funny, we both missed the arm cannon on the first pass too. That jump is horrible, no?

Anyways, there's my submission for the challenge. Pretty happy overall, except for one glaring mistake I make which only became apparent after I finished haha.

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I was watching this while my own run uploaded, and I have to say it's really weird to me that there's like this "unofficial" order to do all the stages in. We go through them in the exact same order even though it's not weakness order haha. Well, I say exact same order, but I make a pretty ridiculous mistake later on in my own run, but that is the order I was going for. It's funny, we both missed the arm cannon on the first pass too. That jump is horrible, no?

Anyways, there's my submission for the challenge. Pretty happy overall, except for one glaring mistake I make which only became apparent after I finished haha.

Thanks! I just added it to the playlist. Yeah the order I used is pretty much the one I've been using for quite some time, always found it super efficient aside from how late you get the chest armor.

Yeah that jump is THE WORST, but hey at least it doesn't make you suicide for goodies (Looks at X6).

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Octopus's stage is the wall of this challenge, calling it now.

I learned some nice speedrunning tricks from ya Batter.

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Literally me on my practice try of that stage. I feel for ya dude.

Also I'm bad and didn't read the instructions correctly so it should be 34/36 not 35/36 for me, since I cleared the 8 Mavericks before going back for Spark Mandrills E-Tank and forgetting about Sting Chameleons Heart Tank. My apologies.

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Launch Octopus has a ballin hard stage...i always hated the challenge as a kid but now i respect it because everything else is fairly easy

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We have a few more submissions coming in for Megaman X sometime before Monday, and i'm still running through the list of ideas we have for a 3rd challenge for what would be nice for the 3rd week.

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Current Results of Challenge #2


Its time for Challenge #3, although Refa has been given some extra time to do the MMX challenge since he's doing it right now. Elieson will announce the winner(s) later with their shiny banner.

(Also Deltre we have your challenges in a list, among others, we'll be using whatever ones come up be it via randomizer or what Elie & I feel is a good one for the week so don't worry about that).

Challenge #3 is from Tsunami922

The Game? Kirby Superstar for the SNES

The Challenge? The Arena, Speedrun, fastest clear time wins!

Amount of Practice runs? 3

Commentary is Optional, not required.

Since this requires a completed game, Tsunami has offered a save for us to use, it can be found


Remember to name the file (the rom) the same as the save, also no rom sharing, as that's against Serenes policy.

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I don't actually recommend watching it at the moment* because I'm planning on retroactively doing some post commentary when I'm less busy with real life (or lbr, the next time I feel like slacking off and Battle Network just isn't doing it for me) but here it is in case you're really impatient and/or skeptical of my prowess**!

*But you should definitely open the link in Youtube RIGHT NOW because it has a great description.

**I can't remember the last time I've actually played a platformer, please don't judge me too harshly. =(

EDIT Wait dammit, hold on, this video merger I used SUCKED and only captured the first five minutes of each video. I CAN FIX THIS.


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I don't actually recommend watching it at the moment* because I'm planning on retroactively doing some post commentary when I'm less busy with real life (or lbr, the next time I feel like slacking off and Battle Network just isn't doing it for me) but here it is in case you're really impatient and/or skeptical of my prowess**!

*But you should definitely open the link in Youtube RIGHT NOW because it has a great description.

**I can't remember the last time I've actually played a platformer, please don't judge me too harshly. =(

EDIT Wait dammit, hold on, this video merger I used SUCKED and only captured the first five minutes of each video. I CAN FIX THIS.

Just get it up when you can, no biggie.

Also remember to use the submission sheet in the OP when you do.

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(Also Deltre we have your challenges in a list, among others, we'll be using whatever ones come up be it via randomizer or what Elie & I feel is a good one for the week so don't worry about that).

No worries man, no rush. What does worry me is the fact that I haven't played this game since I was about four and never owned it haha. Gonna need to make those practice runs count I guess.

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No worries man, no rush. What does worry me is the fact that I haven't played this game since I was about four and never owned it haha. Gonna need to make those practice runs count I guess.

I'd suggest playing part of the regular game too, just to brush up on mechanics and super star in general.

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