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Serenes Gaming Challenges (SFGC) #4 Super C (Contra)


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How go the runs of Superstar?


This was fun, though I think my 3rd practice run went smoother overall, and I could have did much better time-wise. unless shooting in the wrong direction is a pro-strat.

Here's my practice run with no Maxim Tomaotes used: https://youtu.be/FtICzI-lZ_U

Edited by Tsunami922
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Wanted to pop in and say that I wasn't intentionally trying to weenie out for this one, but for whatever reason I haven't been able to record SNES games properly for the past week or so. I tried to record for this one Sunday, but when I went back to the folder where I save my recordings, I noticed that this submission, along with all the SNES videos I'd been recording since my last session about a week ago (the only one I decided to mass record haha) I did for a playthrough were garbled beyond reason. And now, for whatever reason, both emulators I found that are compatible with my recording software only produce these corrupt looking recordings D: I haven't really had the time to sit down and take a good look at what's causing the issue yet, and admittedly I was kind of irritated by losing so much gameplay.

For what it's worth, every submission so far has blown my would be run out of the water. In that sense, I guess it's saving you time so you guys don't have to review the footage :p

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Alright I guess with that,

Batter has won this with a time of 06'08''05

SFGC #4 will be decided in the near future, in the meantime I guess people can challenge it.

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SFGC Challenge #4 has been decided.

Its from Deltre

Super C (Contra) for the Nes

No Konami Code, determined by who lasts the longest, then by score.

this will be till you beat the game or are forced to continue, you cannot use continues.

You have a week.

Edited by Jedi
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This is embarrassing but I had not intended for continues to be used. HOWEVER since it's entirely my fault for lack of clarification any runs that use continues are totally valid in my book.

That said here is my run for this week's challenge. If I happen to be the only one who's done this so far I would like for the challenge to officially be "No Continues", but if anyone has already submitted a run then I think it would be unfair to invalidate their work, so no biggie. These challenges are supposed to be fun after all, haha.

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This is embarrassing but I had not intended for continues to be used. HOWEVER since it's entirely my fault for lack of clarification any runs that use continues are totally valid in my book.

That said here is my run for this week's challenge. If I happen to be the only one who's done this so far I would like for the challenge to officially be "No Continues", but if anyone has already submitted a run then I think it would be unfair to invalidate their work, so no biggie. These challenges are supposed to be fun after all, haha.

I can edit it to no Continues, no one else has done their runs yet!

I've only done my practice ones.

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So we are gonna have to do something different the small player base we had, is now like nonexistant and outside people aren't giving any challenge suggestions like we openly asked for.


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Sonic Advance 2 is pretty cool, I haven't played it in a while but combining a speedrun with a Sonic title makes a lot of sense to me haha.

On a side note, I might be making assumptions but I feel that maybe people see the word challenge and jump to the conclusion that this is some sort of super try-hard challenge league or something. I just wanted to say, that if you're reading this and feel that maybe you don't have the "gaming skills" or whatever to jump into something like this, just do it! Look at my Super C run (a challenge I suggested no less!) and you'll see that it's not an ultra serious competition or anything, just a fun little distraction.

Even if you don't feel confident enough to take the week, maybe just try out the games for yourself. You could be surprised! Even though I didn't end up submitting anything for the Kirby week, due to technical difficulties, I'm glad that I played the game because I had a blast just playing the game. Seriously, it was a "where has this game been all my life" situation haha. Don't be discouraged guys!

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