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I want to play through Fates again but I'm not sure how to make it interesting


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I've done a Hard Classic Conquest run, Hard Classic Birthright no reset run, Lunatic Classic Revelation, Hidden Truths, and Heirs of Fate. I tried Lunatic Conquest but I couldn't even get past Chapter 7.

I'm not really interested in the post game grinding and unit optimization and don't really care for most of the DLC...

So open to suggestions for some special restrictions or something else I could to just really make it more interesting and what path and difficulty it'd work best on. Though while I will do it if there's a really good idea involving it, I'd rather not do another Revelation run as that was my most recent.

All suggestions appreciated, thank you.

Edited by Magikarpador
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You may use only 1 unit from a chapter in which you gain multiple (you must keep others alive but they cannot be allowed to fight).

You must use the worst units possible with the exception of the Avatar who may be freely customized as a safety net.

Difficulty must be set to at least Hard.

Must be played on Classic and you may not reset if you lose a unit.

All characters used should be made to be their worst available class by way of a Heart Seal. If they have a better class available than what they start as, leave them as is. The Avatar must not use Nohr Prince(ss) or its promotions anywhere outside of Chapters 1-6.

You must promote them before level 15 unless you have no available Master Seals. The Avatar must be promoted as early as possible.

If you decide to use the kids, you may only use the children of characters you are using and they must be paired up to be purposely bad.

You may purchase skills for your team as an additional safety net but you are allowed no more than 3 additional skills per character.

Up for it?

Edited by Light Strategist
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Why don't you try a PMU?

What's that?

Play any of the games on hard mode without resetting once. It's a really interesting way to play and will really change the way you see the RNG.

That's what I did in Birthright. I fortunately didn't get RNG screwed in that run, one death was really just because of ignorance and others were because the final chapter in Birthright is a pretty big difficult spike I wasn't prepared to deal with in a no reset run.

You may use only 1 unit from a chapter in which you gain multiple (you must keep others alive but they cannot be allowed to fight).

You must use the worst units possible with the exception of the Avatar who may be freely customized as a safety net.

Difficulty must be set to at least Hard.

Must be played on Classic and you may not reset if you lose a unit.

All characters used should be made to be their worst available class by way of a Heart Seal. If they have a better class available than what they start as, leave them as is. The Avatar must not use Nohr Prince(ss) or its promotions anywhere outside of Chapters 1-6.

You must promote them before level 15 unless you have no available Master Seals. The Avatar must be promoted as early as possible.

If you decide to use the kids, you may only use the children of characters you are using and they must be paired up to be purposely bad.

You may purchase skills for your team as an additional safety net but you are allowed no more than 3 additional skills per character.

Up for it?

Hmm certainly sounds interesting though there's a few problems with it. There's potentially not having Heart Seals or Master Seals, there's a lot of subjective as to what's worse plus it varies with what classes my other units are, and as someone who more so ships out of liking the pairing than for power I don't really care for having that limited.

@Carnation I could possibly do that alongside a different run.

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Ban Kriegfried/Royjinto

PMU means Pick My Units, you have a team of ~12-16 (however many you want) slots at the start and other people will fill your team by giving you a unit and their final class. Example

Edited by Gradivus.
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Hmm, sounds nice. I'll probably do that if I don't get any other suggestions I like better before.

Edit: Though I do seem some difficutlies in terms of when units join and the chapter by chapter unit cap along with children fitting into it.

Edited by Magikarpador
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PMU is a great suggestion, those always seem fun.

What I've been doing to enjoy subsequent runs through the game is make everyone one type of unit-- IE, I did a Conquest run with all-wyvern units, and I'm currently planning a run of Birthright with all ninjas ahaha (no grinding, ofc). If you particularly like any unit types and there are a lot of characters who start as or can heartseal into it, that's an option for you.

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That's what I did in Birthright. I fortunately didn't get RNG screwed in that run, one death was really just because of ignorance and others were because the final chapter in Birthright is a pretty big difficult spike I wasn't prepared to deal with in a no reset run.

Ah, sorry, missed that. Well if you managed it on Birthright, maybe try Conquest? Conquest is actually really fair about being upfront about all of its gimmicks and reinforcements so you're never going to be screwed over by something wholly outside of your control. Succeeding in Conquest ironman is really just a matter of rationing your paralogues for grinding properly, knowing how to build a proper team, and making sure you don't put too much (if anything) up to the whims of the rng.

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Have you done a run yet in which no one is allowed to be their default class? It's pretty funny, yet simultaneously horrifying running around with Troubadour Effie and Wyvern Rider Elise. Great fun, though.

The only problem is that it basically requires the gold grinding DLC and access to the internet so you can visit other My Castles to buy Heart Seals from.

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Have you done a run yet in which no one is allowed to be their default class? It's pretty funny, yet simultaneously horrifying running around with Troubadour Effie and Wyvern Rider Elise. Great fun, though.

The only problem is that it basically requires the gold grinding DLC and access to the internet so you can visit other My Castles to buy Heart Seals from.

By the gods, this sounds hilarious and terrifying.

I think I want to try it.

Edited by Light Strategist
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Ban/Kill off all route-exclusive royals and their direct retainers. I've seen this done for Lunatic Birthright and it seemed like a fairly interesting way to play the game, and while it seems fairly daunting at first glance I reckon it's doable in Lunatic Conquest as well. It helps that this rule leaves you with 16 1st-gen units (including Corrinsexuals) on each of Birthright and Conquest, which is roughly the endgame slot. (I'm setting Niles as an exception due to his capturing utility)

Edited by Aggro Incarnate
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