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So what's everyone doing for Halloween?


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Hey, it's October, so I thought I'd ask!

What are your Halloween plans this year? Like what are you dressing up as, what are you carving into pumpkins, are you handing out candy/going trick-or-treating, etc etc.

I'm going to be Flareon for Pokemon's 20th and because it was a simple costume to make since I already have a Flareon hat I got to wear to the Pokemon Symphonic Evolutions concert. All I did was buy orange clothes and make a tail and neck frill. I also glued strips of fabric onto the hat's brim to make it match more. My sewing skills are rusty (hadn't really done a lot of sewing since middle school and home economics classes lol), but I like how it turned out. Here's a pic of the costume. I'll take a pic of me in it when the time comes. :P


The fabric I used for the neck fur and tail ended up being expensive, but it's so soft and comfy. XD I need to use the leftovers to make pillows or something!

I'm hoping to carve two pumpkins this year, one Zelda themed and one Pokemon themed. Pokemon's not the only big game name with a notable anniversary this year! Zelda is 30 years old and my favorite game series after FE, so I had to do something for it. I'm gonna carve the bird and Triforce logo with the number 30 above it. ^^ For the Pokemon pumpkin, I'll do Pikachu with a number 20 above him.

I also kinda wish I could go to a Halloween party, but at the same time, I wouldn't mind if I didn't. The one time I DID go to one, I got scared by some of the costumes... Though at the time I was just a little kid, so... Who knows what my next one would be like?

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Buy myself some starburst while it's on sale, edit applications I have to send in soon after that.

If my neighbors throw a party this year I'll hang out there :D

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If my baby doesn't decide to come early, I'll be waiting to scare trick or treaters asking for candy.

Oh dang, I hope you don't wind up spending Halloween in the hospital, Rezzy! That would kinda suck. And the kid could end up being born right ON Halloween too. A lot of people with birthdays that fall on major holidays actually hate this because the holiday tends to overshadow their birthday, and in the case of Christmas birthdays, they hate when their friends and family get lazy and give them just one gift for both. I know my grandma hated this, though her birthday wasn't right on Christmas, it was five days before it.

It might sound selfish, but I do get why this is. I mean, your birthday is your birthday, the celebration of your birth/life. It's not Christmas or Halloween or Thanksgiving, and thus should be kept separate, the gifts included.

Although, if you ARE in the hospital, you might get a specially themed meal. lol My mom got green eggs for breakfast when she had my brother because it was two days before St. Patrick's Day. XD

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'll hand out candy. Or at least, help my parents do it. I'm too old for trick-or-treating. lol Even though I probably did it for far longer than most people. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm thinking about finally getting into some horror games...

Now, it's not something native to where I live, but lots of people celebrate it anyway and, since many of the people I get in touch with online will celebrate it as they're from the US, I don't see why not.

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I *might* throw together a cosplay of some kind and hand out candy, though probably nothing else beyond that. Either that or bring my Paper Mario Let's Play back from the dead or play Undertale.

Edited by Nohr Noble Gardy
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Well, I have an uncle whose birthday is October 31. We don't really celebrate Halloween (although my youngest cousins do go trick-or-treat'ing), so at most its going to be just the birthday party in terms of plans for the day.

I'm more of a Day of the Dead guy anyway. Halloween never really got my attention.

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that costume looks p dope

im torn i wanted to wear a black lycra suit with a mitt romney mask and akatsuki robe but this might all cost too much. so then i decided on just mitt romney mask with blazers and shit in my closet, but thats boring.

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Nothing special, I didn't pass Halloween since I started high school and where we live, there's no kids that pass on our neighborhood.

I COULD go to the halloween party at my cegep but I don't like parties really much.

Also, your Flareon costume gets my seal of approuval ^^.

Oh dang, I hope you don't wind up spending Halloween in the hospital, Rezzy! That would kinda suck. And the kid could end up being born right ON Halloween too. A lot of people with birthdays that fall on major holidays actually hate this because the holiday tends to overshadow their birthday, and in the case of Christmas birthdays, they hate when their friends and family get lazy and give them just one gift for both. I know my grandma hated this, though her birthday wasn't right on Christmas, it was five days before it.

My cousin (who is a few months younger than me) was born on the 26th of December, we always celebrate the night before Christmas the 24th and her birthday on the 25 but sometimes, we do it 26th depending of the family.

If my baby doesn't decide to come early, I'll be waiting to scare trick or treaters asking for candy.

Look at me! I'll have a baby, I'm scary!

Edited by Nym
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Oh dang, I hope you don't wind up spending Halloween in the hospital, Rezzy! That would kinda suck. And the kid could end up being born right ON Halloween too. A lot of people with birthdays that fall on major holidays actually hate this because the holiday tends to overshadow their birthday, and in the case of Christmas birthdays, they hate when their friends and family get lazy and give them just one gift for both. I know my grandma hated this, though her birthday wasn't right on Christmas, it was five days before it.

It might sound selfish, but I do get why this is. I mean, your birthday is your birthday, the celebration of your birth/life. It's not Christmas or Halloween or Thanksgiving, and thus should be kept separate, the gifts included.

Although, if you ARE in the hospital, you might get a specially themed meal. lol My mom got green eggs for breakfast when she had my brother because it was two days before St. Patrick's Day. XD

EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I'll hand out candy. Or at least, help my parents do it. I'm too old for trick-or-treating. lol Even though I probably did it for far longer than most people. XD

Thanks, I kinda hope she's not born on Halloween for the same reason, but I wouldn't mind before the 31st. As of now, the plan is for her to come November 5th, but babies don't really pay attention to schedules.

Minor holiday's it can be cool to have your birthday on. My sister was born on Labor Day, but for kids, Halloween and Christmas are definite days I'll avoid if I can. Easter and Thanksgiving aren't as bad, since they're on a different day every year.

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that costume looks p dope

Are you saying it looks dopey? That's rude, stop it, please.

Also, your Flareon costume gets my seal of approuval ^^.

Thanks, Nym. :)

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention one last thing: I'm playing this music. :P

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Buy candy early hide it from my mom because she will eat it before then if I don't, keep an eye on my black cat and make sure no one tries to grab her and if I am invited anywhere I will where my OoT Link dress. I always kind of wanted to do the whole set up a plate at the table for the spirits like my ancestors did, but I don't think I'll do it this year but when I live on my own some day I will.

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Nothing, since Halloween is an alien custom to me, but I have a friend whose birthday is at that date and I can use that to bother friendly nudge said person, I guess.

Ok, maybe use it as an excuse to buy candy (chocolate, since I don't care much about other candies)...

Edited by Rapier
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I'll be the one opening the door and passing candy. I actually like having that job so my parents can go rest.

Are you saying it looks dopey? That's rude, stop it, please.

It's a compliment. Saying something looks dope is like saying it looks cool.

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dope is vernacular for cool lel

Oh, man, my bad. I swear I've never seen that word used for "cool" before. >_<

It's a compliment. Saying something looks dope is like saying it looks cool.

Yeah, I didn't know that... Sorry about that.

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For the sake of getting candy at school I'm wearing a "costume" which is more or less one of those meshed bottom buoys (that kind of look like pools) with a hole cut in the middle with pictures of baby goats. A kiddie pool. Then maybe just stay home, pass out candy while listening to Pumpkin Hill's theme.

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Get in the Sage!Nino dress I've had for a few years, sit on the porch and pass out a ton of candy. Basically what I do every Halloween tbh.

...We tend to run out, we get a lot of kids around here.

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I decided to dress up as Jay Garrick, the golden age Flash for Halloween after finding replicas of his jacket and helmet for sale online. They're kind of expensive, but I figured I could afford it since I've been getting some good bonuses at work for the past few months.

Or at least that's what my plan was until about three hours ago when my landlady's husband decided to be monumental asshole and tell me he doesn't want to rent to me anymore because I allegedly left the front door open. Now all my spare money is going toward a new apartment.


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I don't plan on going around for candy, or giving any out-

My sister wants to try some sfx makeup on me, not sure what she wants to do... I'd like to be a demon or something though, gonna buy more circle lenses for it too (red ones.)

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Uhm, probably stay in home and be sick. I live in the country and forest so I get like... no kids asking for candy. It's my birthday, but my stomach has been in such ruins lately I doubt I can eat anything sweet. So I'd probably just sit in my room on the internet and be depressed.

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Depends on if my bf hosts an event on campus or not. If he does, I may hop by after work. If not, I'm going home.

I can pull off Thor 1 movie mortal guise Loki or Jotaro Kujo straight out of closet (due to my inordinate amount of coats) so if need be I can just do that.

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