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Favorite Cain and Abel duo


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Right off the bat, Orsin and Halvan and Kaze and Saizo get bonus points for being different, but I don't know that either of them are actually my favorite, especially since I have played exactly one chapter of Thracia 776 to completion.

Okay, so I don't actually know if Orsin and Halvan are considered to count as the Cain/Abel duo or the Bord/Cord duo of Thracia 776 but they fill the Cain/Abel gameplay niche of being two pretty good characters of the same base class who join at the same time in the first chapter, so...

I definitely have a lot of nostalgic fondness for Sain and Kent, too, and I do still genuinely like both of them.

The original Cain and Abel, are, of course, the classics, and I love them, as well.

I think Sully and Stahl might actually be my favorites, though, at least as a pair. I just like their dynamic with each other the most, since, to me, at least, they come across as being genuinely friends with each other rather than bickering comrades-in-arms. Not that there's anything wrong with that dynamic, but I just really appreciate genuine, consistently-positive friendships in stories.

...This is actually kinda hard for me to answer, since I'm the sort of weird player who has to be different and favor the Quirky Third One (i.e. Lowen, Franz, Frey, Kagero, etc.) over the main pair.

Edited by Topaz Light
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Does anyone else consider Franz and Amelia to be a somewhat loose Cain and Abel? I kinda do. They break a couple rules, but I always thought they were meant to be an alternative Cain and Abel.

I'm just babbling though, my favorite pair is Oscar and Keiran. Keiran is kinda hit and miss in PoR, but he's pretty good in RD, and I've always loved his dialogue. Oscar is amazing on all accounts, its hard for me not to use him every playthrough, but I gotta mix things up with how often I play PoR.

Sometimes thought about it. Amelia's general personality doesn't really make her a Cain to Franz's Abel, though.
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Probably Kent and Sain. Kent the classic upstanding knight while Sain is basically himself chasing after women (and unlike the modern era, he is actually shot down). They may not be the best written characters, but I say there are one of the better duos when taken together.

Kyle and Forde are okay, mostly because Forde steals the show while Kyle is mostly forgotten. Forde's painting hobbies, backstory, and overall personality made him an interesting character to me. Kyle seemed to be rather dull, and I find Kent does the diligent knight trope better.

Oscar, Kieran, Cain, Abel, Stahl, and Sully were average. They were okay, but out of all of them I probably liked and used Oscar the most. I may have used the classic duo when I played Shadow Dragon, but as that has no real story, I don't really remember what all I did.

Kaze and Saizo are interesting because they are ninjas instead of knights. Kaze has a cool head while Saizo is the fiery one with a strong sense of duty. I think they may be my second favorite duo because of all the stuff they do (especially Saizo's quest for revenge), but because of how some things are handled in Fates, their levels a dropped a bit. However, chances are Kent and Sain will still remain my favorite duo, even if it is nostalgia bias.

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Forde is a painter?

Well damn it, now one of my fan characters feels completely unoriginal... :( (he's also a knight who paints, and does it excellently. He picked up the talent from his grandfather. He's a clumsy idiot as well though, maybe Forde isn't like that? And also, his ending will state that he completely focuses on painting when he retires, and his work eventually becomes famous and displayed in museums and all)

Edited by Anacybele
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Oscar and Kieran, pretty easily. Kieran is one of my favourite characters in the series; he's just so hilarious, whether it's bouncing off Marcia, Geoffrey, or Oscar. Oscar is pretty bland normally, but his Kieran interactions are some of my favourite comic moments of the Tellius games.

Gameplaywise, I'd say it's reasonably close between PoR Oscar/Kieran, and Alan/Lance. In both cases, some of the best stats in the game + great class + a great support with each other. FE6 and FE9 are the only game where I'd say both Cain/Abel types seriously challenge to be the best unit in the game (along with one or two others, of course).

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Ana, you may want to revisit your character then. Forde's a bit of a klutz and, though no museums, does rather well as a painter.

Definitely Oscar and Kieran. Some of their conversations made me laugh out loud. Individually, I really like Oscar's whole quintessential good big brother vibe and Kieran manages to be absurd without going so far as to be grating.

I like Kent and Sain, but that may be more gameplay/nostalgia than as characters.

Allen and Lance are amazing and were hands down my 2nd and 3rd best characters in my most recent run of 6, but don't know their personalities too well.

Cain and Abel were good with what little characterization they got, and for some reason I have a soft spot for Cain in 3/12.

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Ana, you may want to revisit your character then. Forde's a bit of a klutz and, though no museums, does rather well as a painter.

Well it's rather late now, this character appears in several chapters and his painting hobby brought up a good few times. But his hobby wasn't a secret and he was a lot more proud to focus more on it in his later years than Forde. And my character is much more of a klutz than that support makes Forde to be. Like Sumia level klutz. He doesn't randomly trip on his feet and fall on the ground, but he's crashed into his superior officer's tent from a trip, and slammed into the same officer while carrying paint which led to the paint spilling all over them. He also has a hidden heroic side to him (he saves the lives of both his general and deputy commander while taking serious injuries to do so). So that's something, I suppose.

Still disappointed that Eliot isn't as unique as I thought he was...but maybe he is or will still be liked enough.

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