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404'd! I play MageKnight404's FE7 hack


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404'd! I play MageKnight404's FE7 hack

Like the title says. I'm no stranger to FE, I've played FE7 and FE8 until I completely filled out all the support logs and I've also played a few hacks like The Last Promise and Requiem.

However, I've never played this particular hack until now. I've heard of it and read someone else's LP of it; but that was long ago, and thus I'm not actually fully familiar with it. So I figured I should finally experience this... work, for myself.

From what I understand, this was one of the earliest hacks made for FE7. As such, there isn't much in the way of major drastic changes like in today's hacks; but this hack probably still paved the way for them. We all have to start somewhere, right?

I won't be transcribing the dialogue, just giving a summary of them. And I'll also only play through this once, so we're stuck with Lyn Normal and Eliwood Normal. I might change my mind after I finish, but that's some ways off.

So, let's do this.


No change so far, intro's the same. You know the story: Humans and dragons lived together, then they fought each other in the Scouring, and humans won with the losers disappearing.


Still no change so far.


Ah, here we go. I can tell we're in for a good time.


Still have to give tactician info. I input the usual.

Chapter -1: The Duchess Of Tahra

And now it's time for the prol


er, chapter minus 1.

Why not chapter 0, at least?


Ah, Lyn. Time for another game of doubling things and failing to dodge axes despite their stupid 20% hit rate dammit lyn get it together!


Actually no, we're instead greeted by...

*looks up character info on Serenes*

...FE5's Linoan. That's different.

Other than explaining that Lyn apparently disappeared (and that the CG (coconut gun) that I saw was apparently a painting of her), the scene largely goes the same: I meet Linoan, then bandits show up.


Alas, we have to do the tutorial since this is a very first playthrough so we're stuck with Lyn... or rather, Linoan Normal. Instead of giving me info on very basic FE mechanics, the tutorial dialogue simply tells me that I already know how to play (which I do, I mean I did patch this game after all) and to just follow the prompts.


I always change the options to these settings as soon as I can: fast text and animation with backgrounds. I don't play GBA FEs any other way.

Also, you've probably already noticed the changed background. Some silly SMB thing with chibis of three characters. If you want a dead serious hack, this ain't it.



And here we have Linoan and her stats. Instead of swords, she wields light and anima magic, and can use staffs too. Her inventory consists of a lightning tome, a heal staff, and two vulneraries. It'll take a while to build up her anima rank since it starts at E and it won't be until the C-rank Elfire than I can get an anima weapon that gives more than 1 wexp.



Anyway, we're forced to go through the motions with the tutorial being lol randum xd in the meantime.


Combat screen. It's okay I guess. I actually wanted to attack the brigand at range, but the tutorial wouldn't let me.

And after a few more forced moves, we eventually take out the Beast. No "Incarnate", just the Beast.


Get used to this. From what I remember, the game's gonna be written around all the usual set pieces at the expense of Lyn and possibly others.

I get that it's an early hack and they haven't yet figured out how to add new lines and remove old lines and not use the CGs (coconut guns) at all. But I still won't appreciate the Lyn potshots anyway; she has her problems, but I like her regardless.

Needless to say, screw what Batta said. Lyn's gone, not dead. She's still out there. Somewhere.

Just not in this hack.


And level up, probably scripted. We'll have to wait until the next map to see if she'll become good or not.

The rest goes mostly the same: We're still gonna venture into the world, but at least Linoan has a reason this time. Her parents (or rather just dad, mom died of natural causes) were killed by the Grandbell Empire and she was forced to flee. From Jugdral. All the way to Elibe...

I'm sure it'll be explained eventually.

Anyway she's done running and wants to take the fight to them, but she has to find her two friends first. That's our next objective; so join me next time when, if I remember the original map right, we meet those two friends in the next map.

And probably see another painting too.

Edited by Baby Bonnie Hood
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Chapter 1: Adventure Start


What he said. We go to Bulgar for supplies as usual.


Now it's time to meet our two new friends.


Or not.


Turns out it's not our friends yet, but just Sain and Kent. Guess not everyone has been replaced.

Nothing too different from the original: Sain and Kent are still Sain and Kent. The Lundgren problem is still there, but there's no Lyn to find so the two cavaliers are just... hanging around, I guess.


But soon, trouble appears. This bandit wants Linoan for as yet unknown reasons.


Bandits show up, knights show up to help us, and it's time to play.


And I'm forced to make Sain look like an idiot. Such are tutorials.


It's true, Linoan and her magic could solo this map easily if I wanted to.


lol xd


"The tutorial won't let me. Er, I mean you're not worth 11 exp. Pervert."


We've all played this map before, so let's just skip to the end.

I'm trying to see what Linoan's critical looks like, but she hasn't pulled one off so far and Batta died before she got to the scripted critical.


This looks promising. You might end up better than that female lord you replaced.


Wait Lyn, I'm sorry, I take that back, don't haunt her with spooky visions, I need her!


I think you meant Jugdral, Sain.

So after writing around another CG (coconut gun) instead of just removing it entirely (really, I would've been fine with just leaving the text box blank), the three have a talk. Linoan tells how she, Leaf, and her friends fled to Elibe (still no mention of how) to escape the Grandbell Empire, and now she wants to find her friends to fight back. The Christmas Cavaliers, meanwhile, tell of the evil Lundgren and how he wants to overthrow Hausen as the ruler of Caelin. After noting that the bandit somehow knew of Linoan, she decides to put her own quest on hold to help out the two knights with the feeling that she's somehow connected to the trouble in Caelin. Who knows? Maybe she'll meet her friends along the way.

And that's how she got shoehorned into Lyn's story. Next time, we head the opposite direction of Caelin to get... um, is it still a sword?

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Chapter 2: A Detour


"While wondering about her suddenly different map sprite and hoping it'll fix itself."


So why go east instead of west? To pray to a sword of legend? Nah, not this time; they were actually heading to Caelin.


It's just that Sain thought to take a detour, and instead they ended up going nowhere. Way to go, Sain.

Hey, it sure beats the original illogical plot. After all, getting to Caelin was an urgent matter so why waste time going the opposite direction? Quintessence? Don't understand!


The detour, however, did lead them to bandits raiding a temple that houses a sacred magic tome. The mighty Glass still wants it, in the belief that he can use it to become a Mage Fighter.


The priest, or rather sage, protests that the game engine doesn't allow for mage fighters and it's against the rules. Glass simply replies as though he was playing a children's card game, "Screw the rules!".


But sure enough, the tome refuses to work for him because at that time GBA FE hacking hasn't yet advanced enough to allow a unit to use both physical and magic weapons. He gets mad, a passing citizen implores Linoan to help the priest and stop the bandits, and we're on our way.


Being forced by the tutorial to visit the houses lets us learn that the tome is called the Prism Pillar and that it's effective against horses and knights. So basically a magic rapier, making it more deadly than a regular rapier since knights don't exactly have the best resistance scores.


What an oddly specific character to mention. Could it be hinting at something...?

...nah, probably not.


The map goes pretty much without a hitch.


There's not really much to highlight.


Why is Glass popular again?


And off he goes to the Shadow Realm.


Not quite a super special awesome level up, but it'll do.


See? Batta's full of crap. If she's so dead, how'd she get the Mani Katti?


First a painting, then a vision, now a flashback.

I'll wager the next one's gonna be graffiti.


Darn it. Now that Lyn's proven to be not dead though still missing, I can't use the "haunting" joke again if she gets another vision.

Anyway, Linoan gets the Prism Pillar and we finally set off properly for Caelin. You're no longer allowed to navigate, Sain.


And speaking of Caelin...


Still the same: Lundgren is still poisoning Hausen and still wants Lyn...oan dead. Better watch out Dolph 'cuz we're coming for ya.

Next time should be a pegasus knight and an archer. Wonder who they'll be...

Edited by Baby Bonnie Hood
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A hack with Linoan as main character?!
How the hell haven't I heared of it yet?

Linoan is reason enough for me to play this one.

Ok, this hack looks like FE7 with a few changed ingame dialogues.

Gameplaywise I can't really see any differences to the original unless the lord is a magic user.

I'll let me surprise how Lin will do her job.

Just a little thing:

Would it mind you to put the images and text commentary in spoiler tags? It'd make it easier to read all the comments and updates in this thread.

Edited by Ayama Wirdo
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See? I wasn't kidding when I said Ray hates this now.

I'm glad I never finished my project back when I was a teenager.

A hack with Linoan as main character?!

How the hell haven't I heared of it yet?

Linoan is reason enough for me to play this one.

Ok, this hack looks like FE7 with a few changed ingame dialogues.

Gameplaywise I can't really see any differences to the original unless the lord is a magic user.

I'll let me surprise how Lin will do her job.

Just a little thing:

Would it mind you to put the images and text commentary in spoiler tags? It'd make it easier to read all the comments and updates in this thread.

This thing is a relic. Back when eventing was with he editing and documentation was an ancient, forgotten art.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Given the giant annotation in your original critical hit compilation, I'm not surprised you're saying that at all.

That critical collection is currently unlisted and will be replaced sometime in the next two months. To be gone forever.

Moving on... IIRC, from a gameplay perspective... I remember her being a magic user is extremely broken.

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While it's true that this hack is all kinds of embarrassing for the author, it's still a fun hack in that it's fun to see what was changed and how they got jammed into the game and also all that dated 2000's humor. Not to mention that the sprite work is good, it's not a buggy mess, and it's 100% complete.

Would it mind you to put the images and text commentary in spoiler tags? It'd make it easier to read all the comments and updates in this thread.


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Chapter 3: Troubled Bandits



Guess that map sprite can't be fixed, so I'll leave it alone.

Anyway like in the original, our heroes arrive at a mountain range on their way to Caelin.


What could be troubling them?


Is it her?


So our pegasus knight is FE9's Marcia. She was merely resting from all the flying she was doing when the bandits chanced upon her. And as all bandits do, they try to take her and her valuable flying horse for themselves. She curses her weapon triangle disadvantage, but we intervene just in time and soon another fight has started.

The forced tutorial leads us to the nearby village where we get our arch


Gah! What is that bug-eyed thing?!


"The leader of the Karona Resistance, Bronquia placed a high bounty on his head. He was rescued by the Royal Army, who assisted him in the retaking of his hideout from Mizer. Since his comrades have all died, he joined the Royal Army to defeat the empire."

I have to confess, I've never played Yggdra Union.



You know how pegasus knights go: they fly over everything and die horribly to arrows. The tutorial tells me that fliers and arrows are a no-no.

I have an exception to that:



My arrows on their fliers is a yes-yes. Bugeyes here will be more useful once enemy fliers start showing up.


And here's the magic rapier's stats.


As per his role as the speedy cavalier, Kent gets faster.


There's no danger here, it's just Linoan mode after all.


Sain thinks he's in FE6 where the green cav was the speedy one.


Linoan patches up an axe wound.


Marcia buys a heavier lance for herself.


And it's boss time. Behold, the power of the Prism Pillar!


It's just Aura.


Did I mention that I like magical girls? Also, the boss drops a Lightning tome for her; how nice of him.

I nearly forgot to mention. The bandit rants here in combat and in the prior cutscene about how bandits get no love due to their unappealing appearances so they have no choice but to loot and pillage and take women to get the love they want. Guess that's what was troubling them.

But he still bites it in the end, and in his dying breath mentions the impending revenge of the Ganelon bandits. Bring 'em on.


As per the plot summary I read here on Serenes, Marcia is looking for her older brother. After an unsuccessful search in Tellius, she hears rumors that he was in Elibe so here she is. Somehow.

Aren't crossovers just grand?


Someone should make a hack where Sain hits on every single FE girl in the entire franchise.

Anyway, he suggests that Marcia join Linoan and co. so she can get help in finding her brother and totally not because Sain wants to eat her crackers.


Bugeyes also wants to come too because...

...actually, I'm not sure why. There isn't yet an explanation for why he's in Elibe and why he wants to come with Linoan. Maybe later.


For now, Bugeyes joins the group. Don't worry, he doesn't give it a name like "Linoan's League" or anything like that.


Nope, we already did the vision thing. That is graffiti.

Sain: "Oh look, it's that mural of our previous visit here with Lyn."

Kent: "The artist did a wonderful job in capturing her beauty."

Linoan: "Um, who is that girl?"

Kent: "It matters not. Come, we must reach Caelin post haste!"

Linoan: "..."

Next time, we hunker down in a fortress.

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Yeah, I remember, the Yggdra Union style mugs weirded me out there at first... then again, that's when I found out about the X Union series.

And then when I saw Yggdra Union itself proper... I was used to it. XD

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Maintaining style fidelity was pretty important to me at the time, although I tend to flipflop with this on occasion here by trying to do certain characters with a distinct style in my own(i.e. Erk's replacement for an example compared to a project I'd do later), Yggdra Union's style I felt I had to try and keep for better or worse, since that game left a pretty big impact on me at the time.

And yes, people should play Yggdra Union, it'd be off the chains yo.

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I started work on it a decade ago, but it was finished early 2009.

Well Ray, it may not have aged well. But the best part about this is that you can look at what you made in the past and see how much you have improved since then. Besides, you were about 16ish(?) when you were working on this? We all do things we regret as teenagers
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Chapter 4: Rest Stop


I kinda miss when taking possession of your opponents was the way to show your superiority over them. Especially when misspelled with a "p".


Anyway, team Linoan makes a stop in an old fortress to rest up.


The abandoned fort seems to have a resident green NPC.


But instead of a sickly Natalie, we meet a perfectly healthy...

...excuse me.


We meet Shion from Xenosaga. Never played it, so I got nothing.


Ooh, Raven's part of their little entourage. Can't wait to get him.


Ah, good ol' Ratface. As per the original, the Ganelon bandits catch up to them.


And they still want the women. Can't a bandit get some love?


That's definitely not a fighter.

And I don't quite remember, but was that troubadour there in the original?


So we have this kid, instructed to sneak into the fort to nab Shion.

Y'know, I'm looking at this kid and the troubadour. And I can't help but think: Did the bandits get any love from them?


And we begin our 7-turn survival.


It's crossover fanfiction, so assuming they all already know each other is a given. They met each other, that's all that matters.


Good advice when your units aren't quite yet powerful enough to solo entire


memes. Er I mean, maps.


...it wasn't funny when The Last Promise also used it.


Alright, moving on. Shion refuses to show me her stats.



At least this kid isn't as restrictive. So we get a thief this early. Wonder who's gonna replace Matthew down the line.

I wonder why female thieves have assassin map sprites. Couldn't they have just reused Cath's map sprite from FE6?


Stupid tutorial making me do unoptimal tactics.


Cut you? Yes, yes she did.



The tutorial gives exact instructions on what to do next since Linoan got hit at melee range instead of from range 2 like in the original. Pick Linoan, try to move into the kid, then just stay where you are and you can talk to her.


Like so.



Linoan talks the kid out of the enemy side by revealing that she's acquainted with the kid's companions.


And she joins us wait a second, her name is actually Kid?

Alright, fine. Guys get named Guy all the time, it's no different with kids.


Tutorial once again gives exact instructions to prevent horrible things from happening.


I think this crit was scripted.

It's curious that Leila has complete combat animations when in FE7 proper, the only thing she ever did in combat was stand still as Jaffar lethalities her.

Anyway, welcome aboard Kid.


You can start by never uttering another meme ever again.


There are a lot more archers than I remember.


Sain hits on even more ladies.


And the bottleneck is soon cleared up.


Sain shows the merc how swordplay is done.


Here come the reinforcements.

Did you know that Ratface talks here instead if somehow the boss is dead by this point? Is it even possible to get there and kill him by then?


Bugeyes slowly turns into Hawkeye.


Linoan heals up a would that she herself actually caused.


While Kent gets faster...


...Sain, low on HP, ducks into some trees and chugs a potion.


People who want to level up their axe rank faster.

Every single item now has a description, by the way. For example, the iron sword is the "...King of Swords...". Whatever that means.


I forgot if the boss moved or not, so Linoan healed up just to be safe.

He doesn't move. Been a long while since I played FE7.


Marcia, meanwhile, is tasked with handling the mercs at the northeast.


Crap, I could've won the lottery instead.


That's the way.


Kent imitates Sain and crits his own merc.


This looks like a bad idea, so I let the bandit attack first on the enemy phase instead. I did a similar thing below with Linoan and the boss.


I knew it. Curse you, axe magnetism!


Still haven't seen her crit animation yet.


Unlike with all other survival levels in this game, killing the boss doesn't end the chapter early nor does it stop the reinforcements from appearing.


That HP is getting dangerously low.


But at least it paid off.



Last enemy on the map. In the name of not losing Marcia, I let him live.


Oh yeah, "Dorcas" and "Natalie" can talk to each other.


Just introductions and Kid reaffirming that she's on our side now. Nothing fancy.

Y'know, "Shion Uzuki" isn't a very fitting name for the setting. Unless she's from Hoshino.


And done. Bye, Ratface.


Don't mind at all. Thieves are always useful.



And unlike Natalie, Shion's also coming with us. Don't expect to see her as an actual unit though, as she has no weapons with her (especially her... Mumbo Wumbo Shumbo).

Next time: Even more bandits!

Edited by Baby Bonnie Hood
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Ah yes, Kid. That's actually how I found out about this hack. It was back in... December 2008 or so. I was a member in a forum dedicated to the Chrono series, and so one person there made a thread about finding a FE hack with Chrono Cross characters, with a link to the SF thread. I got curious... and here I am, almost 8 years later, haha. In fact, after that, I was the one posting updates of further Chrono Cross appearances. Ah, really, this thread brings me back... the nostalgia is real, heh.

Also, I had forgotten this hack did diversified the enemies, at least, when it comes to the male-female ratio. Although now that I think about it, doing that with this particular bandit group... doesn't look like it made sense to. Maybe. Their dialogue is slightly edited, from what I remember.

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Chapter 5: Beyond The Borders


If that's the case, then the planet would be rotating so fast that all life on it would be extinct in no time oh what the hell am I doing this line makes no sense gah!


something something bern border argh that goomba line broke me


Okay, enough with the goombas. Our heroes arrive at the border; it's not long before they finally enter Lycia.


Don't remember Natalie appearing ever again after the previous chapter. Eh, someone else's mug probably got changed just for this.

Also, you just jinxed it Shion.


See? Thanks a lot.

As the bandits prepare to slaughter everyone, with no more regards to the women and their love...


...two new characters show up.

please be serra please be serra please be serra...



So, who are you?


Now you, I know.



Seems Linoan brought a whole lot of people into Elibe, and they all got separated. In addition, these two also lost their powers at some point.


As luck would have it, they chance upon Linoan.


And a bandit in turn chances upon them.


That draws Linoan's attention.


Again, I already don't care; it's crossover fanfiction, that's explanation enough.


Sadly, the whereabouts of Leaf and Raven remain unknown. Nonetheless, the two join our group.


You don't look like a myrmidon.


Certainly don't act like one either.


Psynergy? Er, hold on...


Golden Sun. Never played it.

So without her psynergy powers, she's left with only cleric powers. In short, she's a cleric.


Now on the other hand, I'm familiar with Cardcaptor Sakura Kinomoto over here.


She's missing her cards, but fortunately she learned how to use anima magic during her time in Elibe.







I wonder if their growths are the same as Serra's and Erk's.

Anyway, on with the map.


That's nice, but I need thieves to be fast.

Oh right, I neglected to mention before. Kid here is from Chrono Cross.


Go, Bugeyes!


Instead of 11 exp, heal staffs here give 15 exp. Which is good because she'll need all the exp she can get.

Which is why Linoan's gonna stop healing and leave it all to Mia.


That's not lucky at all.


There's not really much to the map. I buy a javelin each for Sain and Kent and an extra iron bow for Bugeyes, have Mia heal everyone possible, and then burn down the boss with magic.

Still haven't seen Linoan's critical.


I think we have a magic myrmidon here.


Afterwards, Sain explains that Linoan is currently helping the two knights to defeat Lundgren. Needless to say, the two decide to help Linoan as well.


Oh yeah, he did that too.

But not to Sakura. Guess even he has standards.


Now this guy, he probably has no standards.


Seems he has a little connection to Grandbell, and wants to kill Linoan as a sign of goodwill to them. It's all coming together now...

Oh yeah, and Hausen's still drinking poison.

Next time: Another thief?

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Chapter 6: Hateful Marquess


Lycia at last. Linoan and friends stop at Araphen to petition some help from its marquess.


Spoilers: He doesn't help them.


Araphen reminds Linoan of how Tahra used to be before Grandbell came and ruined everything. Some chapters back, she also mentioned that her father was killed by them for hiding Leaf from them. So it's very personal for her.


As a thief sneaks around, Kent returns with news that the marquess is ready to help them.


And then, trouble.


Assassins have set fire that we can't see due to lol random xd graphical limitations, and one of them closes in on Linoan.

What was the point of the fire again? Quintessence? Don't understand!


Before the assassin (merc, actually) could strike, an arrow takes him out.


Oh noes!! Another vision!!

Actually, I prefer to think that this was another painting. Right after the assassin gets arrowed, a passing merchant tries to sell Linoan a painting that depicts two mighty Sacaean warriors. Alas, we only have 200 gold right now and his asking price was far too high so we have to decline.


After dealing with the merchant, Linoan addresses her savior.


Nothing too different here: Tempest, like Rath, works for Marquess Araphen and wants to rout the assassins by getting to the throne room via a secret passageway. As the assassins are after her anyway, Linoan joins in on the fight.


Hey, it's still Matthew! And he's still in that house. I was starting to think that Sain and Kent were the only unchanged characters.



Tempest here is from... *google* ...Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really need to play more games.

Unfortunately like Rath, he's very high leveled so he probably won't be used much. And when he comes back later, he probably won't be used much either because then he'll be too low leveled.

Anyway, the map's not much. Get Matthew, open doors, loot chests, press switches, and done. I'll try to get some more gameplay shots in the future, but right now everything's just too easy to be notable.


I always did prefer Sain over Kent.


And here we have not-Aion's excuse to not help us. He's not racist this time, now he's... colorist?

Apparently, it's because he fell in love with a certain green-haired daughter of Marquess Caelin but she instead chose some red-haired prince. And this caused him to despise all people with rainbow hair.


Mia gets a strange feeling, like she's supposed to be a pink-haired headstrong and bold cleric of Ostia. But it quickly passes.


As he and Mia have nothing at all in common, Matthew finds the leftover talk conversation to be nonsensical.


Kent tries his hand at hitting on ladies.


And some Sain rubs off on him as a result.


This is just sad. But still no critical.


Strength, Lyn! Er, I mean magic, Linoan!


And after Mia heals her way to a level up...


...we open the passageway.


As expected, not-Aion refuses to help.


"I find that orange to be... annoying."


Even though he set your castle on fire?

Quintessence? Don't understand!


And with that, Linoan and friends leave empty-handed save for information that Hausen's time is limited.


Guess he's not friends with Marquesses Pherae and Ostia. Or anyone at all, really.


Tempest finally has had enough of his master's bigotry and leaves him.


Later, 5000 gold come to join Linoan.


They came with a free Tempest.

Next time: The Black Fang.

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Heh, it really shows the old days of the reskins. Though admitedly, I find the hair-color thing amusing in its sillyness.

Also, regarding the whole fire thing. The building on the map is actually not part of the castle, but of a barracks. Hence no fire is shown. Though I guess for the sake of humor that detail was ignored. Heh.

Ah, Lunar, another new thing for me back in the day. I think that was probably one of the things that got me interested in the hack. It had as much things I knew about at the time (Chrono Cross, Golden Sun, CCS, etc.), to things new (Yggdra Union, Lunar, Xenosaga, etc.)

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