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Ensemble Mafia - N5


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Scum fake claiming means they are confident there might not be investigatives or just fishing for a 1v1. Also Spinal just never posted. He has the most chance of being third scum. Plus SB played and did make sense at times. His push on you was wrong though.

See ya.

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I believe hammer is 5 rn since we're on 8 man? is there any real reason to delay hammer? My thinking is that we should hammer so that gorf and I can catch up over the night phase and hopefully revitalize town with scumhunting and actual lynching.

I don't like this.

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Ok, so, roles:

I will say in advance that my reads might be terrible. Also, multiple comments because I will be quoting everyone's role claim.

So, I'm going to start with YOLO. Rather, his lack of a claim. Immediately suspicious, because he did see that we wanted him to role claim first (or as one of the first) So, either he forgot or he has a role that makes him obviously Mafia, or he cannot come up with a convincing role!claim. I will say likely Mafia, and that we should lynch him. However, Yedi needs to go first for making us all lynch Ryker (and for being a massive liar)

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And next, we have Rainbow.

Welp, I gotta go buy groceries so I might as well claim now.My ClaimCharacter: Kasumi, Ensemble WhiteRole: AmnesiacAbility: Once during the game at night, I can pick a dead player and permanently obtain their abilities.Actions:- N1: Idled (Green Poet's role didn't seem useful enough)- N2: Idled (no new corpses after Green Poet)- N3: Inherited Kirsche's role, so I became a Doctor permanently- N4: Protected Irony because she's so adorable and I wanted to protect herMy role is also part of why I believed Yedi over Ryker in D3; with the Amnesiac possibly adding one to the count of roles in a particular existing category, it made more sense to have (1 investigative + 1 protective) than (0 investigative + 2 protective). Evidently it was, indeed, possible to have a third protective role, which is what I am now, though Town just might have an investigative role after all in Spinal/Bear.I'm also fairly sure that my role is the reason for No-Deaths on N4. With how Irony's role works, and the fact that we have to lynch Mafia every day from now on to stand a chance at winning, it should be apparent that Irony would be a great threat to the Mafia. She'd start getting roleblock abilities, which could potentially block a kill AND expose the killer if she picks the right target. But I couldn't let them shoot the adorable Irony on my watch and so, here we are with no deaths in N4.As for my thoughts on the recent claims here, Bear's one seems pretty believable, since Town doesn't seem to have an investigative role otherwise, and the advance notification of being roleblocked seems consistent with Irony's and Ryker's reports of being roleblocked N3 and N4 respectively, which suggests that there is a Delayed Roleblocker of sorts in the Mafia. This doesn't clear him though, since I could see the Mafia deliberately not roleblocking anyone to grant a believable claim for Spinal/Bear, and it's quite troubling that his roleclaim implies that his ability is useless for the rest of the game (next use is at N7, and the game should end by the end of D7), so idk.SB/Trump's claim, on the other hand, is pretty dangerous. Thankfully, it's easily provable, but would the proof really be indicative of alignment? It would be insane if the Mafia had the ability to trigger a hammer at less than the required threshold, which could really break the endgame. But by process of elimination, I do think SB/Trump is most likely to be the third scum alongside Yedi and YOLO. But yeah, I'm really not sure about SB/Trump, but I definitely want to see him prove his role by lynching Yedi today (not NOW, but later today).

First off, I wish I had recorded my reaction to being saved by Rainbow. I might have had the largest grin on my face, and I might have muttered the words "thank you" quite a few times. This is why I am so glad that I'm Ensemble. I would have felt awful if I had been Mafia and seen this post.

Anyways, I should say that I guess Rainbow is most likely Town. And no, it's not just because Rainbow chose to save me. The reason why is that, if Rainbow had been Mafia, I think that Green Poet's role (the mudracker) might have been more useful? Also, Rainbow's logic makes sense IMO, especially the delayed Rolebreaker in the Mafia (if I had to guess, it would either be YOLO or Yedi, but I think it's more likely to be YOLO, as there has to be a reason why YOLO is not claiming). Also provides a reason why she believed Yedi over Ryker which makes sense.

I will not comment on the SB/Trump vs Spinal/Bear issue right at this moment, however, as I'll save that for their actual claims.

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Next, we have Elieson.

At this point we may as well just figure out what we want to do about YOLO. I personally think he should be AXE'D, but if people don't agree, that's their perogative.

Subbing in for Refa, I'm:

Ensemble Green, Jonie. I'm a mechanic who really knows my stuff, but that part doesn't matter. What does matter is that I'm a combination Courier & PR Giver. SUPPOSEDLY you can be Modkilled for violating your given PR, but well yea ask Ryker about that postgame.

N1: Elemina can attest to my role being what it is because Refa targetted him on N1, with a message "Stop spamming the thread" and the obvious PR that you all saw him posting. He never said it had to be blue but I assume that's Elemina's lemon twist on the PR.

N2: I hit up Ryker with a PR to not be such a jerk and to post a compliment about a random user in each post he made, but he decided that he was above following the rules and decided not to follow it in thread (refer back to his post about Kindness).

After that, I really lost interest in using my role since I didn't realize that my PR was kinda optional, and I have no real need to send 1 message per night to any given player as there's like nothing that I should say in private that I could just say in public.

I'm not exactly sure what the Courier is, but the Post Restrictor stuff sounds really useful, as it could silence any potential Mafia members from making their cases to lynch Ensemble members? Plus it can be backed up with evidence (Emelina and Ryker on D2 and D3 respectively.) I don't have any particular leanings towards Mafia/Ensemble, but... Because I already have three Mafia reads (two of them should be obvious by this point) and Elieson isn't one of them, it's more likely that Elieson is Ensemble?

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Elie talk to me.

Elieson: A lazy fuck

Spinal: All early-game long, this guy was super involved and active and didn't act like he was trying to hide anything. I didn't feel any scum intent from anything he posted, despite Ryker feeling like he did. Got us out of RVS. Townread.

Da SBear: SB didn't do much other than coast and Bear's putting in a lot of effort to catch up with hindsight. Also the only claimed investigative role, that fits within the quirky setup of the game, that hasn't flipped, and I'm 99% sure that this game needs some kind of investigation in order to be qualified as balanced

Irony: Noobtown. Semantics and terminology scream noob but the consistent effort and lack of clarity imply that he's not being guided, which suggests not a member of a team.

Elemina: Numbers claim is easy as heck to make early game and a bit aggressive for my tastes, but super active, super involved, and super confrontational in a good way. Reminds me of me when I play on other sites and I push people around to get info and act as a leader of sorts.

Rainbow: Mixed feelings upon a quick re-skim, but all because of a gut feeling of mistrust. After being wrong about Blitz, I feel like something is off, but I can't pin my finger on it. I think it's the general feel of objectiveness that he's dropping (in places like here and here) that just feel too "playing by the book". Feels forced IMO, but I mean, it's Proto and it's what he does...tbh I'm not used to him living that long and seeing his lategame performance so -shrug

YOLO: Not a mafia noob or anything but I've seen him throw out mild accusations with little-to-no backing and I haven't really liked any of it all game long. My read on him hasn't changed since I jumped into the game because he hasn't really done anything to help move the game forward since then.

yedi: Do I even need to?

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Next, we have Elieson.

I'm not exactly sure what the Courier is, but the Post Restrictor stuff sounds really useful, as it could silence any potential Mafia members from making their cases to lynch Ensemble members? Plus it can be backed up with evidence (Emelina and Ryker on D2 and D3 respectively.) I don't have any particular leanings towards Mafia/Ensemble, but... Because I already have three Mafia reads (two of them should be obvious by this point) and Elieson isn't one of them, it's more likely that Elieson is Ensemble?

Courier is basically a mailman. I can send one message to another player during the night (one-way communication), that they'll receive with their Night results for the following day. It's not that powerful unless combined with an investigative role or something, but it does allow for a bit of communication outside of the game.

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I agree. We should not wait to discuss.

I think Spinal was only active because I pushed him to be active, he tunneled Ryker and then never did anything else. I can see Scum reacting and doing nothing to seem town in the beginning but coasting when others give him a pass. Plus I still don't belive the watcher claim.

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Because I already have three Mafia reads (two of them should be obvious by this point) and Elieson isn't one of them, it's more likely that Elieson is Ensemble?

This doesn't make sense. You can't know if your mafia reads are correct for you bot to change them. For example, you were wrong on Ryker. How does that affect your opinions on my play and others play? Also who are your three scum reads now?

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And now, for Da Bear and Donald Trump:

I'm a watcher who only works every other night, N1 no one else visited Rainbow and N3 spinal was lazy af and on N4 my role was restricted for N5.

ehh i wont even bother going down that route, my roles boring af anyway.

the way that my role pm is worded is kinda weird but if i have it right, im like a double voter but only when i vote at l-2. so if i vote at l-3, ill only have one vote. but if i vote at l-2, thats the hammer.

First off, I'm going to agree with Rainbow. In my opinion, I think it's more likely that Trump is Mafia rather than Da Bear. (But then I could be wrong. I did say that my reads might be terrible at the beginning of this thread)

So, one reason why I say this (THIS IS NOT THE MAIN REASON, NOR IS IT IMPORTANT) I know I read both SB and Spinal before they subbed out, and I know I read Spinal as Town-leaning and SB as Mafia-leaning. But then, I know that Da Bear and Trump are not Spinal and SB, but anyways.

I have two other reasons:

The first one- Trump's role is more useful to the Mafia than Da Bear's. But both roles are useful to the Mafia. Mafia!Da Bear can watch people, and see if anyone visited Mafia targets. If the targets survived, then they'd know who the Doctor was (maybe that explains why Kirsche died on Night 3....) The reason I think Trump's role is more useful to the Mafia is threefold:

1) Da Bear can only use their role on alternative nights. This limits the amount of information the Mafia could get about the Town, and even if Da Bear could use their role, then that doesn't guarantee that the Doctor/Omniguard/Roleblocker/Flying Pixie/ Whatever would visit a Mafia Target. Trump's role on the other hand, can be used daily to get rid of people they view as a threat.

2) The Town wouldn't have an investigative role, and thus would be at a huge disadvantage.

3) I cannot remember the third reason at the moment? If I do remember it later, I will mention it.

The other reason why I think Da Bear is more likely town, is because of this:

what if i outright refuse to fullclaim?

First off, the WHOLE TOWN (bar YOLO, who seems to have fallen off the face of the earth.) had decided to role claim. There was literally no benefit to you hiding your role. Why would you outright refuse to role claim? Yes, I know you did role claim later, but why did you need to comment that first? No matter what your alligence is, that should make you look automatically suspicious, especially because you just subbed into the game.

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Ah, fair enough then. I see your point. I understand people expecting there to be at least one investigative, but I don't think watcher is it. Also, doctor and watcher can target each other but watcher can't do anything now to prove it.

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This doesn't make sense. You can't know if your mafia reads are correct for you bot to change them. For example, you were wrong on Ryker. How does that affect your opinions on my play and others play? Also who are your three scum reads now?

I know I was wrong on Ryker, and it did cause my reads to change drastically. I was getting to that, but I had a lot to write, and a lot to say, and I apologise for not saying that sooner. For example, I now think that you're ensemble, as there are other people who are acting more Mafia-like to me. And I apologise for calling you Mafia multiple times.

My reads now are [YOLO/Yedi/SB-Trump]

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